Ancient Amulet Store – Purveyors of preferred Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets for the True Devotee and Distinguished Collector
Discover the immensely deep and fascinating world of Vintage Thai Buddhist Amulets. Ancient Amulet is a long term established and internationally recognized Vintage Amulet Shop, and A Trusted Source for Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets for Devotees and Discerning Collectors, and is one of the many sub projects of informational sources created by Thai Amulet, Buddhism and Thai Occult Expert, Ajarn Spencer Littlewood . as part of his ‘Buddha Magic Project‘
Ancient Amulet provides authentic Antique and Rare Thai Amulets of the Pre and Early Post-Modern Era, of high esteem and Sacred Value, to revere, study and collect. Our Ancient Thai Buddhist Amulets are selected from the finest exhibits we can discover, and given diligent study and authentication processes. Our collection showcases time-honored amulets crafted by ancient masters, boasting captivating qualities and representing the esteemed Pra Niyom class. We offer authentic, highly valued ancient Thai Buddhist amulets from the pre and early post-modern eras, carefully selected from the finest exhibits and thoroughly examined. We invite you to study, revere, and collect these classic amulets from ancient masters, and to learn about their magical aspects and the art of amulet evaluation
Pra Kring Tamma Muni Run Raek 1st edition 2539 BE Gold Pouring Ceremony Luang Por Pae Wat Pikul Tong
Pra Kring Tamma Muni Nuea Tong Tip Run raek 2539 BE first edition Medicine Buddha Loi Ongk Statuette with Chanuan Bead rattle, resounding with the Medicine Buddha Mantra, from the Late Great Luang Por Pae, of Wat Pikul Tong, in Singhburi.
This edition of Pra Kring Tamma Muni was the first, and indeed only edition of this series ever released, in the year 2539 BE, in Buddha Abhiseka blessing ceremony for the Piti te Tong gold smelting ceremony for the Casting of the images. The edition celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the reign of His Majesty King Bhumipol Adulyadej (Rama 9).
59 great Monks of Purity were called upon to attend to empower and chant the Dhamma Chakra (turning of the wheel of Dhamma and the Opening of the Eyes of the Buddha). Luang Por Pae of Wat Pikul Tong carried the elevated status name of 'Pra Kroo Tamma Muni' which is the name of this edition, named after Luang Por Pae himself. The amulets were made hence for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of His Majesty, and in reverence to the Great Luang Por Pae, and were blessed by the Great Deceased Master, and a host of Great Monks.
The Pra Kring, should bring 12 kinds of blessings to the devotee who wears it, bestowed through the rattling Kring bead within the Pra Kring Medicine Buddha
The beliefs about the Powers of the Pra Kring Wat Bovornives, are that the Pra Kring is the image of Pra Pai Sachaya Kuru (พระไภษัชยคุรุ Bhaisajyaguru, 藥師佛 Yàoshīfó, in Chinese, or in Japanese 'Yakushi').
Pra Pai Sachaya Kuru (or, 'Guru) is of course, the Medicine Buddha.
The image is normally in the posture of sitting and holding an almsbowl or a Guava, Gourd or a Vajra. This was a Fully enlightened Buddha, who practised Purity of body and mind, and who was a great teacher of Human Beings, who has the Miracle that he who hears his name in passing, or see his image, will be healed, and live a long healthy and prosperous life with wealthy standing.
