A pristinely kept and extremely rare Rian Mangorn Koo Nuea Nava Loha Pim Pised Dtok Sorng Code Ma Wat Pha Nong Lom Run Sao Ha Maha Sethee 5th Lunar Saturday Blessing Ceremony Edition Guru Monk Coin, released in 2543 BE, to raise funds for the Kuti Songk Monks Huts and improve the facilities at the temple of Wat Pha Nong Lom.
This model of Rian Mangorn Koo twin dragons Monk Coin is a very rare Pim Pised (Niyom preferred) and differs from the majority of Rian Mangorn Koo Wat Pha Nong Lom Edition coins in Nava Loha, because of the double code MA stamp. Most coins of the Nava Loha series made for Wat Pha Nong Lom have only a single code Ma Stamp (on the Sangkati chest sash of the robe of Luang Phu), and only the Pim Pised special models received double code stamps. Only very few (unknown number) were distributed with double code stamp, making this not only a sacred, powerful master class amulet, but also a rare collectors piece.
The Rian Mangorn Koo of Luang Phu Hmun is, as are all of his amulets, known for the power of Jaroen Lap Wealth Increasement, and Lucky Fortunes, as well as for their Miraculous Protective Powers. Those born in the year of the dragon love to Bucha this amulet especially, for the obvious reason of the double dragon guardians.
For those with lower budgets, who seek power above collectability and rarity, we recommend to seek the Rian Mangorn Nuea Tong Daeng or Nava Loha single Code Ma, of the same edition, which carries a lower price than this special Nava Loha Pim Pised Gammagarn double code collectors edition model.
Roop Tai Takrut Gao Gum Amulet for Protection, Prosperity and Mercy Charm - Luang Por Mum Intabanyo - Wat Prasat Yer
Only once in a while does one come across a Talismanic amulet from Luang Por Mum Intabanyo, which makes this a wonderful opportunity to admire one of his amulets in clear photographic detail. The amulet is composed of nine spells, rolled into Takrut Tone, made from leaden Yantra foils bound to a spellbinding cord, and encased with a 'Roop Tai' Blessed miniature photograph of the Master Luang Por Mum.
Incantations were performed by Luang Por Mum himself, as was ubiquitous with this master, who always insisted on his personal empowerment, which is one of the factors which made his amulets so popular with devotees.
Pra Kroo Prasat Khantakun, or, 'Luang Por Mum Intabanyo', was the abbot of Wat Prasat Yer Temple in Sri Saket, and is one of the great Tudong Masters of his part of the Isan Country. Luang Por Mum lived from 2429 BE to 2522 BE.
He ordained at the age of 12 as a Samanera, and remained pure as a Bhikkhu Monk until his death at the age of 93. During his ordained life, he spent many years living in the mountainous jungles of the Thai-Khmer border regions, mastering his Kammathana Mindfulness and Wicha Akom sorcery. His amulets enjoy a cult status, with collectors of the Genre, especially his Rian Kanajarn Monk Coins, which were released in various years, all editions becoming Pra Niyom category preferred amulets. They were released in the years between 2507 and 2520 BE
Tamniap Wadthumongkol Luang Por Mum Intabanyo
Amulets of Luang Por Mum
2507 BE 'Rian Run raek first edition coin, which was collected in two models, 'Pim Sor Hang San' (short tailed Thai letter ส), and the 'Pim Sor Hang Yaw' (long tailed Thai letter ส). Various other amulets were released which are still in need of further documentation. Amongst some of the ones we have confirmed in this Tamniap Catalogue were the first edition Hwaen Luang Por Mum Guru Monk rings, which were made in various sacred chanuan metals, including Nuea Nak, and Nuea Albaca sacred alloys.
Below; Hwaen Run Raek 1st Edition Ring in Nuea Nak by Luang Por Mum
2508 BE saw the release of the Riang Glom Luang Por Mum coin, which was made to distribure to local devotees who visited the temple to pray, practice Dhamma, and make Merits of Almsgiving.
