Ancient Amulet Store – Purveyors of preferred Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets for the True Devotee and Distinguished Collector
Discover theĀ immensely deep and fascinating world of Vintage Thai Buddhist Amulets. Ancient Amulet is a long term established and internationally recognized Vintage Amulet Shop, and A Trusted Source for Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets for Devotees and Discerning Collectors, and is one of the many sub projects of informational sources created by Thai Amulet, Buddhism and Thai Occult Expert, Ajarn Spencer Littlewood . as part of his ‘Buddha Magic Project‘
Ancient Amulet provides authentic Antique and Rare Thai Amulets of the Pre and Early Post-Modern Era, of high esteem and Sacred Value, to revere, study and collect. Our Ancient Thai Buddhist Amulets are selected from the finest exhibits we can discover, and given diligent study and authentication processes. Our collection showcases time-honored amulets crafted by ancient masters, boasting captivating qualities and representing the esteemed Pra Niyom class. We offer authentic, highly valued ancient Thai Buddhist amulets from the pre and early post-modern eras, carefully selected from the finest exhibits and thoroughly examined. We invite you to study, revere, and collect these classic amulets from ancient masters, and to learn about their magical aspects and the art of amulet evaluation
Hwaen Pirod Long Rak Pid Tong Kong Grapan Chadtri Warrior Ring - Luang Por Plien - Wat Dtai 2424 BE
Hwaen Pirod Long Rak Pid Tong Kong Grapan Chadtri Ancient Talismanic Warrior Ring Amulet from Luang Por Plien of Wat Dtai in Kanjanaburi. This amulet was originally posted with the false date stated as being Circa 2470-2480 BE - after thorough research, this turned out to be underestimated, and we have now corrected the information to its true date, which is 2424 BE, making this amulet well over a century and a quarter old.
This is an extremely rare and sought after ultra collectible Magic Ring of the Master Class level in the Thai Amulet Collector scene, and is almost never to be found except for being put on show in the possession of their owners, who jealously guard them with fervency.
One can consider it almost impossible to obtain such a rare and desirable item, which stands in the highest esteem, and is only usually found (if at all), in the personal museums of the Top Collectors.
Released way way back in 2524 BE, this Ancient Amulet is a Wicha of Kong Grapan Chadtri and Klaew Klaad Evasive Protection is effective as a protective spell against all forms of black magic, sorcery, evil eye, demons and physical dangers, which derive from weapons of war, sharp and blunt instruments. Klaew Klaad Evasive Magic is also inflected to prevent any deadly accidents or disasters from befalling the wearer.
Klaew Klaad Evasive Magic is also inflected to prevent any deadly accidents or disasters from befalling the wearer. The ring offers Protection against Black Magic, and all forms of Sorcery, Curses, Evil Eye, Demons. Protection and Evasion from all Physical Dangers, all sharp and projectile weapons, and especially death by fire and burning.
is a very ancient form of Magical Sorcery, from very long before the Siamese Kingdom existed and was used by Wally is in ancient times throughout the Southeast Asian continent, and particularly later, during the times of war between the Kingdoms of the Khmer and Siam. This magic spell is also made as an arm band, called a āPrajiadā which was, and is indeed still in ceremonial form, worn by Muay Thai boxers, and was worn into battle by warriors of olden days.
Both kinds of me let use the same form of magic spell which consists of entwinement and binding spells, with Maha Ud, Kong Grapan Chadtri and Klaew Klaad Powers. The material used for the making of these magical rings of protection is Sinjana Cords and Yantra Cloth. The ring, if too small to fit on the finger, should be worn around the neck on the pendant chain, or can be carried in the pocket, for concealement. Being generally small in size, they can be encased in waterproof casing, or, be just placed inside the pocket. Wearing the amulet concealed inside oneās pocket, is very popular with many members of the military, due to the fact, that these days, one is not allowed to wear a ring whilst in service, or in battle.
Very few guru masters possess this particular magic spell these days, or its methods of making in the present day. It can almost be said to have nearly died out in its entirety, as a form of magic spell. Luang Por Plien is one of the Olden Days Masters who is famous for his Mastery in the making of Hwaen Pirod and other Kong Grapan Chadtri and Klaew Klaad Amulets and Talismanic Charms. Ths Wicha as old as that all of Sak Yant sacred geometry tattoos, which also dates centuries back into the far-flung history of South East Asian occultism.
To see this kind of amulet, is these days in any case extremely rare. For this reason, as well as for itās immense ancient sacred powers the Amulets, is also highly collectible and then extremely interesting item to possess as an exhibit, in oneās personal showcase.
Luang Por Plien, or 'Tan Jao Khun Pra Wisutti Rangsri' was the Bishop of Kanjanaburi Province, and has an exemplary and impressive trajectory as a Buddhist Monk of Purity and Magic Power who holds a high position in the Annals History in Thai Buddhism as well as the Legend of Thai Amulets, and his now extremely rare and sought after ancient amulets are to be seen in the Encyclopedias and Showcases of only the High End Collector Niche. His 'Krueang Rang' Occult Talismans and Charms are amongs hs most highly sought after amulets, not just because of their collector status, but also because of the powerful magic they are reputed to possess.
Above; A picture of a boy in a school visit made by Luang Por Plien, which if you look carefully and study, will reveal itself to be the face of a well known and now deceased Royal High Monk; The Sangkaracha Somdej Prayan Sangworn(!!!), who himself passed away in 2557 at the age of 100 years Old. This picture was taken by Luang Por Plien himself as a memento of the visit he made, which shows just how much of an Olden days Master Luang Por Was.
