A pristinely kept and extremely rare Rian Mangorn Koo Nuea Nava Loha Pim Pised Dtok Sorng Code Ma Wat Pha Nong Lom Run Sao Ha Maha Sethee 5th Lunar Saturday Blessing Ceremony Edition Guru Monk Coin, released in 2543 BE, to raise funds for the Kuti Songk Monks Huts and improve the facilities at the temple of Wat Pha Nong Lom.
This model of Rian Mangorn Koo twin dragons Monk Coin is a very rare Pim Pised (Niyom preferred) and differs from the majority of Rian Mangorn Koo Wat Pha Nong Lom Edition coins in Nava Loha, because of the double code MA stamp. Most coins of the Nava Loha series made for Wat Pha Nong Lom have only a single code Ma Stamp (on the Sangkati chest sash of the robe of Luang Phu), and only the Pim Pised special models received double code stamps. Only very few (unknown number) were distributed with double code stamp, making this not only a sacred, powerful master class amulet, but also a rare collectors piece.
The Rian Mangorn Koo of Luang Phu Hmun is, as are all of his amulets, known for the power of Jaroen Lap Wealth Increasement, and Lucky Fortunes, as well as for their Miraculous Protective Powers. Those born in the year of the dragon love to Bucha this amulet especially, for the obvious reason of the double dragon guardians.
For those with lower budgets, who seek power above collectability and rarity, we recommend to seek the Rian Mangorn Nuea Tong Daeng or Nava Loha single Code Ma, of the same edition, which carries a lower price than this special Nava Loha Pim Pised Gammagarn double code collectors edition model.
Roop Lor Luang Por Ngern Dtid Kraap Niyom 2460 BE - Ancient Amulet from the Kru Wat Khao Pra Dtai Find
The Pra Luang Por Ngern Pim Hnaa Yim Niyom (Smiling Model) amulet is one of 25 different Pim of amulets, which were found buried in 'Hai' ancient clay pots, in the 2533 BE discovery dig at the temple of Wat Khao Pra Dtai. Some of the amulets were cleaned up and had the Kraap Kru (residue) polished off after the find, and others were left with Kraap Kru for its Sacred Power and Aesthetic and Ancient appearance, which is preferred by a certain groups of devotees.
They are assumed and officially accepted by the temple and the collector scene as having been buried and hidden there in the year 2462 BE, as LP Ngern was at the temple to inaugirate the Sala Mai, and due to the fact that a few examples of amulets in the pots had the date 2460 stamped on the base of the amulets.
The amulets were mostly quite badly damaged, with only about a third of them being made from cast metal, and the remaining two thirds being made from sacred powder and clay. Hence, only a limited number of these amulets were able to be restored. There were a number of different types metal substances in the amulets found, including Sacred Alloys based in Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, Iron, and Lead. The versions found made in 'Nuea Loha', are highly preferred.
Below; A Very rare 'Piak Tong' Version after being cleaned from the Kru (For Show Only)
A very few of them were found in some examples to be 'Piak Tong' (wet gold effect), which instantly became 'Niyom' (preferred) amulets and the price of them rose much higher than other models. This golden coating method was a method used applying a specific method used in the early Ratanakosin Era of the Ayuttaya Kingdom. It is not used anymore in its particular method.
Some of the amulets were kept with the 'Kraap Kru' earth and mildew growths on the surface of the amulets. Others were cleaned to reveal their design features and the metallic sheen, leaving just enough Kraap Kru to enhance their beauty, and reveal their origin.
The amulets were discovered as the 'Sala Mai Gao' wooden shelter salon was removed to build a new one, and some pots were uncovered under the pillars of the Sala Building, as well as hidden underneath the Main Buddha Image within the Building.
The temple of Wat Khao Pra Dtai has released an official book of this find and documents the edition and its 25 or so different Pim (models), and confirms in its historical records, that Luang Por Ngern himself came to install and bless the Sila Reuks Foundation Stone at the temple and built the Sala Mai Gao building, which explains well, how the Luang Por Ngern amulets got placed under the feet of each pillar, under the foundations of the building.
None of us were present back there in 2460+ BE to witness the events, and so, as always, it is a matter of personal faith as to what oneself concludes as to the origins of an ancient amulet of esteem, but with all the information gathered, and the reputability of the sources of the information (The Temple Itself), makes this recent discovery of what are almost certainly original Luang Por Ngern Wat Bang Klan Amulets from the Hand of the Master Himself, and are Master Class Amulets that are for now, the best alternative to the first edition Pra Luang Por Ngern Roop Lor and Rian Job amulets of World Famous Status, and Millionaire Price-Tags.
The sheer beauty of this amulet is self evident, and this find has become a Classic and Highly revered Edition as it falls ever more into the eye of the General Public. Its rise in popularity is now incremental to the rapid speed with which news of its existence is spreading like wildfire, due to the modern age of social networking, and devotees of LP Ngern are sharing their experiences and knowledge on the internet, which has in turn caused this edition to explode in the speed of its rise to popularity and obtain its Master-Class Status.