2509 BE saw a series of different amulets released sponsored by the committee of devotees of Luang Por Mum. Not all amulets in this edition were documented for posterity, for a complete documentation of the pantheon has still to be compiled. Those which are known are; the Pra Kring Sor Gor, 1st edition finger rings, Roop Tai photos of Luang Por Mum, Roop Lor Boran Loi Ongk Statuette in the image of Luang Por Mum, the 1st edition Takrut, and the Rian Luang Por Bun Ma coin which was made in reverence for Luang Phu Bun Ma, who was one of Luang Por Mum's Kroo Ba Ajarn. A large Buddha Abhiseka ceremony was given to bless the dition, with a number of some of the greatest Master Monks of that Era present to assist in blessings and empowerment.
2510 BE saw the release of the Rian Sorng Ajarn monk coin with Luang Phu Bun Ma on one side, and Luang Por Mum on the other side of the coin. This edition also saw Pha Yant, Takrut, and various models of Muan Sarn Sacred Powder amulets released.
2512 BE saw the release of the Pra Chaiyawat Luang Por Mum, which was in truth the second edition Pra Kring after the Pra Kring Gor Sor 3 years before. This 2512 BE edition also featured the Rian Roop Arm coin, and the 3rd edition Finger Ring
2514-2515 BE saw the release of the Rian Tao reed (clothes press amulet), and the Rian Por Bor Ror coin, and of course Luang Por Mum's famous 'Pra Somdej Lai Suea' tiger-stripes pattern Muan Sarn Sacred Powder Votive Tablet Buddha amulet, was released in this year. The Pra Somdej Lai Suea is an extremely popular amulet which is rarely seen, due to its legendary powers, and its aesthetic beauty and rarity. Also this timespan saw the release of the Rian Tee Tam Ngaan Sor Por Or Mueang coin, and the Rian Arm Hlang Por-Bor-Ror coin amulets. Later that year the Rian Sala Garn Bprian coin (also known as 'Rian Hnaa Ban') was released, the Rian Glom Run Pised special release round monk coin, the Hwaen Por-Bor-Ror Royal Insignia finger ring, anda large pantheon of other kinds of amulets were distributed in these years.
Below; Rian Glom Run Pised Luang Por Mum Wat Prasat Yer
2516 BE - Luang Por Mum released a large pantheon of Muan Sarn Sacred Powder amulets, in various shapes and designs, both at Wat prasat Yer Nuea, and also at the temples of Wat Maha Puttaram, and Wat Pra Dto. Some of the more well known models (Pim) released, were; Pra Somdej Hlang Roop Muean Luang Por Mum, Pra Somdej Hlang Luang Por Mum Han Khang, Pra Somdej Jumbo, Pra Somdej Pim Pratan Porn, and the Roop Muean Nuea Wan Herbal powder Cameo amulet.
The year 2516 also saw one of the most interesting amulets with an amazing story behind them released, when a regiment of G.I.s from the United States arrived in Udorn Thani in preparation to fight the Vietnam War, the American soldiers took some of Luang Por Mum's amulets to shoot at with their guns to test if their magic was real or not. It turned out that their guns would not fire, and so the G.I.s were amazed and filled with faith in Luang Por Mum.
Below: Rian Run PAPAMUM 2516 BE
They thus traveled to the temple in Sri Saket, and asked if they could fund an edition as sponsors, to make for protection. And so the famous Papa Mum coin (PAPAMUM) was made by the G.I. soldiers, along with some Pra Somdej with english writing on them, and some small round Pim Jantr Loi Muan Sarn Sacred Powder amulets also with english writing.
2517 BE - Pra Ajarn Fern, the abbot of Wat Intrawiharn (Bang Khun Prohm) in Bangkok, collaborated with the Munlaniti Prasat Khantakun Foundation of Luang Por Mum to create an edition of amulets, blessed by Luang Por Mum at Wat Prasat yer Nuea, which were then given to Pra Ajarn Fern to take to Wat Intr (Wat Bang Khun Prohm) to empower further and distribute. The amulets were distributed and funds from donations of devotees were used to pay for the construction of a wall around the Uposatha shrineroom of Wat Samakee Patanaram temple, and to perform restorations at Wat Prasat Yer.