When Luang Por Plien was a young man, before he found his way in the Buddha Sasana as a Monk of Purity, he was indeed a 'Nak Leng' (Feared Gunman and Mafioso), who was feared because of his Wicha Kong Grapan Sorcery which he had learned and Masters under the apprenticeship of his Kroo Ba Ajarn, a Great Sorceror of the Kanjanaburi Province. But then, he found the Dhamma, and decided to renounce his Criminal ways, and devote his life to the purity of the Sangha and follow the footsteps of the Buddha, to clean his previous deeds and renounce the life of a Pistolero. He never looked back, and remained a practicing Monk of Purity until the end of his days. The only thing that he took with him was his knowledge and ability to make powerful Kong Grapan Chadtri Gunstopper and Klaew Klaad Amulets and Magic Spells, which he used then instead of for protecting himself, to help and protect the devotees of his temple.
Luang Por developed his Sorcery since a very young age and intensified its power indirectly through developing in Advanced Vipassana (which is not a practice that focuses on Sorcery, but which coincidentally assists in developing psychic power, through the intensive meditation practices involved). His Magick was called upon by his friends and accomplices during the Democratic Revolution of the 24th of May 2475, and many of his Devotees were also Gangsters and Gunmen, who were mostly not evil doers but who would always give out a heavy lesson to anybody who molested their people in their area.
It was said in that time that he who wished to be a Great Lover of the Ladies had to go to Wat Hnuea (the northern Temple of the municipality) but that he who wished to be a Ganster or a Gunman, must go to Wat Dta (the southern temple where Luang Por Plien was resident). This meant that it was Luang Por Plien at Wat Dtai who possessed the Powerful Wicha for Kong Grapan Chadtri and Klaew Klaad Magick,
It is said that the Royal Somdej Pra Maha Samana Jao Grom Praya Chinayanaraworos came to oversee and visit the Sangha of Kanjanaburi and wished to nominate a Monk as the Abbot of Kanjanaburi, and when he saw Luang Por Plien at Wat Dtai blessing Holy Water in the almsbowl, he saw that the Water became hard and would not pour out of the almsbowl, even if it was tipped up, it would not spill. Even when somebody else lifted the bowl and tried to spill the Holy Water, it did not spill out. But that when Luang Por Plien then reoved the magic spell again, it would flow out and spill easily. he was able to do this feat of magic as easily as switching a lightswitch on and off. The Royal Visitor then bestowed him with the title of being the Abbot of the Province of Kanjanaburi 'Pra Wisutirangsri'
The amulets of Luang Por Plien are so rare and sought after, that they lie within the very high priced range of Pra Niyom amulets of the Master Class level, and are amongst the highest priced amulets in the Thai Amulet scene, ranging from many hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars.
It was said by old inhabitants of the area that Luang Por Plien used to like to row a boat to the 'Ban Tham' (village near the foot of the Khao Raed Mountain which has a Holy Cave), and would climb up the Khao Raed mountain which is a famous mountain for the fact it is a place where Lek Lai Kaya Siddhi Elemental Substance is found in the caves.
Luang Por would then investigate and search all the caves and magical areas on the mountain, in order to seek and find powerful substances for empowerment in the making of amulets, talismans and charms for his Looksit.
One of the substances he would find and take for use was of course the famously powerful Lek Lai Kaya Siddhi Elemental Substance for which Khao raed mountain was, and is still renowned for.
Some of the Devotees who wore the Lek Lai and other amulets of Luang Por Plien were indeed a big problem for the local police force, because they seemed to be invincible agains gunshots, the guns either missing their targets, or refusing to fire completely, when trying to shoot and kill the Gangsters. It was such in incredible phenomenon, that the local authorities more or less gave up trying to catch these individuals. The great Khun Pan (Khun Pantagij Rachadej of the nakorn Sri Tammarat Police force), the catcher of gangsters who was so famous for his creation of the Jatukam Ramathep amulet, once wished to catch the famous gangster 'Suea Bang' who was a Looksit of Luang Por Plien, and so he went to the teple of Wat Dtai and tried to convince Luang Por Plien to arrange a meeting, so he could see what he looked like (and later catch him and shoot him dead).Luang Por Plien did not refuse and told him to come back at the appointed time. Meanwhile, he told his devotee Suea Bang to cme at the same time on the same day, but that he should dress in purple clothes in silk and behave like a Government official.
On the day, at the appointed time, Khun Pan appeared at the temple, and waited all day. The Gangster Suea Bai appeared with his entourage and was dressed in fine purple robes as Luang Por Plien had ordered, and sat there all day passing offerings to Luang Por and assisting him in his duties. After Suea Bang had left and the sun began to set, Khun Pan got restless and asked Luang Por; "well isn't this Suea Bang going to turn up or what?"
Luang Por laughed out loud and said "What do you mean, the devotee who has been at my side who you saw helping me all day was Suea Bang!"
Khun Pan then slapped his knees in frustration, and could not believe that such a famous Ganster would be so well spoken and mild mannered and polite, and was confounded, but decided he would not rest until he caught him and killed him, for his embarrassment. But he never managed to bring Suea Bang to Justice. This was part of the invisibility power of the Lek Lai which Suea Bang wore which he has recieved from Luang Por Plien.
Kata Pra Pirod - Incantations for putting on, and removal of the Magic Warrior Ring of Protection and Power 'Hwaen Pra Pirod' often also commonly known as 'Hwaen Dtakror'. This Incantation is also used for invoking and putting to sleep of the spell within the Sak Yant Tattoo 'Yant Pirod', and 'Yant Look Dtakror'.
Kata Waen Pirod
Om Pra Pirod Khord Pra Pinai
(Chant 9 Times when placing the ring on or hanging it on your neckchain for wearing)
Om Pra Pinai Klaay Pra Pirod
(Chant 9 times when removing the ring, or taking of your neckchain or pendant holder)