A pristinely kept and extremely rare Rian Mangorn Koo Nuea Nava Loha Pim Pised Dtok Sorng Code Ma Wat Pha Nong Lom Run Sao Ha Maha Sethee 5th Lunar Saturday Blessing Ceremony Edition Guru Monk Coin, released in 2543 BE, to raise funds for the Kuti Songk Monks Huts and improve the facilities at the temple of Wat Pha Nong Lom.
This model of Rian Mangorn Koo twin dragons Monk Coin is a very rare Pim Pised (Niyom preferred) and differs from the majority of Rian Mangorn Koo Wat Pha Nong Lom Edition coins in Nava Loha, because of the double code MA stamp. Most coins of the Nava Loha series made for Wat Pha Nong Lom have only a single code Ma Stamp (on the Sangkati chest sash of the robe of Luang Phu), and only the Pim Pised special models received double code stamps. Only very few (unknown number) were distributed with double code stamp, making this not only a sacred, powerful master class amulet, but also a rare collectors piece.
The Rian Mangorn Koo of Luang Phu Hmun is, as are all of his amulets, known for the power of Jaroen Lap Wealth Increasement, and Lucky Fortunes, as well as for their Miraculous Protective Powers. Those born in the year of the dragon love to Bucha this amulet especially, for the obvious reason of the double dragon guardians.
For those with lower budgets, who seek power above collectability and rarity, we recommend to seek the Rian Mangorn Nuea Tong Daeng or Nava Loha single Code Ma, of the same edition, which carries a lower price than this special Nava Loha Pim Pised Gammagarn double code collectors edition model.
Pra Roop Muean Song Rakang Hlang Mangorn Gammagarn 2536 BE Seng Lee Hor Heng Edition - Luang Por Kasem Khemago
Special Gammagarn set sacred powder amulet from Luang Por Kasem of the Sussaan Trailaks in Lampang. The set is composed of two Bell Shaped (Song Rakang) amulets bearing the image of the Great Arahant Monk Luang Por Kasem Khemago.
One amulet has the image of Luang Por Kasem covered with gold leaf, and one Takrut spell inserted into the base, in Herbal Powders. The second amulet is made in Nuea Khaw Gon Badtr Sacred Powders. A piece of Civara robe is attached to each amulet. The amulets come with the original temple box, and are Gammagarn special edition. Released in the Seng Lee Heng-Heng-Heng Edition in 2536 BE.
Khaw Gon Badtr is a substance made from the dried rice from the bottom of the almsbowl of Luang Por Kasem, mixed with Puttakun Powders.
Both amulets have a piece of the Civara robe of Luang Por Kasem. The rear face of the amulets have the Paya Mangorn Imperial Dragon Embossed
The amulets were released as a small numbers limited Ongk Kroo version in the Seng Lee Hor Heng-Heng-Heng Edition in 2536 BE, just 3 years before Luang Por Kasem finally passed away and left us for the pure realms.
This amulet is highly Sacred and preferred by the Looksit (Devotees) of Luang Por Kasem, for the fact that it not only has a personally empowered solid gold Takrut insert, but also even more so, for the presence of one of Luang Por's Hairs from his head shaving ceremonies, affixed to the rear face of the amulet.
Who indeed would not wish to have these amulets with a Sacred Piece of Civara Robe of the Guru Monk amulet of such a Highly revered monk, considered an Enlightened Arahant?.
Above; The Paya Mangorn Imperial Dragon is embossed on the rear face of the amulet, which is surrounded by Chinese Script and Thai Script. The name of the edition "Seng Lee Hor Heng" is written above the Dragon.
Luang Por Kasem Khemago, of Sussaan Dtrailaks, in Lampang, is considered an Arahant in Thailand. His Birth was predicted by the Great Kroo Ba Srivichai naming him as the ‘Meritorious One’, and his Legend is One of Great renunciation and Purity.
The amulets of Luang Por Kasem are a Legendary Dtamra, and have their own large school of students and followers, with many appreciation societies focused specifically on his amulets, and only his amulets.
His Dtamra of amulets is indeed vast in the number of different models and editions, but almost all of them have recieved the attenton and documentation of academics, and been highly authenticated and easily valued because of their ease of study, due to sufficient documentation, making his amulets highly preferred by serious collectors.