Below; Rian Nak Glaam 'Muscleman' amulet - Luang Por Mum
This edition saw the 'Rian Nak Glaam' 'Muscleman' coin amulet, which had two block press molds, one from Wat Intrawiharn, and one from Wat Prasat Yer. The 'Rian Chang Sam Siarn' 3 headed Erawan elephant God coin was also released along with some Pra Pong Roop Muean Pasom Sen Gesa powder cameo amulet of Luang Por Mum with monk hairs in the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders. The Pra Pidta Nuea Wan 108, some Roop Lor Loi Ongk Statuettes, other Roop Muean Powder amulets, Lockets, Takrut Tone Nuea Ngern silver Yantra scroll amulet, some Pha Yant Yantra cloths, some Hwaen magic rings, and a batch of See Pheung Nam Man Prai Metta Balm.
2519 BE saw Luang Por Mum reach his 90th year of life, and the comittee of devotees created an edition to celebrate the occasion, which included the Rian Cheed Sum Ganok, iin two models, the 'Baeb Mee Hoo' (with pendant hole) and 'Baeb Mai Mee Hoo' (without pendant hole), the Hwaen Tor Bor Kor finger ring, some Roop Lor Loi Ongk Statuettes, Takrut amulets, and other Talismanic Charms.
2520 BE - the Bangkok Bank company asked permission to sdonate and make merits to create and sponsor the Rian Dork Bua Lotus coin amulet, in two models, the Pim Hnaa (thick) and Pim Bang (thin).The coin has a lotus design insignia on it which is also the logo of the bangkok Bank, and was released along with some Pra Nakprok powder amulets, some Roop Lor Loi Ongk Statuettes, Bucha statues, Takrut and Pha Yant.
Miraculous Powers of his Amulets
The Roop Lor Loi Ongk Statuettes, Takrut and Talismanic Charms, such as his Magic Rings, are legendary for the many stories of miraculous events with devotees who wore his amulets, especially during the Indo-China - Vietnam Wartimes. The famous 2516 BE PAPAMUM coin of the American G.I. sponsorship is considered to be a Miracle amulet with powerful Kong Grapan Chadtri Klaew Klaad Maha Ud magic
The 'Krueang Rang' Talismanic Occult charms of Luang Por Mum were manyfold, including 'Hwaay Look Nimit' Rattan Arahant Balls, See Pheung, Pha Yant, Rianr R.5 (Rama 5), Roop Tai *(Monk Photos), Mai Phai Dtan Magic Bamboo, Mitmor ritual knives, many kinds of Takrut large and small, and carved Animist Charms in ivory, wood, bone and tooth. His talismanic charms were not made with a particular uniform design, mostly with each amulet looking individual, and made by hand one by one.
Below is a short synopsis of the Monk Luang Por Mum, narrated by Ajarn Spencer Littlewood for the Buddha Magic Project.
Powerful Klaew Klaad, Serm Duang, Metta Mahaniyom, and Maha Lap Kaa Khaay amulet, from one of the top Indo-China War-time Era Masters of Olden Days. A powerful amulets for protection and power, and an essential Rarity for the Devotee who needs true Protective Magick, Luck, Popularity and Prosperity,from one of the Great Olden Days Masters.
Use the Traditional Thai Buddhist Method for Bucha;
1. Chant Maha Namasakara (3 Times)
2. Chant the Trai Soranakom (3 Times)
3. Chant Kata Aaraatanaa Pra Krueang (3 Times)
Kata Maha Namasakara
Namo Dtat-Sa Pakawa-Dto Araha-Dto Sam-Maa Sam-Put-Dtat-Sa
Namo Dtat-Sa Pakawa-Dto Araha-Dto Sam-Maa Sam-Put-Dtat-Sa
Namo Dtat-Sa Pakawa-Dto Araha-Dto Sam-Maa Sam-Put-Dtat-Sa
Trai Soranakom
Puttang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Tammang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Sangkang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Tudtiyambpi Puttang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Tudtiyambpi Tammang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Tudtiyambpi Sangkang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Dtadtiyambpi Puttang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Dtadtiyambpi Tammang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Dtadtiyambpi Sangkang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Kata Aaraatana Pra Krueang
Puttang Aaraatanaanang
Tammang Aaraatanaanang
Sangkang Aaraatanaanang
Puttang Prasittimae
Tammang Prasittimae
Sangkang Prasittimae