Ancient Amulet Store – Purveyors of preferred Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets for the True Devotee and Distinguished Collector
Discover theĀ immensely deep and fascinating world of Vintage Thai Buddhist Amulets. Ancient Amulet is a long term established and internationally recognized Vintage Amulet Shop, and A Trusted Source for Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets for Devotees and Discerning Collectors, and is one of the many sub projects of informational sources created by Thai Amulet, Buddhism and Thai Occult Expert, Ajarn Spencer Littlewood . as part of his ‘Buddha Magic Project‘
Ancient Amulet provides authentic Antique and Rare Thai Amulets of the Pre and Early Post-Modern Era, of high esteem and Sacred Value, to revere, study and collect. Our Ancient Thai Buddhist Amulets are selected from the finest exhibits we can discover, and given diligent study and authentication processes. Our collection showcases time-honored amulets crafted by ancient masters, boasting captivating qualities and representing the esteemed Pra Niyom class. We offer authentic, highly valued ancient Thai Buddhist amulets from the pre and early post-modern eras, carefully selected from the finest exhibits and thoroughly examined. We invite you to study, revere, and collect these classic amulets from ancient masters, and to learn about their magical aspects and the art of amulet evaluation
Pra Putta Jao Pratap Sadtw Pim Song Men Bua Sorng Chan Buddha Riding Porcupine 2527 BE Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam
A very pristine condition competition class early edition preferred clay Buddha amulet, Pim Song Men Bua Sorng Chan Bpaed Met, featuring a Buddha Riding on a Porcupine, The Porcupine riding Buddha version was one of six different animals used, all of which had various models and styles, and is imbued with strong Kong Grapan Chadtri magic for protection and invincibility. A classic Wat bang Nom Kho amulet from LP Ruesi Ling Dam, Inheritor of the Wicha Luang Por Parn.
This Model is the Pim Song Men Bua Sorng Chan Bpaed Met (Buddha riding Porcupine on a 2 tiered lotus dais with eight petals), Ud Pong Wised (Sacred Yantra Powder filled). A Highly Sacred Clay Pra Kru Amulet of Preferred Class (Niyom), of the Great Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam, of Wat Ta Sung, in Utai Thani.
LP Ruesi Ling Dam, was the first and foremost comrade, and accomplice in Sorcery to the Great Luang Por Parn of Wat Bang Nom Kho, and a Master Gaeji Ajarn in his own Right and Standing, whose amulets have now become very rare, and have taken on an increasingly higher status, and begin to approach those of his Mentor, Luang Por Parn. Luang Por Ruesi received the Wicha of LP Parn in its entirety and inherited the Adept Level in the year 2480-2481 BE, after a final year of intensive practice.
Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam got his name from the fact that Luang Por Parn would call his three closest companions in the Sangha as 'Ling Khaw' (whit monkey), 'Ling Lek' (small monkey), and in turn, gave the name 'Ling Dam' (black monkey) to Luang Por Ruesi.
The word 'Ruesi' was placed in front of 'Ling Dam', because Luang Por was a Ruesi Hermit Practitioner before he ordained as a Buddhist Monk (Bhikkhu), hence he gained the nickname of Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam.
Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam's amulets are seen as a total surety for a definite result, due to the true and pure practice and dedication of this Olden Days Buddhist Guru Master, whose teachings have led so many lay devotees and ordained Monks to a higher understanding of the Dhamma. His Abhinya Powers are irrefuted by Thai Buddhist People, and is amulets are seen as highly Sacred, and believed to possess Miraculous Powers.
When we speak of the amulets of Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam, the first and foremost amulet that would come to mind would usually be the Pra Kam Khaw, and the Pra Hang Hmaak Amulet. This is the Sacred Powder Amulet that can be found to be worn or kept in the house of almost every Devotee of Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam.
In addition however, Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam produced a very large number of other amulets, many of which also enjoy Internationally Acclaimed Fame and Status for their Sacred Power, such as the Look Gaew Sarapat Neuk, and the famous 'Pra Putta Jao Pratap Sadtw' , Buddha Riding on Animals amulets, which are of course the Wicha inherited from his Kroo Ba Ajarn, Luang Por Parn (Wat Bang Nom Ko). His Pra Rod amulets and Monk Coins are rarities which are highly revered with the true devotee of Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam.
The Pra Putta Jao Pratap Sadtw series was created using exactly the same formula as the original Wicha from LP Parn, who in turn received it from a mysterious Chee Ba Khaw. The complete Wicha was composed of six different Pim (at least those which are accepted as Pra Niyom preferred category amulets). They are found in various colored clays ranging from beige, brown, yellowish-white, reddish brown and terracotta red, as well as dark gray/blackish color. Each Pim had various versions pressed from differing block presses (Block Mae Pim).
