A pristinely kept and extremely rare Rian Mangorn Koo Nuea Nava Loha Pim Pised Dtok Sorng Code Ma Wat Pha Nong Lom Run Sao Ha Maha Sethee 5th Lunar Saturday Blessing Ceremony Edition Guru Monk Coin, released in 2543 BE, to raise funds for the Kuti Songk Monks Huts and improve the facilities at the temple of Wat Pha Nong Lom.
This model of Rian Mangorn Koo twin dragons Monk Coin is a very rare Pim Pised (Niyom preferred) and differs from the majority of Rian Mangorn Koo Wat Pha Nong Lom Edition coins in Nava Loha, because of the double code MA stamp. Most coins of the Nava Loha series made for Wat Pha Nong Lom have only a single code Ma Stamp (on the Sangkati chest sash of the robe of Luang Phu), and only the Pim Pised special models received double code stamps. Only very few (unknown number) were distributed with double code stamp, making this not only a sacred, powerful master class amulet, but also a rare collectors piece.
The Rian Mangorn Koo of Luang Phu Hmun is, as are all of his amulets, known for the power of Jaroen Lap Wealth Increasement, and Lucky Fortunes, as well as for their Miraculous Protective Powers. Those born in the year of the dragon love to Bucha this amulet especially, for the obvious reason of the double dragon guardians.
For those with lower budgets, who seek power above collectability and rarity, we recommend to seek the Rian Mangorn Nuea Tong Daeng or Nava Loha single Code Ma, of the same edition, which carries a lower price than this special Nava Loha Pim Pised Gammagarn double code collectors edition model.
Khun Phaen Prai Kumarn Pim Bai Sema Nuea Wan Plai Dam Luang Por Tim Wat Laharn Rai Early Era Amulet with Certificate
Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn Nuea Wan Plai Dam Pim Bai Sema Amulet - Luang Phu Tim Issarigo, Wat Laharn Rai (Rayong)
This amulet, is a classic original Khun Phaen Bai Sema early era design, which is extremely rare, and known only to those who have studied the amulets of Luang Phu Tim with great fervor, and to those older devotees of the area around Wat Laharn Rai. This amulet comes with Certificate series No 1449 of the 11th August 2562 BE Luead Ban Kaay Luang Phu Tim Amulet Conservation Association Meeting. The amulet was entered for certification, but not competition, due to lack of other competitors with the same amulet (This was the only one in the whole show).
This exhibit allows viewing of all the fine details of the design, and is visibly authentic to the naked eye. The Muan Sarn Sacred Powder Clay is Highly Attractive to the Eye. An amulet of great beauty, and rarity, and in the highly preferred, and rare to find black Plai Dam powders, for serious collectors/devotees of the amulets of Luang Phu Tim. Perhaps a once in a lifetime chance to find this extremely rare Pim Bai Sema.
This exhibit is in excellent condition and well kept, with highly refined details and features, and most certainly worthy of show in the allocated competitions of its genre. The surface texture of the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders has developed the classic fluffy appearance that reveals high Pong Prai Kumarn content within the black Pong Wan Plai Dam Sacred clay.
Our proprietor Ajarn Spencer, states that this is the first and only exhibit he ever managed to find, during his years collecting and studying in the Chonburi-Rayong area around Wat Laharn Rai, and that he considers it perhaps the rarest one he has had to seek out. This Pim is a very well preserved exhibit, of a highly sought after Pra Niyom Master Class Amulet, that is now extremely rare to find, since the massive revival in interest in Luang Phu Tim's amulets, after the truth of his early amulet editions, and the now famous Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn 2515 BE Edition 'forbidden history' amulets were revealed to the Public.
Most of the amulets of Luang Phu Tim which were previously untalked, and unheard of, due to lack of documentation till recently, have been snapped up during recent years, since their dramatic discovery and appearance in the international public eye. It is very rare to find Luang Phu Tim's Nuea Wan Plai Dam black powder Khun Phaen amulets, because many people take a great preference to the appearance of the Khun Phaen in black color, and more so, because of the famously powerful magic found within Pong Plai Dam Black Sacred Magical Earths, which is also mysteriously magnetic. Nuea Wan Plai Dam is known for both power of attraction, and Kong Grapan invincibility magic.
This all-time classic Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn of the Great Luang Phu Tim, of Wat Laharn Rai, is one of the most famous amulets of all time, and highly renowned for its true power to bring prosperity, good business, power of attraction, and mercy charm to the wearer. The reason this amulet became so world famous and popular, even in the time when Luang PhuTim was still alive, is because everybody who owned one, recounted that business and personal success and prosperity had increased constantly and steadily since wearing the amulet.
Luang Phu made other editions throughout the years, and most definitely made between 2505 BE, right up to his passing in 2518 BE. The early era and especially the 2515 BE Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn edition, are now the most preferred of all, overtaking the 2517 BE 'Block Raek' series, which is now considered by most to have been made by conmen. We must however add, that the official document of permission signed by Luang Phu Tim for the Bangkokian Association Owners, did list all the famous amulets we know from this edition, but that the Pra Khun Phaen was not on the list, and omitted. This means that Luang Phu gave permission for them to make (and take most back to Bangkok with them to monopolize).
