A pristinely kept and extremely rare Rian Mangorn Koo Nuea Nava Loha Pim Pised Dtok Sorng Code Ma Wat Pha Nong Lom Run Sao Ha Maha Sethee 5th Lunar Saturday Blessing Ceremony Edition Guru Monk Coin, released in 2543 BE, to raise funds for the Kuti Songk Monks Huts and improve the facilities at the temple of Wat Pha Nong Lom.
This model of Rian Mangorn Koo twin dragons Monk Coin is a very rare Pim Pised (Niyom preferred) and differs from the majority of Rian Mangorn Koo Wat Pha Nong Lom Edition coins in Nava Loha, because of the double code MA stamp. Most coins of the Nava Loha series made for Wat Pha Nong Lom have only a single code Ma Stamp (on the Sangkati chest sash of the robe of Luang Phu), and only the Pim Pised special models received double code stamps. Only very few (unknown number) were distributed with double code stamp, making this not only a sacred, powerful master class amulet, but also a rare collectors piece.
The Rian Mangorn Koo of Luang Phu Hmun is, as are all of his amulets, known for the power of Jaroen Lap Wealth Increasement, and Lucky Fortunes, as well as for their Miraculous Protective Powers. Those born in the year of the dragon love to Bucha this amulet especially, for the obvious reason of the double dragon guardians.
For those with lower budgets, who seek power above collectability and rarity, we recommend to seek the Rian Mangorn Nuea Tong Daeng or Nava Loha single Code Ma, of the same edition, which carries a lower price than this special Nava Loha Pim Pised Gammagarn double code collectors edition model.
Chueak Akom Pirod Khor Mer Fire Element Magical Warrior Wristband - Luang Phu Nai - Wat Ban Jaeng
Pirod Khaen spellbound cord wristband for Bucha and waering for protection, from the Great Sak Yant Master of the Wicha Jing-Jok, Luang Phu Nai, of Wat Ban Jaeng.The Pirod Khor Mer is made using the traditional Wicha Pra Pirod, using woven strips of corpse cloth threads with inscriptions, to burn in a ritual fire, and summon the Fire Element for Elemental Empowerment and Sacred Geometry, along with necromancy, to empower the Khaen Pirod with one of the most potent and powerful forms of Sorcery known to Thai Buddha Magic.
Usually a Pirod Khor Mer (wristband), Hwaen Pirod (ring) and Pirod Khaen (armband) will be made using strips of Yantra Cloth which are made from corpse cloths, or sometimes from Civara Monks Robe strips, and also from other substances such as elephant tail hair, and magically empowered rope cords. It was traditional in olden days (and with this wicha in particular), to coat with herbal lacquer and bless with application of gold leaf, whilst performing incantations.
It is a Wicha which dates back a thousand years and more, to even before the days of the warrior kingdoms of the city states of Siam. This Ancient Amulet is a Wicha of Kong Grapan Chadtri and Klaew Klaad Evasive Protection is effective as a protective spell against all forms of black magic, sorcery, evil eye, demons. It protects against physical dangers, which derive from weapons of war, sharp and blunt instruments.
Klaew Klaad Evasive Magic is also inflected to prevent any deadly accidents or disasters from befalling the wearer. Klaew Klaad Evasive Magic is also inflected to prevent any deadly accidents or disasters from befalling the wearer. The Pirod Khaen offers Protection against Black Magic, and all forms of Sorcery, Curses, Evil Eye, Demons. Protection and Evasion from all Physical Dangers. This includes all sharp and projectile weapons, and especially death by fire and burning. is a very ancient form of Magical Sorcery, from very long before the Siamese Kingdom existed and was used by Warriors in ancient times throughout the Southeast Asian continent, and particularly later, during the times of war between the Kingdoms of the Khmer and Siam.
Luang Phu Nai was a very famous Sak Yant Tattoo Master of Ayuttaya, whose Wicha Jing-Jok Gecko Magic was known to be the most poerful of any Sorceror-Monk of his Time. His Jing Jok amulets are the most nationally and internationally famous Gecko amulet of all the Pantheon of Thai Classic Pra Niyom in HIstory to Date, belonging to the 'Krueang Rang' (Talismans and Charms) Category of High End Masterpieces.Luang Phu Nai Made a large number of Krueang Rang Talismanic Charms, including this Pirod Khaen, as well as many forms of sacred Powder amulets, Monk Coins, and of course the Jing Jok Gecko charms, made in many different substances, including Galabangha Dam (black coral), Mai Saksit (Sacred Tree woods), Nga Chang (Ivory), Khao Kwai (Horn) and Graduk Gae (bone).
Luang Phu Nai was a previous generation olden days master of Sak Yant Thai Temple Tattoos, and a master amulet maker, especially renowned for his carved sacred gecko charms, as well as many other Amulets. His life as a Buddhist Monk is highly documented, with many different authorships of his Biography and life's works. His amulets are equally documented and highly prized with collectors of this Genre of Masterpiece Amulet, and the Jing Jok Luang Phu Nai can be found in almost every high class Amulet Magazine, and Encyclopedic Work of importance ever published.
