Ancient Amulet Store – Purveyors of preferred Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets for the True Devotee and Distinguished Collector
Discover the immensely deep and fascinating world of Vintage Thai Buddhist Amulets. Ancient Amulet is a long term established and internationally recognized Vintage Amulet Shop, and A Trusted Source for Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets for Devotees and Discerning Collectors, and is one of the many sub projects of informational sources created by Thai Amulet, Buddhism and Thai Occult Expert, Ajarn Spencer Littlewood . as part of his ‘Buddha Magic Project‘
Ancient Amulet provides authentic Antique and Rare Thai Amulets of the Pre and Early Post-Modern Era, of high esteem and Sacred Value, to revere, study and collect. Our Ancient Thai Buddhist Amulets are selected from the finest exhibits we can discover, and given diligent study and authentication processes. Our collection showcases time-honored amulets crafted by ancient masters, boasting captivating qualities and representing the esteemed Pra Niyom class. We offer authentic, highly valued ancient Thai Buddhist amulets from the pre and early post-modern eras, carefully selected from the finest exhibits and thoroughly examined. We invite you to study, revere, and collect these classic amulets from ancient masters, and to learn about their magical aspects and the art of amulet evaluation
Kumarn Dood Rok 2480 BE Nuea Pong Prai Kumarn Pasom Din Jet Pha Cha Luang Por Chaem Wat Ta Gong
A Beautiful and spotless exhibit of such an ancient, rare, and famously powerful amulet, in Nuea Pong Prai Pasom Pasom Diin Jet Pha Cha, made from the powdered bones of a Prai Kumarn Child Ghost, and Sacred Earths from 7 Cemeteries. The Kumarn Tong Dood Rok first edition 2480 BE amulet of Luang Por Chaem. The Kumarn Dood Rok 1st edition amulet, is one of the rarest talismanic charms of this great Master of the Nakorn Pathom Province; Luang Por Chaem, of Wat Ta Gong. Luang Por Chaem empowered the Kumarn Tong Dood Rok in various materials, including ivory, horn, sacred powders, baked clay, stone, tiger tooth, alchemical metals, wood, and bone. Luang Por Chaem was also one of the Sak Yant Masters who tutored the Great Luang Por Phern Tidtakuno of Wat Bang Pra. There is a shrine and statue to Luang Por Chaem at Wat Bang Pra in his honor built by Luang Por Phern Tidtakuno.
The Amulet is visibly made from highly concentrated Prai Kumarn Bone Powders with the powerful admicture of Sacred Earths collected from 7 Haunted Forest Cemeteries, inhabited by Powerful Kumarn Spirits. Some Kumarn Tong were made in Powders, others in Loi Ongk Statuette version, and a very few carved by hand from tooth, bone, ivory and sacred woods. As to the hand carved versions, some were carved by artisans, or Luang Por himself, and others were carved by devotees themselves and brought to Luang Por for empowerment during the ceremony. Because many devotees made their own carvings for Luang Por to empower, one finds a large variety of different materials used, with ivory and tiger tooth of course being the most rare substances of all.The Kumarn Tong comes with the offer of Free Waterproof or Stainless Steel casing included. and Free Shipping Worldwide.
The Invocation Summoning, Awakening and Turning of the Four Elements was performed to Reanimate Living Magic within the Static Form, according to the Ancient Grimoires and Magical Formulas of the Wicha. The full formula of Invocations for the Kata Akarn Sam Sip Sorng were performed as was ubiquitous in olden days, when monks adhered strictly to the rituals as stipulated in the Grimoire of the Wicha Dtamra Saiyawaet, and the Rules of Necromancy for reanimation of the spirit within the effigy. This is an essential part of Necromantic Empowerment with all Humanoid and Animal form amulets which are imbued with a resident spirit dwelling within any effigy.
Extra Mostly Unknown and Undocumented Info on Muan Sarn Sacred Powders in Necromancy from Ajarn Spencer Littlewood
In truth, the formula used, which is not documented in full by amulet traders, who, unlike Ajarn Spencer, have not been Monks or Ruesi, nor have they been involved directly in the making of amulets, or practices Saiyasart like Ajarn Spencer has, who states that the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders will have been made using the full Dtamra;
- Earth from 7 cemeteries
- Ashes of burnt bones taken from 7 Meru Chedis (relic Stupas)
- Earth from 7 salt licks
- Earth from 7 sacred caves
- Earth from 7 river mouths
- Earth from seven fields or gardens
- Ashes from the burnt bones of 7 dead children
- broken pieces of temple wall
After the first early era and first edition Kumarn Tong were made, the temple decide to make other editions thereafter, mostly using metallic alchemical alloys, in slightly different forms, in order to have a uniformly recognizable form for each different edition. Each edition had its own idiosyncrasies and design features.
In all cases, the Kumarn Tong Dood Rok amulets of Luang Por Chaem are all recognizable for the agedness, be they metallic, Muan Sarn Sacred Powders, or carved from natural substances, or animal remains. Devotees of this great Master Monk stand steadfast in their beliefs about the Kumarn Dood Rok of Luang Por Chaem, for its Choke Lap Luck Bringing powers, to induce lottery wins, attract customers and increase business sales, and increase popularity through mercy charm.