We believe that Luang Phu Tim began making amulets at least 35 years before he passed away (which would be around 2483-2485 BE), as most Master Monks begin distributing their amulets around age 50 if not long before (usually long before), and it is not credible to believe the Bangkokian Monopolists, that Luang Phu Tim only made Pra Khun Phaen amulets in 2517, the final year before he passed away (Impossible!). This is underlined by the fact that there is photographic evidence that Luang Phu Tim was already a notionally acclaimed Master, invited as one of the 245 top masters to bless amulets in the Wat Prasat 2506 BE 4th biggest blessing ceremony in the history of Thai Buddhism, and many other important ceremonies in the years from 2500 BE onwards.
It is hence impossible that if Luang Phu Tim was already being asked to assist with other Great Masters ike Luang Phu To Wat Pradoo Chimplee, Luang Por Jong, Por Tan Klai, Luang Por Ngern Wat Don Yai Horm, and the like, that he would not already have attained fame for empowerment with his own amulets beforehand. It is merely that the bangkokian Monopokist showroom owners and book publishers, only first ever heard news and traveled to Wat Laharn Rai when it was already almost too late, in the final year of Luang Phu's life. This is also proved by the fact that these Bangkokian 2518 BE-Only monopolists publish books showing Luang Phu Tim's first edition Samanasak Monk Coin, from 2510 BE, as he was given a Royally Decreed Title of Pra Kroo, which is an act of State Recognition of his merits and a raising of status to be a Royally Accepted and Decreed Monk.
Hence, if Luang Phu Tim was elevated to a Royal Decree status in 2510 BE, and count were made to celebrate the occasion, how can the Bangkokian Monopolists dare to claim that Luang Phu Tim only ever made amulets in 251`7, and that the only Pra Khun Phaen he made were in 2517, the last year of his life. This makes no sense, considering, the reason the Bangkokians sponsored the 2517 BE edition, was because Luang Phu's fame for his mastery of Wicha Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn had reached their ears.
For it to reach their ears sitting on their butts in Bangkok, it seems to have taken at least 17 to 35 years at least for them to actually get the wax out of their ears. Lazy traders in lazy seats in lazy Bangkok showrooms. They do not travel all the time, and they were not at the temple of Wat Laharn Rai through all the years Luang Phu was there. These Bangkokains merely turned up in Luang Phu's final year and sponsored an edition, and used book publishing to suppress knowledge of the previous editions they never got to monopolize (by buying them all and waiting till they get rare, sitting on them to speculate).
The Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn is a preferred choice of both the wise investor and devotee, as well as the perfect choice for those Devotees who seek the immense power of Luang Phu Tim's now Legendary amulets. The Muan Sarn Sacred Powders of the Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn Luang Phu Tim, are renowned for their power, made from the skullbone of a Hoeng Prai. Luang Phu Tim's Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn, Pim Yai, and Pim Lek amulets are amongst the rarest and most highly sought after amulets in Thailand, and are very difficult to encounter, due to having been made in small number editions, which is nowhere near enough to provide for the masses of devotees around the world who seek such an amulet as this.
One can see a very fluffy and rich texture of the clay visibly on the surface of the amulet, in reaction with the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders. It is a part of the amulet appreciation society expert's method of authentication to examine and study the appearance of how the Muan Sarn Sacred Powder develops in surface texture, tonality and porosity of the surface, as well as the appearance of Luang Phu Tim's famous Pong Prai Kumarn which rises up and through the surface.
We ourselves feel that all of Luang Phu Tim's amulets are equally Sacred and Powerful in their own way, regardless of which edition or which temple he blessed them at, but we do, as do all Amulet Appreciation Fanatics, recognise the categories of preference within the hierarchies of different editions, which is for us one of the more subtle and fascinating parts of the study of high end amulets within the collector scene, and part of the fine art of learning how to recognise and value Sacred Amulets of High Preference and Rarity.
The Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn Luang Phu Tim amulet, has has been one of the most popular amulets in the whole Pantheon of Thai Buddhist Amulets of the last century, and of all time, and is now almost impossible to encounter commonly anywhere in any amulet emporium, except for the most elite showrooms, and at elevated prices. This Pra Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn Pim Bai Sema, is even rarer than the Pra Khun Phaen 15, and a highly desirable exhibit, that is among the rarest amulets in the pantheon of this master.
The Sacredness of the Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn is legendary and unquestioned in Thailand, and its magical power is commonly accepted by all. The Muan Sarn Sacred Powders of the Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn are considered to be amongst the most powerful powders to empower amulets in existence. This amulet is a wonderful opportunity for devotees who seek the true power of a world class amulet from a world class Master-Monk, and a wonderful Ongk Kroo reference study exhibit to peruse under the eye loupe. The amulet is a perfect and authentic study material, to train the eyes as to the appearance of the Muan Sarn and Surface textures of the Classic amulets of Luang Phu Tim Hence, the amulet is also a perfect 'Ongk Kroo' reference study material for students of the Pantheon, and will increase your chances of spotting an essential rarity at the right price, and without danger of risking a fakery.
