Presenting a classic all time famous amulet of immense repuite for Maha Lap and Kong Grapan Chadtri Klaew Klaad powers, and a Pra Niyom Master-Class Category amulet of the Highest Status and Esteem. Pra Pid Ta Pim Pung Bpong potbellied Nirodha Buddha amulet of the Legendary Luang Phu Sukh, of Wat Pak Klong Makham Tao, in Nuea Pong Kluk Rak.
The Pra Pid Ta Pim Pung Bpong was made by hand pressing by Luang Phu Sukh in the years 2460 BE to 2463 BE, to be handed out in the Funeral Ceremony of Luang Phu Sukh’s Mother. The artisan’s design shows itself to be the work of a local artisan, for its basic appearance. The Buddha has a pot belly and two hands raised to cover the face. The amulet is made from Nuea Pong Kluk Rak Muan Sarn Sacred Powders mixed with herbal lacquer. This edition has identical Muan Sarn clay to the ‘Jaek Mae Krua’ edition. The examination of the Pra Pid Ta Pung Bpong is not performed by looking at the Pim Song (design) because the hand made nature means that each amulet is slightly different in appearance, so the standard method of confirming its origins, is to look at the Muan Sarn Clay, and to know its appearance and textures

Pra Pid Ta Pum Bpong Luang Phu Sukh Wat Pak Klong Makham Tao
The rear face is curved from the curvature of the thumb or finger that pressed it, and this is a noticeable feature of all Pra Pid Ta Pim Pung Bpong amulets.

Rear face of Pra Pid Ta Pum Bpong Luang Phu Sukh
The amulets of this, perhaps the greatest of all Master Monks with Wicha Akom, are amongst the most sought after and valued in the world of Thai Buddhist Amulets. Be it his Rian Roop Muean, Somdej Rasamee and Somdej Prapa Mondon, or his Pra Pid Ta, Prok Bai Makham, Takrut, Prakam Rosaries, and other Talismanic Charms, the spiritual value and magical power is equally regarded as being of the most powerful and truly magical amulets one could afford.
Luang Phu Sukh is one of the greatest Magic Monks of all Thai History, for which reason this is an amulet more to keep and Bucha than anything else, although it is also a good investment as the price will become ever more expensive. This is already an extremely rare and hard to find amulet. A most sacred and desirable addition to anyones collection indeed. Few amulets at this price can compare considering the sacredness, the maker and the beauty and age of this amazing amulet.
Luang Phu Sukh, who was so famous for his Magical Powers and Miraculous Feats, which included having been seen to blow into Tamarind tree leaves and transform them into Bees, or turn Banana Flowers into live Rabbits, fly through the sky, and breathe underwater. Luang Phu Sukh was the Kroo Ba Ajarn of his Lordly Highness, Admiral Grom Luang Chumporn, who was an apprentice to Luang Phu Sukh in Sorcery, and one of his greatest Devotees.
Luang Phu Sukh had many Wicha such as the Wicha Suea Saming, able to transform into a Tiger, and the Wicha Look Pern Sakot, which was to perform incantations into a bullet of a single shot firing gun, and the bullet would always find its mark on target, without fail. One could say that Luang Phu Suk is one of the greatest masters of the History of Thai Guru Monks, and is one of the top Ten Legendary Monks of all time.
There are so any legends told about his miraculous powers and feats. His Mastery of Traditional healing and herbal Medicine has led his written works on the subject to become the greatest Thai Occult herbalism Recipe Grimoire in all existence. He was the Kroo Ba Ajarn of a great number of the most powerful Master Monks of the last Century, and his powerful Magic remains second to no other Guru Monk in Thai History.
It is said that Luang Phu Sukh became the Kroo Ba Ajarn of Grom Luang Chumporn, a Royal Courtier, an Admiral, and a Great Sorceror of his time. This happened as Grom Luang Chumporn’s navy boat had broken and he was forced to park the bloat close to Wat Pak Klong Makham Tao. Grom Luang went to make reverence to Luang Phu Sukh, by pretending that he was just a simple commoner, and not a member of the Lordly Family, but Luang Phu Sukh addressed him by his name, surprising Grom Luang Chumporn.

Pra Pid Ta Pum Bpong amulet made by Luang Phu Sukh Wat Pak Klong Makham Tao released in 2463 BE
Grom Luang went to make reverence to Luang Phu Sukh, by pretending that he was just a simple commoner, and not a member of the Lordly Family, but Luang Phu Sukh addressed him by his name, surprising Grom Luang Chumporn. Grom Luang Chumporn asked Luang Phu Sukh how he knew who he was?
Below; Grom Luang Chumporn
Luang Phu Sukh told him that he saw his Aura approaching, and that it was brighter than that of the normal commoners, and that it told him already who he was. Grom Luang Chumporn asked to learn Wicha with Luang Phu Sukh, and was bestowed with many Magical Wicha, such as the ability to remain under the water for hours and breathe as if he was on land.
Kata Luang Phu Sukh
Sadthā Tēwa Manussānang Puttō Pakawādti Ma-A-U
Kata Maha Sanaeh Luang Phu Sukh
Agkhōhamassami Lōkassa
Idti Bpāramidtādtingsā
Idtisappanyū Mākadtā
Idti Pōti Manubpadtō
Idtibpisō Jadtē Namō
Arahang Lāpō Puttō
Lāpang Nachā Lidti
Na Ma Pa Ta
Sappē Chanã Pahū Chanā
Rāchā Bpurisō Idthīyō Māpang
Ēhi Jidt-Dtang Bpiyang Ma-Ma
Ēhi Mārē Sōmāmā
Ākajchāya Ākajchāhi