Luang Por Chaem Intachodto was a Pra Gaeji Ajarn Master Monk of Olden Days of the Nakorn Pathom Province, who was extremely revered as one of the top Masters of the region, along with other names like LP Noi, LP Bun, Perm, Phern and other World Famous Masters of the Region. His fame reached far and wide from the north to the south of the country, making him a Nationally revered Monk. He was known for his powerful Puttakom Wicha Akom (Buddha Magic Powers), and lived during the Era of other great Masters of equal fame such as Luang Por Kong of Wat Bang Gaporm, Luang Por Jad, Luang Por Jong (Wat Na Tang Nork), Luang Por Ee (Wat Sattaheeb), and the Great Kroo Ba Srivichai.
The amulets of Luang Por Chaem have been revered around the country since his first ever edition of Monk Coin, the Rian Roop Muean Run Raek 2484 BE, which was distributed to Thai Soldiers during the Indo-China Wars, which rendered many miraculous stories of Kong Grapan magic saving the lives of those soldiers who wore his amulets.
In those days it was ubiquitous with almost all Masters to make coin amulets either in Roop Khai oval shape, or Rian Sema shield shape, but Luang Por Chaem's first edition coin differed to all other coins of that era, being round but with 16 starlike points on the edges (Representing the 16 Buddhas Yantra), and Luang Por Chaem seated with crossed rifles on the floor in front of him.
Luang Por Chaem was born circa 2405 BE, and was interested in Khom Sacred Agkhara script from a very young age, which he learned from Pra Ajarn Joy, a local sorceror Monk in his local temple at Wat Don Chedi, who was highly Adept in many Wicha. Pra Ajarn Joy recognised the potential abilities of the young Luang Por Chaem, and bestowed him with the secrets of his Wicha. As Luang Por Chaem reached the age of Ordination, he was Ordained into the Monkdom (Sangha) at Wat ta Gong in the area of his Birthplace, and received the ordained Surname of 'Intachodto'.
After Ordination, Luang Por Chaem focused on multiple aspects of practice, including that of the administration of a temple, and of Vipassana Tura (proper meditation mindfulness practices according to the Buddha's teaching of techniques), as well as Magical Wicha, and became very able in all areas of his duties and interests. He also was able to travel and learn Wicha from some of the great Nakorn Pathom Region, such as Luang Phu Bun of Wat Klang Bang Gaew, Luang Por Ta, of Wat Paniang Dtaek, and many other Masters of the time.
His Mastery of the Wicha he had inherited from these masters became legerndary around the region, making him one of the most popular masters of his time for Kong Grapan, and Buddhakhun Choke Lap Metta Maha Niyom Magic.
His amulets are very difficult to find and highly prized, and hold a high value in a amulet collector circles for their rarity and certainty of power. Amongst his most popular amulets are of course the Rian Roop Muean Run raek firtst edition coin, the Kumarn Dood Rok, Rian Sema 2485 BE, Pra Din Hnaa Tapone, Look Sakot Parort, Takrut, and other Talismanic Charms.
One can count oneself very lucky to encounter one of his amulets in the present day, as their owners never wish to sell their amulets of Luang Por Chaem.
The rian 2484 BE first edition coin carries an extremely prohibitive price, for the many miracles reported by devotees who fought during the Indo-China Wars and during the time the Japanese Incursion was in effect. The first bedition coin gained the nickname 'Rian Pat Put Dtaan', and also 'Rian Gong Jakr' The coin is recognisable for its 16 starpoints and for having a soldered pendant hoop, and was made only in Nuea Tong Daeng sacred copper, but in blacked, and reddish versions.The rear face features a Yant Pra Rahu Eclipse God Astrological Yantra.
Luang Por Chaem is seated in the center of the coin with no cushion, and a pair of crossed rifles on the floor in front of him, which is part of the Dtamra Saiyasart for the stilling and silencing of guns. LP Chaem holds up his hand, with the Khom Agkhara 'NA' on the palm, and the words 'Luang Por Chaem Wat Ta Gong, with the Khom Agkhara 'A' and the Khom Pali Kata 'NA MO PUT TAA YA'. The sixteen starpoints represents the Kata Pra Putta Jao Sip Hok Pra Ongk 'NA MA NA A, NOR GOR NA A, GOR OR NOR A, NA A GA ANG'.
There are two different block presses, the 'Block Hoo Diaw' (single ear) and 'Block Sorng Hoo' (two eared) models. the one eared model has only the right ear visible, whereas the two eared model has both ears visible. Both models are equally rare and preferred, and considered equally powerful. Luang Por Chaem Passed away in the year 2490 BE at the ripe old age of 86 years old, after 76 years of Ordination.
Kata to call the Kumarn Tong (Kata Riak Gumarn Tong)
Aehi Kumaaro Aehi Kumaaree Aehi Rak Yom Aehi Prai Tong Bpiyang Ma Ma
Bpudt-Dtang Wasaayadti Aaragkhaana Bpajjayo
Rao Rak Yom Kumarn Tong Jong Maa Aehi Ma Ma
(Can be used for Rak Yom, Kumarn Tong, Prai Faed, Prai Tong)
Alternative Version;
Om Paniji Jaeruni Pantang Aehi Ma Ma
- When you go places or enter and leave buildings you should speak to the Kumarn in your heart to accompany you
- When you eat you should speak in your heart that the Kumarn should come to eat with you. Make a separate offering do not give from your own plate.
- The Kumarn will call friends. customers and riches to you, lovers and admirers, and will chase away enemies and protect you and your household and family.
- When bringing the Kumarn into the home for the first time, you should tell the Kumarn that the people in the house are friends and that the Kumarn should accept and look after them too.