Ancient Amulet Store – Purveyors of preferred Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets for the True Devotee and Distinguished Collector
Discover theĀ immensely deep and fascinating world of Vintage Thai Buddhist Amulets. Ancient Amulet is a long term established and internationally recognized Vintage Amulet Shop, and A Trusted Source for Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets for Devotees and Discerning Collectors, and is one of the many sub projects of informational sources created by Thai Amulet, Buddhism and Thai Occult Expert, Ajarn Spencer Littlewood . as part of his ‘Buddha Magic Project‘
Ancient Amulet provides authentic Antique and Rare Thai Amulets of the Pre and Early Post-Modern Era, of high esteem and Sacred Value, to revere, study and collect. Our Ancient Thai Buddhist Amulets are selected from the finest exhibits we can discover, and given diligent study and authentication processes. Our collection showcases time-honored amulets crafted by ancient masters, boasting captivating qualities and representing the esteemed Pra Niyom class. We offer authentic, highly valued ancient Thai Buddhist amulets from the pre and early post-modern eras, carefully selected from the finest exhibits and thoroughly examined. We invite you to study, revere, and collect these classic amulets from ancient masters, and to learn about their magical aspects and the art of amulet evaluation
Paya Tao Ruean Gae Nuea Hin Sabu Luead Hand Inscribed Sacred Stone Turtle Luang Por Sanit Wat Lam Bua Loi
Paya Tao Ruean Nuea Hin Sabu Luead Jarn Mer Pim Lek, in the preferred (Niyom) Carved Bloodstone, the Sacred Turtle of Wealth and Protection, from the Great Luang Por Sanit, of Wat Lam Bua Loi (2468 - 2542 BE). Luang Por Sanit was a Master of the Wicha Tao Ruean Turtle, Wicha Ga Crow, Palad Khik, and Sariga Celestial Magpie, and Wicha Jorakhae Crocodile Amulet. His amulets are inimitable for the use of carved stone as one of his preferred types of Sacred Substance
Free Registered Air Parcel Shipping is Included with this amulet. We also offer free replacement of Waterproof Casing as the original casiing is somewhat worn. The Paya Tao Ruean of Luang Por Sanit is highly favored and universally famed for its Maha lap Choke Lap and Metta Maha Niyom Powers as well as Kong Grapan Chadtri, for the many tales of devotees who experienced miraculous effects from this amulet, making the amulets of Luang Por Sanit extremely sought after and rare.
The Devotees of the Paya Tao Ruean of Luang Por Sanit say that the amulet brings increased sales and attracts more customers, and brings increased chances of Lottery wins, as well as being full of protective Kong Grapan Chadtri power to save lives from deadly accidents or physical attacks
Very easily combined with other amulets, the Turtle does not clash with any other forms of Magic, and is passively compatible. A very cool Aura of energy is emanated from the amulet, generated from the immense power of Metta Mahaniyom, and Maha Pokasap magic within it.
The Paya Tao Ruean Maha Lap of Luang Por Sanit, were made in various sizes, ranging from small to Bucha size, and were made from various kinds of sacred Stone, some with hand inscriptions, others without. His most preferred of all (and highly expensive), is the Paya Tao Ruean Nuea Hin Sabu Luead red bloodstone Turtle amulet. Luang Por Sanit only made very few Paya Tao Ruean amulets, and even less of them in the red Hin Sabu Luead red bloodstone.
Below; Picture of an extremely rare Bucha size statue in Nuea Hin Sabu Luead
It is very rare to encounter the Paya Tao Ruean of Luang Por Sanit in the present time, especially in Hin sabu Luead Bloodstone, for the fact that only very few were made, and a high number of devotees and collectors has made them into extreme rarities. Their popularity came from their fame for rapid results in wealth increase, lottery wins, business expansion and even lifesaving miracles. It has always been so that the experience of the devotees get told and are considered the 'proof of the pudding' in so far as how powerful an amulet is, and in the case of the Paya Tao Ruean of Luang Por sanit, there is no doubt in saying that it carries high status as a powerful prosperity and protection amulet.
Luang Por Sanit is said to have very miraculous abilities to empower amulets with psychic powers, and who empowered the Paya Tao Ruean amulets with the Merits of the Buddha, as indeed, the Great Turtle was featured in various Buddhist Jataka Tales. Turtle amulets have of course the special magical quality of generating long life. All achievements will come steadily, if perhaps not rapidly but surely and secure growth will be certain.
