A pristinely kept and extremely rare Rian Mangorn Koo Nuea Nava Loha Pim Pised Dtok Sorng Code Ma Wat Pha Nong Lom Run Sao Ha Maha Sethee 5th Lunar Saturday Blessing Ceremony Edition Guru Monk Coin, released in 2543 BE, to raise funds for the Kuti Songk Monks Huts and improve the facilities at the temple of Wat Pha Nong Lom.
This model of Rian Mangorn Koo twin dragons Monk Coin is a very rare Pim Pised (Niyom preferred) and differs from the majority of Rian Mangorn Koo Wat Pha Nong Lom Edition coins in Nava Loha, because of the double code MA stamp. Most coins of the Nava Loha series made for Wat Pha Nong Lom have only a single code Ma Stamp (on the Sangkati chest sash of the robe of Luang Phu), and only the Pim Pised special models received double code stamps. Only very few (unknown number) were distributed with double code stamp, making this not only a sacred, powerful master class amulet, but also a rare collectors piece.
The Rian Mangorn Koo of Luang Phu Hmun is, as are all of his amulets, known for the power of Jaroen Lap Wealth Increasement, and Lucky Fortunes, as well as for their Miraculous Protective Powers. Those born in the year of the dragon love to Bucha this amulet especially, for the obvious reason of the double dragon guardians.
For those with lower budgets, who seek power above collectability and rarity, we recommend to seek the Rian Mangorn Nuea Tong Daeng or Nava Loha single Code Ma, of the same edition, which carries a lower price than this special Nava Loha Pim Pised Gammagarn double code collectors edition model.
Takrut Jakkapattirach Great Emperor King Spell for Power and Invincibility Ajarn Heng Praiwan
One of the rarest of all ancient amulets of the Great Ayuttaya Lay Master Ajarn Heng Praiwan, the Takrut Ajarn Heng is inimitably recognisable for it's ringefd enclosures around the outher shell of the Takrut, which for those olden times, was a cutting edge manner, requiring extreme diligence, to create and empower, with the Wicha Maha Jakkapat. Tha Takrut Maha Jakkapattirach, is a Takrut Koo Cheewit (A family heirloom amulet, to wear throughout your whole lifetime, for protection and prosperity, and pass down to descendants, with no loss of power as time passes, for the magic is sealed within an impenetrable shield spell.).
The Takrut shows its age, and is the precise same design and size as the impossible to find, or purchase, 100,000$ solid gold version of the Takrut Jakkapattirach, but this exhibit is in Nuea Loha Pasom Tong. The Takrut uses invocations of the Yant Pra Puttakun 56 Pra Ongk fifty-six Buddhas, Pra Tammakun 38 Praongk thirty eight Buddhas, and and Pra Sangkakun 14 Buddhas, which add together to make the numeral 108, believed to be Sacred according to the Buddhist Folk, as it represents the whole teachings of the Buddha-Dhamma.
Free EMS / DHL / FedEx Express Shipping and the option of free solid silver Waterproof Casing is included with this item. An extremely rare to see, and exquisitely beautiful Takrut, that is among the finest one could encounter by Olden days Lay Master Ajarn Heng Praiwan. A Powerful and Highly Sought After amulet by high-end talismanic amulet, a piece of historical and cultural religious art that is of the museum curation level. Below, you can see the hand inscriptions of Khom Agkhara 'A' on the exterior of the Takrut, as a magical Seal using the Buddha, Damma and Sangha to create a 3-fold 7 tiered impenetrable wall of Buddhas and Deities, against any black magick or diminishiing of power of the Takrut Maha Jakapattirach spell within.
The Takrut Maha Jakkapattirach can not only protect from dangers, black magic and ill fate, but is more or less a winner in every walk of life. The Great Emperor King Spell Takrut, wil imbue power and influence (Serm Yos), Command over Others (Maha Amnaj) l clear the way of difficulties, whilst making all ventures successful. The Yant used was used by Ancient Masters, who gathered forces to make a Yant inscribed upon a large stone , which was then immersed in a lake, so that students of the Tripitaka who drank the waters of the lake would develop better intelligence and a clearer memory of their studies.
The Takrut can be used to immerse in the holy water bowl, and the water can be used to drink a little, spray on your forehead, for good health, long life, and increase your success and prestige in the social and professional areas of life.