Considered by most people to be the number one Gecko Talisman of all time. The legends of Luang Phu Nai's powers extended into the world of Sak Yant Thai Temple Tattoos, and Devotees of the Occult, and Buddhist Amulets, and the Faithful Followers of Luang Phu Nai's Buddhist Practice and teachings Luang Phu Nai was born in the year 2446 BE, and Ordained early in his childhood as a Samanera novice Monk, at the age of 12 years old, and hence never lost his purity.
Then later, at the age of 22, he was ordained to the highest status of a fully ordained 'Bhikkhu' (that is to say, a fully fledged Buddhist monk). He remained Ordained and Pure from the age of 12 within the Buddhist Sangha, until the day he passed away in the year 2553 BE. He was able to travel to Wat Pak Klong Makham Tao temple to study Sorcery and Buddha Magic with the great Luang Phu Sukh, and even met Grom Luang Chumporn the Royal Admiral Princely Lord, who taught him the missing parts of Wicha which had been left unstudied when Luang Phu Suk passed away.
Apart from the famously powerful Gecko Charms from this Great Master Guru Monk, Luang Phu Nai has also great fame for his Takrut Tone and Takrut Maha Ud amulets, and his Pra Buddha Kotama (Pra Putta Kodom) and Pra Mokkhallā (Maugdalyana Arahant) amulets (both models in small and large versions) and his Metallic Monk Coin amulets, all enjoy a highly revered and top rankiing position in the Amulet Appreciation Societies. His Sak Yant Thai Temple Tattoos were and still are legendary, for their authentic Maha Ud, Kong Grapan Chadtri, and Klaew Klaad power.
Kata Pra Pirod - Incantations for putting on, and removal of the Magic Warrior Ring or armband of Protection and Power 'Hwaen Pra Pirod' often also commonly known as 'Hwaen Dtakror'. 'Pirod Khaen' (armband) or 'Look Dtakror' (Rattan Basketball) This Incantation is also used for invoking and putting to sleep of the spell within the Sak Yant Tattoo 'Yant Pirod', and 'Yant Look Dtakror'.
Kata Khaen Pirod
Om Pra Pirod Khord Pra Pinai
(Chant 9 Times when raising the Khaen Pirod to your forehead before using its magic, and taking it with you.)
Om Pra Pinai Klaay Pra Pirod
(Chant 9 times when return home and place it back on its altar)
You can also just raise the Khaen Pirod to your forehead before leaving the house, and pray with the first part of the Kata, and do the same when you return home with the second verse, raising the Khaen Pirod to forehead both times and placing it back in its place on the altar, when awakening and leaving the home, and when returning before going to bed.
Kata Pra Pirod - Given by the Kroo Ruesi Pra Pirod - which are 4 Akghara Khom for Bucha;
There are 16 different ways to invoke the various powers within the Hwaen Pirod for different purposes, which is performed by changing the sequence of four Khom Agkhara syllables into different sequences, resulting in differing effects.
MA MU KHU KHA - Klaew Klaad (Evasion of Dangers)
MA KHU MU KHA = Gambang, Haay Dtua, Kon Mai Hen, Kon Jam Mai Dai (Invisibility and Evasion of Enemies)
MA KHA MU KHU = Kong Grapan Chadtri Kong Ton Dtor Sastrawut (Invincibility against Weaponry)
MA MU KHA KHU = Maha Amnaj (commanding power and influence)
MU MA KHA KHU = Maha Choke, Maha Lap (receive Lucky Fortunes, Winnings and Gifts without Effort)
MU KHA KHU MA = Yord Niyom (Great preference - for making Prayer Water for spraying your wares/place of work/business to get Good Sales in Business)
MU KHU MA KHA = Serm Duang Rasi (Improve Karma and Line of Fate, Good Horoscope)
MU MA KHU KHA = Maha Pokasap Maha Sombadt (Great Wealth, Treasures, and Prosperous Living)
KHU KHA MA MU = Maha Jang Ngang (Stun Spell - grab a girls hand and she wont cry out)
KHU MU KHA MA = Maha Sanaeh (Man or Woman sees you, and becomes Obsessed)
KHU MA KHA MU = Hen Yoo Midai (He or She sees you once, Misses and thinks of You all the Time)
KHU MU MA KHA = Metta Mahaniyom (Enter to approach a Superior/Boss, and even if they were angry, the anger will fade and Mercy will Prevail)
KHA KHU MU MA = Sakod Sadtw Pis Raay (Command over Poisonous Beasts, Ghosts and Evil Spirits such as Cobras and Giant Centipedes, who will not approach if you use this Kata)
KHA MU KHU MA = Gaew Som Hwang Wised (Wish Fulfilment Crystal Spell - Make a Wish)
KHA MA MU KHU = Chana Kwaam (Win all Conquests and Outcomes, be it a Courtroom or Parliament, you should come out winning your case)
KHA KHU MA MU = Atithaan Bpaag (Word Spell - Things will happen in the fashion that we declare using words - say the words first then chant the Kata, or if you prefer, chant the Kata, then say the words, then chant the Kata once more, whilst thinking of what the words meant).