Luang Por Kasem's amulets are both sacred and of a very high Pedigree as collectors items too making them universally accepted in all schools of appreciation of the amulet world. But what we feel is the most attractive facet of his amulets, is his immense purity as a Buddhist Monk, and his impeccable life of practice, which is completely flawless.
His amulets are hence most importantly above the collectibility facto, amongst the most Sacred and Holy amulets that a Devotee could desire to possess and Bucha, for the Highese Buddhist Blessings.
Luang Por Kasem's amulets are a Classic and Highly Documented (and collected) 'Dtamra' of the high end collector circles as well as highly collected by Buddhist of religious faith and followers of the Patipata of this Great Monk and Dhamma practitioner, whose selfless renunciation is tantamount to Miraculous.
A short Biography of Luang Por Kasem Khemago – Sussaan Trailaks (Lampang)
Tan Khemago Bhikkhu (Luang Phu Kasem, or, Luang Por Kasem, Khemago), is an extremely revered monk of the Lanna tradition who the is considered one of the greatest Ajarn of modern Thai history, and has a massive and devoted following in the North of Thailand (and indeed all over the country).
His devotees believe that to pay reverence to him or wear his amulets, results in receiving protection and safety wherever they go. His amazing dedication to his practice and purity is common knowledge with Thai people, which is easy to see since the very beginning of his path as he gave up the title of abbot of the temple.
He renounced Abbothood, and went to practice Vipassana Kammathana forest tradition methods residing in an old cemetery in the forest on a mountain side, which is where he remained practicing in humility and simplicity to the end of his mortal days.
Luang Por Kasem passed his Patipataa (Meditation and Dhamma practice), alone in solitude which is a cause of his being able to attain entrance to the points of Samadhi and subsequent Jhana access, controlling his bodily instincts and those of his psyche (psychological make-up and related aspects of his being).
He attained an extremely high level of ability in the psychic regions and was able to empower amulets with massive power. His amulets (including Monk Coins with his image) have been the source of many a tale of miracle events, and are extremely sought after and revered by Thai people of the Central, Northeastern and especially the Northern areas. It is a known fact that he was not even attached to his food, and that it was seen that the food he was offered as alms often simply went putrid and was not eaten.
He only ate to keep his body alive, but never for pleasure or mental need. Luang Por would always receive any offerings in his Badtr (alms bowl) and then ‘Phae Metta’ (send Metta offerings back) to the people. Tan Luang Por Kasem Khemago was a good Bhikkhu with Pure heart and Sila (Moral Precepts/Virtue), and was full of Dhamma, living the Dhamma as it arose, stood fast and then faded away in the sequence of Tilakkhana as expounded to be the nature of all things (Anicca – Impermanence, Dhukkha – Unsatisfactoriness, and Anatta – Non-Self).
It is said that Luang Por did away with all his Kilesas, and was full of the Baramee (Ten Perfections), and his Patipata is to this day the source of well being and confidence of those who revere him, wear his amulets, and follow his teachings, and example of a good practitioner of the Dhamma, and a good Savaka (disciple) of the Lord Buddha
Kata Luang Por Kasem Khemago
(For Praying and paying Reverence to Sacred Buddha Relics and Images around the Universe)
Wantaami Jaedtiyang Sappang Sappadthaanae
Subpadtisadtitdtaa Srirataadtung Mahaapoting
Puttaruubpang Saggaarang Sattaa naakalogae Taewalogae Daawadtingsae Prahmalogae Chompootiibpae Sanggaatiibpae
Srirataadtuyo Gaesaataadtuyo Jaedtiyang Kantagudtii Jadturasii Dtissahassa Tammakhantaa
Bpaadtijaediyang Narataewae Hibpuuchidtaa Ahang Wantaami Duuradto Ahang Wantaami Taadtuyo Ahang Wantaami Sappaso
Kata for increasing personal Metta (LP Kasem)
Sataahang Sukhidto Homi (Chant 15 times a day)
Kata for spreading Metta to Other Living Beings
Sukhinowaa Khemino Hondtu Sappae Sadtaa Pawandtu Sukhidtadtaa (Chant 20 times a day)
Kata for apologizing to books
Agkharang Tosang Khamadtumae
Luang por Kasem was a great lover of books, and would restore or clean any ripped pages or discarded pieces of book.
Kata for paying reverence to books
Agkharang Wantaamihang
Books are the source of knowledge, and are thus sacred.