Rules for Bucha;
Firstly, before we undertake any of our duties or tasks each day, we must think of the Buddha and his Achievement, and to have deep respect in one's heart for the Buddha. If one does this in the moment before Praying to the amulet, and focus to pray maintaining this Respect and Wonder at the Buddha's Self Enlightenment as you pray. If you do this properly, then the amulet will emit powerful aura, full of Mercy Charm, and Bestow you with Blessings.
If we are able to focus on and believe strongly in the Buddha's Enlightenment and Call Upon His Merits to assist, then this is considered to be Buddhanusssati Kammathana - a Kind of Meditative state likened to, or equal to that known as 'Jhana' (absorption). This is the state of mind that is necessary to activate and call up Miracle Powers, and is tantamount to Pure Faith, which is also a kind of Focused One Pointed Concentration, Absorption, or 'Jhana'.
One should also of course think of Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam when Praying. It is this element of the Practice of Faith reverence in Guru Worship, that gives Classic Amulets from great masters the edge over many standard issue amulet. For it is the Faith that the Master instills in the heart of the devotee (the wearer of the amulet), that increases the Power of Absorption.
It is deducibly much easier to feel Faith and Confidence from an Amulet that was made by a Guru Master that we all know of and is Legendary, and whom we believe in his teachings. If we do this every day before undertaking our chores and duties, we will have Great Success and Achievements coming our way.
Below; Inside the Uposatha Shrineroom at Wat Ta Sung
The different animal steeds found in the vavious models of the Pra Pim Pra Putta Jao Pratap Sadtw amulets Wicha LP Parn - LP Ruesi Ling Dam, have specific powers; 1. 'Paya Krut' (Garuda), possesses Protection, Commanding Power, and Promotion - good for Civil Servants and those is positions of office
2. Hanuman (Vanora Monkey God), possesses Maha Amnaj Commanding Power, Klaew Klaad and Kong Grapan Protection. It is good for military and police officers, or those in positions of guard, or those in need of more influence.
3. Maen (Porcupine), possesses the power to protect against poisonous animals, and deadly attacks from wild animals, and to survive deadly disasters and accidents. Good for those who travel often or have to go into the forest, the wilderness, or travel in on the road and in the air in vehicles a lot. 4. Gai (Rooster), possesses Sanaeh Metta seductive mercy charm, to enchant and win friends, customers and turn enemies into friends - this Pim is good for business and commerce.
5. Nok (Bird), possesses the power to protect by forewarning with a bird's eye view (hunches and telltale signs), and to reap strong harvests in farming, and to protect on long journeys, especially if travelling to other lands. 6. Pla (Fish), this model brings business success and growth, with increased profits, and protects on maritime journeys in boats. Recommended as a protection and Business improver for Merchant Navy officers. In Olden Days, Floating Market traders in Thailand highly preferred this amulet.
Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam released this series of amulets in many different years, beginning around the year 2496 BE with the first edition, again in 2518 BE, 2525 BE and 2527, with further editions being released every once in a while up to the very last edition being released in the year he passed away, in 2536 BE. The earlier editions are of course much much rarer, and carry a more elevated price and level of preference (Niyom Sud).
When you think of the Buddha with Rapture in your Heart, as a Buddhist, then you should always remember the amulet hanging around your neck, and remember that it represents the Buddha himself. One should place the amulet between the palms of the hand, and raise between the eyebrows to the forehead, and Chant the Maha Namasakara 3 Times.
After which, one should say "Today, i ask for ..... (whatever it is you wish for).. Blessings". The Buddhas of the Ages will descend and Guard over You who pray correctly to this amulet. Use the Kata Ngern Larn (Millionare Kata for Riches), as given by Luang Por Parn, and Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam, to empower the amulet with Maha Lap Magic and call great wealthy Fortunes to you.
Chant Maha Namasakara 3 Times First;
Namo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa, Namo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa, Namo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa
Then Chant Kata Ngern Larn;
Sambpadtijchaami Naa Sang Si Mo Prahmmaa Ja Mahaa Taewaa Sappae Yagkhaa Bparaayandti
Then the Kata to remove Obstacles
Prahmmaa Ja Mahaa Taewaa Apilaapaa Pawandtumae
Then the Kata for Wealthy Fortunes of Money
Mahaa Bpanyo Mahaa Laapo Pawandtumae
Kata for Luck without Interruptions
Midtae Paahu Hadti
Kata Pra Bpajjaega Putta Jao for Monetary Millions
Putta Ma - A - U Namo Puttaa Ya Wiratayo Wirakonaayang Wirahingsaa Wirataasii Wirataasaa Wira Idthiiyo Puttassa Maanii Maama Puttassa Swaahome
Kata to speed up Lucky Fortunes
Sambpadtijchaami Peng Peng Paa Paa Haa Haa Leu Leur
Chant the whole Kata Nine Times
Putta Ma A U Na Mo Put Taa Ya Wirataayo Wirakonaayang Wirahingsaa Wirataasii Wirataasaa Wira Idthiiyo Puttassa Maani Maama (Puttassa) Swaahome
Kata Maha Ud