The Pra Luang Por Ngern Kru Wat Khao Pra Dtai, is just as Sacred and Powerful, and Beautiful, as the Millionaire Price-Tag Models, except they do not carry such a large Price-Tag. For this reason, Who would not wish to own one of these amulets, before they also become unavailable, and carry a Millionaire Price-Tag of their own. The Pra Luang Por Ngern Pim Khee Dta is a perfect Heirloom Amulet to keep in the family for generations, and a Sacred Memorial of Luang Por Ngern Wat Bang Klan, that is still very affordable considering its origins.
Luang Por Ngern is one of Thailand’s Top ten Most Revered Buddha-Monk Images, for whom the Blessings of Riches and Protection are the most Highly Reputed for their Miraculous Power. For Proper Ceremonial reverence to Luang Por Ngern, one should use the Traditional Buddhist Method of Bucha as a Preliminary; Three Prostrations and Chanting of Maha Namasakara (Namo Dtassa)
1. Chant Maha Namasakara (3 Times)
2. Chant the Trai Soranakom (3 Times)
3. Chant Kata Aaraatanaa Pra Krueang (3 Times)
Kata Maha Namasakara
Namo Dtassa Pakawa-Dto Araha-Dto Sam-Maa Sam-Put-Dtat-Sa
Namo Dtassa Pakawa-Dto Araha-Dto Sam-Maa Sam-Put-Dtat-Sa
Namo Dtassa Pakawa-Dto Araha-Dto Sam-Maa Sam-Put-Dtat-Sa
Trai Soranakom
Puttang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Tammang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Sangkang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Tudtiyambpi Puttang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Tudtiyambpi Tammang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Tudtiyambpi Sangkang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Dtadtiyambpi Puttang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Dtadtiyambpi Tammang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Dtadtiyambpi Sangkang Cheewidtang Yaawa Nipaanang Saranang Kajchaami
Kata Aaraatana Pra Krueang
Puttang Aaraatanaanang
Tammang Aaraatanaanang
Sangkang Aaraatanaanang
Puttang Prasittimae
Tammang Prasittimae
Sangkang Prasittimae
Kata Bucha Luang Por Ngern
Sitti Puttang Gijjang Ma Ma Phuu Kon Hlai Maa Na Chaa Lii Dti
Sitti Tammang Gijjang Ma Ma Khaw Khong Hlai Maa Na Chaa Lii Dti
Sitti Sangkang Gijjang Ma Ma Ngern Tong Hlai Maa Na Chaa Lii Dti
Perform Bucha to Luang Por Ngern on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Offer Lotus or Jasmine flowers (9 flowers), three rolls of Areca Nut with Betel leaf – place on a tray along with 9 Incense sticks, one pair of candles. Place them in front of Luang Por Ngern, and Pray for the Protection and Help of Luang Por Ngern, to Prevent enemies from Harming, Avoid Accidents, and to Increase Good Business and Wealthy Fortunes.
Above; the clay earthen pots found in the Kru Hiding Place beneath the old wooden Sala Pillar Posts.
Above and Below: some of the various models found in this Kru.
The Magical Effect of Wealth Increase is one of the Famous Aspects of the Many Blessings that come from Revering Luang Por Ngern of Wat Bang Klan, the Miraculous Image that has been the source of many stories of Miraculous Events, that have happened with a great many different editions of Luang Por Ngern amulets from a number of Masters.
The special Magic of Luang Por Ngern makes the effects work regardless of the Temple or Master who creates the amulet, for it is believed, that the Image of Luang Por Ngern has Special Magic in itself.
Kata Bucha Luang Por Ngern
A Ga A Ti A Ga Ti A Ga A
Wantaami Aajaariyanja Hiranja Naamagan Thitang Sitti Tandtang Mahaa Dtaechang Itti Mandtang Wasaatarang Sitti Puttang Gijjang Ma Ma Phuu Kon Hlai Maa Na Chaa Li Dti Sitti Tammang Jidt-Dtang Ma Ma Khaw Khong Hlai Maa Na Chaa Li Dti Sitti Sangkang Jidt-Dtang Ma Ma Ngern Tong Hlai Maa Na Chaa Li Dti Chimplii Ja Mahaa Laapang Pawandtumae
Kata Kong Grapan Luang Por Ngern
Pra Puttang Pra Jao Kong Hnang
Pra Tammang Pra Jao Kong Nuea
Pra Sangkang Pra Jao Kong Graduuk
Om Paetch Kong Kaa Dtrii Paetch Swaaha
Kata Metta / Kata Soop Buhrii Luang Por Ngern
To ask for Metta – Can use when smoking a cigarette to Enchant the Smoke with this Kata;
Makkayaa Taewang