The Tao Ruean, is a very special Turtle, for it represents the Lord Buddha in one of his past lifetimes, as he was born as a Turtle. It is recounted in the 'Ha Roi Chati' (500 Lives of Buddha) story. The Buddha was alive as a turtle, who lived on a desert island on top of a mountain, practicing purity and morality.
Above and Below; The shell of the turtle has the Khom Agkhara Inscription of the Paya Tao Ruean 'Na Sang Si Mo' inscribed by Luang Por Sanit, which his Khom Letter Mi
The turtle grew so large to be as big as the size of a house over the years. One day some sailors were shipwrecked on his island, and began to starve. They tried to eat the Areca nuts, which are of course inedible, and then when one of them died, they trussed the dead man up and roasted him to eat his flesh for survival.
But this did not feed them for long, and they began to starve again. As time passed and they got desperate and looked like they were going to begin killing each other and turn cannibal, the turtle looked down from the mountain and was filled with mercy. He thought 'I do not have anything to give these poop humans to eat, except for my own body. May i donate my large body and its meat for these humans to survive, and may i attain Nibbana one day for this deed'.
The turtle then threw itself off the cliff, and fell bouncing down hitting the walls of the cliff, breaking its shell open, to land dead at the foot of the mountain on the beach in front of the sailors. The sailors then celebrated and paid respects to the great Paya Tao Ruean Turtle for his Mercy and Self Sacrifice, and survived until they were rescued by a passing ship.
When the people got safely back to port and came home, they began to fashion turtles from clay or metal or carved from wood and place as an object of reverence in their homes, to pay respect and as a memorial of the Paya Tao Ruean who saved their lives, and to remind them to practice compassion, and to keep them protected from Danger, and bring them Long Life.
Kata Bucha
Think of the Buddha and all the Enlightened Buddhas of all the Three Times in the Three Worlds, and their Great Attainments, and call upon their merits to Portect and brinbg you Prosperity, Health, Happiness, Wealth and Long Life.
Chant the Maha Namasakara 3 times before the Kata for the amulet, to Revere and Invoke the Buddha first. This is necessary to perform before chanting any Kata to any Buddhist amulets.
Namo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa
Namo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa
Namo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa
Kata Bucha Paya Tao Ruean
Na Ma Pa Ta Naa Sang Si Mo Sang Si Mo Naa Si Mo Naa Sang Mo Naa Sang Si Na U Ta Ga Mae Ma A U A
If you examine the Kata Paya Tao Ruean properly, you will see it is written as a magic square, and can be read horizontally or vertically (left to right), and it says the same words;
Naa Sang Si Mo
Sang Si Mo Naa
Si Mo Naa Sang
Mo Naa Sang Si
Luang Por Sanit was born on 28th April 2468 BE in Sri Maha Po in the Province of Prajinburi, with the name 'Sanit Mee Pongs'. He ordained at the age of 23 in 2491 BE, and was given the Ordained Name of 'Yasintaro'. Luang Por Sanit Yasintaro was a 'Pra Aryasongk' (Thai term for an ascended Arya Sangha), who liked solitude, and would spend most of his time on Tudong solitary forest wandering and the 13 austerities of Tudong Practices, and meditate in the forest with Vipassana Kammathana Mindfulness methods, to develop his insights and Wicha.
He was known to have avoided gathering possessions and remained ready for 'light travel', and was unattached to material things. He was well known for his great compassion (Metta) and readiness to receive and assist devotees with their problems in life, and selflessly serve Buddhism. He would always welcome all people equally, regardless of their status or wealth, or lack of it.
Luang Por Sanit was an Adept in many Magical Wicha, including his famous Wicha Jorakhae crocodile amulets, and his Ga carved crow amulets. and was also able to heal people with ailments, and remove curses and black magick spells. The popularity of his amulets is also derivative of the fact that ppeople say that he who wears one can notice the effects very easily, which of course makes it easy to feel confidence and faith in the amulet.
Luang Por Sanit was also said to be able to foresee when somebody was coming to see him, and would know how many people would be coming, as well as knowing why they were coming to ask for help. When he made predictions, they always came true, which of course made him extremely popular with Devotees seeking their future, and raised his name and the reputation of his to the Legendary Status.
Luang Por Sanit passed away on the 14th March 2542 at age 74, after 51 Years of Ordained Life. His remains were preserved for many years within a glass coffin for Devotees to Pay Reverence and Beseech Blessings, because his remains did not rot or disseminate, which is considered a Miracle to Thai Buddhist Folk. His hair has on occasions sprouted and grown and turned into Pratat Crystalline Relics. However, Luang Por Sanit's Remains have now finally received their due cremation for his further ascension, and the relic is no longer in the glass coffin in the present era.