Ancient Amulet Store – Purveyors of preferred Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets for the True Devotee and Distinguished Collector
Discover the immensely deep and fascinating world of Vintage Thai Buddhist Amulets. Ancient Amulet is a long term established and internationally recognized Vintage Amulet Shop, and A Trusted Source for Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets for Devotees and Discerning Collectors, and is one of the many sub projects of informational sources created by Thai Amulet, Buddhism and Thai Occult Expert, Ajarn Spencer Littlewood . as part of his ‘Buddha Magic Project‘
Ancient Amulet provides authentic Antique and Rare Thai Amulets of the Pre and Early Post-Modern Era, of high esteem and Sacred Value, to revere, study and collect. Our Ancient Thai Buddhist Amulets are selected from the finest exhibits we can discover, and given diligent study and authentication processes. Our collection showcases time-honored amulets crafted by ancient masters, boasting captivating qualities and representing the esteemed Pra Niyom class. We offer authentic, highly valued ancient Thai Buddhist amulets from the pre and early post-modern eras, carefully selected from the finest exhibits and thoroughly examined. We invite you to study, revere, and collect these classic amulets from ancient masters, and to learn about their magical aspects and the art of amulet evaluation
In Koo Maha Sanaeh Loi Ongk Nuea Loha Aathan - Luang Phu Kroo Ba Wang - Wat Ban Den
Sacred Ancient In Koo Loi Ongk Statuette from Lanna Guru Master Monk and Deceased Abbot of Wat Ban Den, Luang Phu Kroo Ba Wang. The statuette is made from Sacred Alchemical Metals of Sorcerous Nature, and smelted in the form of the In Koo Symbiotic Deva of Love, in traditional style of the Northern Lanna Wicha. Kroo Ba Wang was famous for so many different kinds of amulets, ranging from In Ma, In Koo, Paya Khao Kam, Pa Yant, Pra Rahu, and Guru Monk Coins, all of them being purely belonging to the Lanna Traditional Wicha..
Luang Phu Kroo Ba Wang is Legendary for his Maha Sanaeh Magic, was one of the most famous of the Northern Lanna Guru Masters of the Olden Days. Highly preferred for his In Koo, Pra Rahu, and Pha Yant Sacred Geometry yantra Cloth Spells. Of the Pha Yant he was especially renowned for his Pha Yant Ma Saep Nang Lady-Horse images.
Luang Phu was born in 2434 BE, in the country into a family of famers and market traders, In those days, the only way to get any schooling in the countryside was to stay in a temple and learn with the Monks, and so, at the age of nearly 9 years old, his father took him to live at the nearby temple, to learn to read and write. After about 3 years. Luang Phu could read and write fluently enough, and so he was able to ordain into the Sangha as a Samanera Novice Monk in the year 2445 BE
Luang Phu reached the age to be ordained as a fully fledged Bhikkhu in the Buddha Sasana in the year 2455 and was ordained on the 5th of May of that year as a Bhikkhu, at 13:15 hours at Wat Ban Baen Temple. Luang Phu then began to practice Khom Sanskrit Agkhara and Wicha, and within a very short period of time became so adept that he could chant every single line of Agkhara from memory with great aptitude.
Pra Kroo Gantiya was his Upachaya Ordaining Officer, and Pra Ajarn Bpan was his Pra Gammawājājarn (Prompter). Pra Atigarn Bpum was his Pra Anusawanājarn (Witness). Luang Phu was given the Chāyā (official Monks Name) of Prohma Sēno. Luang Phu Kroo Ba Wang then stayed on at Wat Ban Baen in Lampoon for a period of 2 years more. After this Luang Phu Kroo Ba Wang then moved to stay at Wat Ban Hmueang Jee, which was in his home area where he was born. Luang Phu then continued to study and practice Wicha Akom and Khom Agkhara for a further three years, until he became inspired to take up the practice of Tudong Solitary Forest wandering.
Luang Phu then travelled through the thick forest area of Pha Teub, on is way towards Chiang Saen, and stopped in the forest to practice for 6 months. Once he reached Chiang Saen, he stayed around the area practicing for some years, until he decided to travel towards Prae Province, where he finally arrived and stayed at the temple of Wat Den Chai. He stayed at this temple to master the various Sorcert Methods of the Region, so that he would be able to perform Powerful Incantations enabling him to cast spells and blessings to offer protection, happiness and prosperirty to the fold, and to send metta and merits to the Nature Spirits of the Nether Worlds, with Compassionate Mercy Magic.
Once he had mastered this Wicha, he then set forth once more, and practiced Tudong, until he came to rest at a very peaceful place in the forest called 'Pha Den Gradtay', which was very auspicious in energy. There was a small village nearby which was impoverished, and Luang Phu then decided to build a temple with the help of the locals. But Luang Phu was first called back by locals of the temple at Wat Dton Tong, so he agreed and went backl to assist the with their needs.
After one year helping them, he was able to return to Pha Den Gradtay, and built three Kuti Huts and invited some other monks to come and stay, and assist in developing the temple. Then in the yeat 2508 Luang Phu Kroo Ba Wang began to build the Uposadha Shrine Room and the locals of the surrounding areas began to hear of his merits, and flock to the temple to make donations and assist.