The Pra Kring Buddha, or 'Bhaisajyaguru' is one of Seven Bhaisajayagurus and is said to have two Bodhisattvas under him 'Pra Suriya Bprapaa Potisat' (Suriya Bhrapa Bodhksattva), and the Pra Jantra Bprapaa Potisat (Chandra Bhrapa Bodhisattva). This is the root of the Pra Kring Amulet's legend till now, which was thought up and created in Thailand. It is only made here in Thailand. Of all the other Buddhist countries who revere it, only Thailand is responsible for its making. The Pra Kring in most cases (except in the odd example where Muan Sarn powders prevent the sound), has a rattling bead inside it. The reason for this rattle sound, made by a sacred bead of Chanuan Muan Sarn or other Relic, is that it is the Name of the medicine Buddha resounding as you pass along your way, Healing and Blessing You with Safety, Health, Prosperity, Metta for Auspicous Friendly Loving Kindness. Below;
12 Special Vows of Blessings of the Pra Kring
1. A healthy body, clear complexion and inner radiance 2. Evade Inauspicious Situations 3. Pokasap Treasures and Wealthy Prosperity, escape Poverty 4. Increases Sama Dhitti (Right View / Enlightened View) 5. Increase Morality 6. Evade Irrepairable Physical Injuries, Loss of Limbs 7. Heal Illnesses and and Increase Love and Amnisty in the Family Household 8. Your spouse (husband or wife or lover) if boring you, will change and become interesting and attractive to you again, and vice versa 9. Protection from Demons and Black Magick, and People with Ill Will 10. Escape Incrimination in Civil Legal Cases and Criminal Prosecutions, and evade Incarceration 11. Never go Hungry or Thirty, or do without luxuries, and always be with plentiful provisions 12. Bestowal of Material Treasures (Maha Pokasap), and a Cornucopia of Luxuries. The Pra Kring is believed to have very powerful healing magic, to rid the devotee of illnesses and afflictions.
Below; The Pra Kring comes still inside the original temple box and is in excellent condition
LP Pae was both a very learned scholar of Dhamma, as well as an experienced practitioner of Kammathana Vipassana in the Thai Forest Tradition style, and is one of the last Centuries greatest Masters. Luang Por Pae Wat Pikul Tong Amulets are Classic masterpieces with a valid and internationally recognized History. Most of Wat Pikul Tongs Fame though has come because of the great Merits of Luang Por Pae. Luang Por Pae, or, better known as Somdej Sangkarach Pae, is one of the last half century's most reverent and long-standing respected monks of the royal procession of stateesteemed monks, Who has excelled in both his behavioural practice as well as his academic studies and adepts applied practice of Vipassana Kammathana in the Thai Tudong Forest tradition.
A Highly recommended amulet for its Sacred Blessings from one of the great Masters of the last Century, as well as a very wise future speculative investment, and a rare chance to snap up one of the last examples remaining, before they finall disappear from public circulation. The amulets of this great master, have been seen to dwindle very fast over the last few years from the public amulet markets, which is due to the fact that not only Thai people have been revering and holding his Amulets over the last decade or so up, rather that all around Southeast Asia. As the amulets have become ever rarer, demand has risen accordingly. They are now not only now high end classics, but also extreme rarities, and the next few years can expect to see these Amulets becoming immensely more difficult to seek out.
Tibetans ascribe great efficacy to the Medicine Buddha Mantra. Chanting this mantra promotes healing. Enhance medicines by chanting the mantra prior to taking them. The stronger your faith and the more mantras you recite, the greater will be the power of the medicine you take. When someone is dying, chant the mantra to help the person cross over peacefully to the next sphere of existence. The best way to cure disease is through your own mind - in other words, through meditation.
Not only is meditation the most effective method for healing, but also there are no negative side effects. Meditation promotes peace and calm, and boosts the immune system. You transmit to others the happiness you experience, and thus you benefit them as well. Keep your mind steady, and you can achieve great benefits for yourself and for others without deceiving yourself.
Tayata Om Bekandze Bekandze Maha Bekandze Radza Samudgate Soha
The mantra means: May the many sentient beings who are sick, quickly be freed from sickness. And may all the sicknesses of beings Never arise again.
According to Mahayana tradition there are infinite Buddhas, bodhisattvas, and deities. They represent various aspects of the absolute Buddha-nature, such as compassion, wisdom, power, and emptiness. The Medicine Buddha embodies the healing aspect. The Medicine Buddha is the highest possible model of a healer.
Among the 12 vows the Medicine Buddha is said to have taken is that of curing just by the invocation of his name or the thought of Him. He was worshipped as the dispenser of spiritual medicine that could cure spiritual, psychological, and physical disease. But this Buddha is not worshipped simply for healing powers alone; he is the form of the Buddha-nature that we aspire to realise in ourselves. Through the practice of meditation on the Medicine Buddha, one can generate enormous healing power for self and for the healing of others.