For increased 'Dtaba Decha' (Recieve Honors, Glory, Respect and Promotion, and more dominion and influence), the Takrut can be worn on a waist cord as a 'Takrut Ruud' (waist slider). Wear it on the front to increase the power to Impress others with your Glory - those you approach wil be intimidated and scared to offend, and want to please you. Gamblers can take the Takrut in the same way, and slide it around the waist cord to face the back, and tell the Takrut how much you wish to win. Aim for only what is reasonably expectable, and be satisfied with the specified amount. Do not be too greedy each time, rather set yourself reasonable goals. If you find the right balance, you will experience a constant rise in your ration of winnings against losses, and thus a constant rise in your savings.
For increased Business Sales, use the Takrut for the Immersion Method, to make Holy water, and spray the water on the wares you wish to sell. Even if someone is Possessed by a Ghost, or there are Poltergeists or Hauntings, the Takrut wil make Holy Water powerful enough to cast them out. The Takrut Maha Jakkapatirach, is also able to heal illnesses, by spraying Holy Water from its Immersion, and is good to spray on your head, if you are in defence of a Court Hearing.
The multi purpose ability of the Takrut Maha Jakkapatirach, as well as its Regal Origins, are part of the reason why this Takrut and this Wicha is always so heavily sought after by devotees, and due to the rarity of occasions where this Takrut is issued, the Takrut can be considered to be an eternal rarity, which is always sadly more in demand than available. We try to find them as fervently as possible, but even we end up losing the battle often. This is of course, due to the massive imbalance of availability, against demand, and the immense rarity, and small quantity of Takrut made by this master.
To protect against Black Magic and Sorcery, take some sand and some Holy Water from the Takrut, and pour them on the doorstep. It will banish any evil ghosts and if any spirits or ill wishers step on it, they will encounter their own downfall, and be unable to hurt those who dwell within that household. To protect against Black Magic and Sorcery, take some sand and some Holy Water from the Takrut, and pour them on the doorstep. It will banish any evil ghosts and if any spirits or ill wishers step on it, they will encounter their own downfall, and be unable to hurt those in the home.
For Holy Water making using the Takrut to stir wit as you chant, you can chant many different prayers or Kata, depending on which kind of magic you wish to evoke from the Takrut. its versatility permits so many options, such as for Metta Mercy Charm, Maha Amnaj Commanding Power, Serm Yos Promotion and Status, Kong Grapan Chadtri and Klaew Klaad Protection and Evasion, Gan Roke Khai Gae Aathan Protect against Illnesses and Black Magic and Poisons, and Siang Choke Maha Lap Maha Pokasap for Wealth accumulation.
Below; an example of one of the various Roop Tai Kroo Ba Ajarn Ajarn Heng which were released during his Era
Ajarn Heng Praiwan was a great Lay Master and Adept Necromancer of olden days, of the Ayuttaya Province. Ajarn Heng was born in the year 2428 BE, and was ordained as a Buddhist Monk when he came of age, at Wat Suwan in Ayuttaya. During his ordained years, je studied many ancient magical wicha of the grimoires of Wat Pradoo Rong Tam, which was a great library of ancient magical grimoires, perhaps the largest in the country. He became extremely able in the inscription of Khom Agkhara Sanskrit Spells, Kata Incantations, and Sacred Yant, and became very well known as a great Master of Sak Yant Thai Temple Tattoos.
Ajarn Heng Praiwan, studied the Wicha Grimoire of the Dtamra Radtana Mala, until attaining full Adept Mastery, after which he disrobed for a time to help his parents, after which, he ordained again once more, at Wat Prayatigaram in Ayuttaya, with the Great LP Glan Tammachodti, Abbot of Wat Prayat, as his Upachaya Ordaining Monk. He spent a long period of time learning and mastering the full Dtamra of the Wicha of Luang Por Glan, after which he disrobed again, and became a lay-sorcerer until the end of his days, when he passed away at the age of 75, in the year 2502 BE.
It is said that Ajarn Heng's father, was either a police officer, or a prison officer, and sent Ajarn Heng to Penang, and Singapore, to be educated. But Ajarn Heng did not finish his schooling, and left, because of his immense fascination and interest in the study of Saiyasart, & the Dtamra Saiyawaet Grimoires, of Thai Buddhist, Animist, and Necromantic Occult Practices. He even traveled to the South of Thailand to learn the most ancient Magical Practices of the Southern Khao or Sorcery Lineages.
After his time practicing and mastering the Southern Lineage Magical Practices, Ajarn Heng returned to his home Province of Ayuttaya, in Central Thailand. Ajarn Heng was now a Master of the Wicha of Luang Por Glan, and the Southern Wicha of Sorcery which dates back to the Sri Vichai Era of Siam. The Wicha Mastered in Entirety of Wat Pradoo, whgich Ajarn heng has undertook, came from the time when King Naresuan Maharach, ordered the Wicha Saiyasart Grimoire texts to be inscribed and stored at Wat Pradoo Roeng Tam.