The Uposadha was then finished in the the year 2510 BE. Luang Phu became famous for both is great ability to finish the temple of Wat ban den in Miraclulously short timespan, and also for his many Wicha, including Horasart (Astrology), Amulet making, Maha Sanaeh and Metta Maha Niyom Maha Lap Magic, and his ability to use Candle Magic to eliminate Bad Karma.
In the year 2513, time caught up with Luang Phu and he became ill, and began to weaken with age, and became unable to travel, and stayed for the rest of is life until his passing at Wat Ban Den in the year 2516 BE
The In Koo is pure Maha Sanaeh and Metta Mahaniyom Magick, to bring Lovers closer together, and to induce an intense Loving Relationship that is unbreakable. It is also an Immensely Powerful Maha Sanaeh Charm in itself for Singles to attract a Lover, and then Bind them with the Love Spell of the In Koo Devas.
The In Koo (also known in South East Asia as ‘Yin Tong’) is a symbiotic Deity in the form of a Man and a Woman embracing each other. It is a magical animist effigy which ancient people believed represents the first ever pair of Man and Woman (male and female) in the History of the World, and is a symbol of Love between a man and woman.
It is believed that the holder of an In Koo Talisman is endowed with Maha Sanaeh power over the other sex, and that they will feel attracted to the wearer of the In Koo, and wish to approach and get to know you. If they approach then they will be helpless against the attraction power of the Palad In Koo. This is the Love Charm Magic of Maha Sanaeh (Charm and Attraction).
If the In Koo is kept in the House, then all the family and people in the household will love each other and be happy together. If it is worn as a love charm or carried on ones person, then it will cause everyone the wearer meets to feel friendly and compassionate towards them, and even make others fall in love with the wearer if Bucha is made to the In Koo, and this request is asked for in exchange for Bucha.
Business will flourish, money and gifts will flow in, good fortune will come, and life without disturbances. The In Koo is a sacred Love and Metta Maha Sanaeh Talisman which has been used by ancient folk for thousands of years, and shows no sign of disappearing soon, for its popularity as a love charm is still as evident as it ever was.
In case you wish to use this amulet as a statuette to place on your altar, We have added the option for you to purchase an additional 'Pan Kroo' Mini altar tray to place the In Koo Upon. In truth, you can use your own choice of decorative placement receptacle just as easily, for which you dont really need to use the Thai Pan Kroo. There are many kinds of receptacle which are usable, but some people wish to preserve the original styles and methods, for which we have added this option.
The Magical Properties and attributes of the In Koo;
Maha Laluay – powerful charm and attraction magic causes those nearby to applaud, admire and feel friendliness towards the wearer of the In Ko Maha Sanaeh – powerful enchantment magic causes those who are targeted to fall helplessly in love with the wearer of the In Koo.
Kong Grapan – protective magic prevents ballistic weapons and sharp objects from piercing or penetrating the skin.
Gan Kun Sai – protects against black magic and evil spirits, defends against Hun Payont, magic spells and the like.
Metta Mahaniyom – Discussions, Debates and Business talks or Diplomacy matters will be discussed easily and you will be able to get your point across and be convincing.
In Koo Love and Mercy Charm
In Koo Plord Rak is just one of a number of different Animist Deva Spirits found within the Pantheon of Amulets which are catalogued as 'In Koo'. The In Plord Rak is a ‘Krueang Rang’ (Occult charm/talisman) that the Ancient Masters used to symbolize the Power of Love, and that this amulet endows the wearer with the power over the minds of those of the other Sex (or same Sex if that is the Inclination).
For those who already have a Lover, but who seems to be a little distanced and not too close, the In Koo Plord Rak is the best kind of charm to improve and increase the persons love towards you, and increase intimacy.
Is the In Koo for Men Only? No. The In Koo can be worn and used by both Men and Women. For Choke Lap wealth increase, place the In Koo inside a money bowl or savings box. Before you put or remove any money from the box, you must tap or knock on the side of the container with the same hand you shall be using to remove or place money in the box with.
Chant the Kata 7 times before putting your hand inside the container. It is said that if you do this regularly, that money will never cease to flow. Those who perform this well will find time to sit and meditate and chant the Kata whilst tapping on the container. About 5 minutes each time is enough.
Kata In Koo (Perm Sap/Increase Wealth)
Om Raachaa Taewaa Swaahome Om Taewee Maama Jidt-Dtang Arahang Swaahome
Na Rampeung Mo Kid Terng Put Norn Midtem Dtaa Taa Rong Hai Turon Turay Ya Hai Ma Haa Goo Putto Laluay Tammo Laluay Sangko Laluay Jid-ti Nimid-ti Aehi Jidtang Biyang Ma Ma
Kata for the In Koo (From the Great Kroo Ba Nandta)
Om Laluay Maha Laluay Nguay Ngong Jong Jai Rak Goo Hmuean Dang Chang Rak Ngaa Hmuean Pla Rak Nam Hmuean Khaw Orn Hai Hmuean Fai Orn Maw – then say; “Ai + Name of person you wish to charm” (Ai for Man, or Ee for a woman) – Then continue with; Rak Goo Yaa La Om Sitti Swaaha Swaahome Na Ma Pa Ta
(Chant 3 to 9 times and then blow on the In Koo amulet)
Below is a playlist of an ever growing series of Kata chants for In Koo from our Soundcloud Channel