The making of the Muan Sarn Sacred Pong Prai Kumarn powders Luang Phu Tim, came from the Wicha which Luang Phu had inherited through apprenticeship form one of his high Kroo Ba Ajarn, Kroo Ba Sangkh Tao, who was also his true Uncle. Part of the formula included Pong Prai Maha Phuudt, which was made from the Skull of a male Kumarn who died in the Womb, and who died on a Saturday and was cremated on a Tuesday. This is part of the ancient Khmer Necromantic Formula for Authentic Powerful Prai Occult Magic, as practiced in Ancient Times. It is said that Pra Kroo Sangkh Tao's Wicha Akom was so powerful that when he spat on the floor, the floor would crack where his spit would fall. Due to the fact that Monks are not allowed to seek and find this Sacred and Extremely Powerful Necromantic Substance, Luang Phu would perform Korb Kroo Initiation for protection against Black Magic and the Phuudtaa Spirit Phantoms, so they could go forth to seek and find the substances to donate to him for the making of the Pong Prai Kumarn. The Initiated Lay Devotees and Apprentices to his sorcery, would then wait for the news of the right circumstances of death of Kumarn Ghosts, and go out to collect the substances and prepare them as instructed with the Wicha. They would seek the permission of the relatives of the dead, to obtain the substances to enable the ghosts of the deceased to receive merits to free them from their Karmic residues by donation of their mortal remains to be made into amulets.
Below; Close Up Macro Image of Muan Sarn Sacred Powders of Khun Phaen Pim Bai Sema Amulet Head Segment (Front Face)
They would receive the ceremonial ritual liberation of their souls from Luang Phu Tim, who would speak with the spirits of the dead to receive their acknowledgement for the process of transformation through the Nibbana Sutra, and the Muan Sarn would then be prepared according to the Dtamra Saiyasart of Necromancy, to make the Pong Prai Kumarn. Luang Phu instructed his apprentices and the relatives of the Funerals to take care not to incinerate the whole skeleton, but to keep the skulls to bring to Luang Phu to use them for the making of the Pong Prai Kumarn. This is one of the reasons why his Pong Prai Kumarn is so powerful, because it does not contain the skeleton bone powders, rather, only those of the skulls. As a result, Luang Phu Tim's Pong Prai Kumarn has been recorded by experience of devotees to posses the highest Maha Pokasap Power of all Pong Prai Kumarn ever made, with Immense Metta Maha Niyom and Klaew Klaad Power, to induce Mercy Charm, Attract Lucky Fortunes (e.g. Lottery Winnings), and to Protect from Deadly Accidents and Disasters.
Below; Close Up Macro Image of Muan Sarn Sacred Powders of Khun Phaen Pim Bai Sema Amulet Edge Segment
Luang Phu Tim Issarigo, is of course not only one of the most highly acclaimed and sought after Guru Monks for his amulets, he is the holder of the highest esteem in Thai Buddhist amulet history for Pong Prai Kumarn powders. Luang Phu Tim, is Internationally Acclaimed, for his famous Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn, and Look Om powder balls. As to the classic 'Rian' type coin image amulets which have become all time favorites, and eternally, world famous classic amulets of the high end variety. His Rian Jaroen Porn, and Rian Nakprok Paed Rorp are among the most highly sought after coin amulets of all.
Since his passing, his devotees and apprenticed monks, have now become the world's top living masters for the making of Pra Khun Phaen Pong Pra Kumarn, and literally dozens of encyclopedic books, have been printed, documenting both this great master monk, and his classic amulets of high esteem. Buddhist monk coins with his image and others with Buddha images and other deities and imagery are amongst the most highly collected amulets and most expensive of all of the great Luang Phu Tim. He has various direct lineage apprentices, Who are continuing to progress and spread his most powerful and world-famous Wicha.
Of all of these masters, certainly the most famous, preferred and highly respected Looksit, was Luang Por Sakorn, of Wat Nong Grub, who is also now deceased, and whose amulets are fast becoming just as highly sought after. Following this Master one could possibly estimate the great Luang Phu Sin, of Wat Laharn Yai, Luang Por Rat of Wat Pha Hwaay, Luang Por Foo of Wat Bang Samak, and Pra Ajarn Somkid, of Wat Beung Tata (Rayong).
Kata Pra Khun Phaen Prai Kumarn Luang Por Tim
Puttang Ārātanānang Tammang Ārātanānang Sangkang Ārātanānang
Na Maedtaa Ja Mahaa Raachaa Taewiraacha Budtra Dtraa Budtra Dtrii Sa Ma Na Praahm Chiitaasaa Taasii Grasadtrii Paab Raacha Idthii Naarii Sappa Aehi Much-Chi Sappang Sappa Grotang Winaasandti Bpiyo Taewa Manussaanang Bpiyo Prahmma Namudt-dtamo Bpiyo Naaka Subannaanang Bpinintriyang Namaa Mihang Wikring Karae