The inscriptions were begin and finished between the years 2133 - 2148 BE. It was King Pra Mahesuan Maharach, who united the city Kingdoms of Siam and Unified the country into one Land, namely 'Siam', or 'Thailand', and made the city of Ayuttaya the first capital of the Kingdom (Later to be moved to Bangkok, for logistical and geo-political reasons).
Ajarn Heng began to serve the public and accept devotees, at first by only performing Sak Yant Tattoos, and became known as one of the Top Sak yant Masters in the Country of his Time. Another later Kroo Ba Ajarn and Friend in Dhamma, Luang Phu Si, of Wat Sakae in Ayuttaya (Temple of LP Doo), once told that during the time of King Rama the 3rd, during a time of military dispute, around the year 2475 BE, many regiments of Thai soldiers, of both high and lower standing went to Ajarn Heng for his protective Yant, due to the miraculous powers attributed to them, all one the same day. On this occasion, Ajarn Heng constructed the ritual place at Wat Hantra Temple. Ajarn Heng invited a host of powerful Monks with Psychic Powers to assist in the ceremony of Blessings.
In this occasion (around 2476 BE),Ajarn Heng had to work very hard to gather a large number of Master Monks to come and perform the Suad Nam Puttamont Chanting Ritual, and this was a very had task in those days in Ayuttaya, to travel around and fine enough top masters who knew the chanting of the Nam Pra Puttamont and the Putta Pisek (Buddha Abhiseka) ceremonie. He was assisted in this task, by the great Luang Phu See of Wat Sakae.
But on this occasion, Luang Phu Si could not attend as well, because he was busy with Dhamma Duties at Wat Liab. But, after this Ceremony, Ajarn Heng would always invite Luang Phu Si to attend all of his subsequent Blessing Ceremonies, and assist with empowerment.
Ajarn Heng was a relatively wealth person with two houses and land stakes, one in the countryside in Tung Hantra, and one in Bangkok. And so, he would have devotees seek him out in Bangkok and in Hantra, for Sak Yant Tattoos, and his powerful Takrut amulets. It became popular to get high class artisans to carve his amulets, as well as village people would carve animist charms from ivory, wood, and sometimes, necromantic Ban Neng skullbones, which are of course, along with his famous metallic, and inimitably designed Takrut Maha Jakkapat Metallic Scroll Spells, the most highly valued, rare, and sought after by devotees of the great anbcient Ayuttaya Lay Sorcerer. Finally, Ajarn Heng moved to stay in Suan Malee, until the Wars in Asia Broke Out, whereupon he left the Capital, and returned to his home Province of Ayuttaya.
During this time, there were many Gangsters and Highwaymen, and a lot of need for Sak Yant Tattoos for Kong Grapan Chadtri and Klaew Klaad protective Magic, and Ajarn Heng became a highly acclaimed master, renowned for his Yant Gao Yord (A Wicha Obtained from the Great LP Hrun). Ajarn Heng was able to receive additional Wicha from the famous temple of study of Sorcery, Wat Sam Jeen, as well as receiving Wicha from the great Luang Phu Tong, of Wat Rat Ayotaya, and Luang Phu Kam Wibun.
Ajarn Heng's Kong Grapan magic was so famous, that it became popular for police and military to get his tattoos, but also that they did not like the fact that so many Gangsters had them too, and were impossible to shoot dead. His Takrut Jappapattirach was also both infamous, and those who wore one were feared to be invincible. There was once a time when Ajarn Heng was parked in a boat on the banks of the river at Wat Cherng Lane Temple, where the Police came, and had to forbid Ajarn Heng from tattooing more, because the area was overflowing with Gangs of Highwaymen, and his tattoos were making it impossible for the police to catch them.
Ajarn Heng was known to have been highly able himself with Buddhist Arts, and Carvings, in wood, ivory, bone, and skull Ban Neng, as well as being highly famed perhaps most of al, for his famous Takrut, and Carved Ban Neng. It is even said, that the Great Artist Kroo Hem Waechakorn said of Ajarn Heng that "If there is anyone who can draw the four faced Brahma Image better than anyone, it is Ajarn Heng Praiwan". Ajarn Heng was extrremely adept in Wicha Hanuman for Invicnibility, Kong Grapan, Victory, and Loyalty, which were very popular of course with all devotees, be they Police, Civil Servants, Ganster Mafias, Triads, or Military. Ajarn Heng made so many different forms of carved amulets and animist charms, that it is very hard to catalogue all of them, but if one is to say 'which amulets are the most well known?' One would say perhaps his famous Rian See Hnaa 4 faced Brahma coin.