One of the rarest and most highly revered and sought after Palad Khik of all Time, the Palad Khik Gae Nuea Mai Paya Ngiw Dam Dong Jarn Mer, of Luang Por Fak, of Wat Nikom Prachasan. Hand carved from sacred Deva inhabited black Ngiw treewood. The Palad Khik of Luang Por Fak is considered amongst the top five Palad Khik of all time, and carries Supreme Eminence in the Thai Collector Scene of the Krueang Rang Category, and for all Devotees of Palad Khik amulets.

Palad Khik Mai Ngiw Dam Dong LP Fak with Hand Spell Inscriptions
Little is known of his Biography or Life before ordination, but it is known that he was the apprentice in Wicha to the great Luang Por Soke (also top 5 Palad Khik Master), and was the4 Kroo Ba Ajarn who taught the Wicha Palad Khik to the Great Luang Por Yid, of Wat Nong Jork. This Palad Khik from Luang Por Fak is in Pristine condition and exquisitely carved in the classic uniquitious curved shape which has come to be a trademark with the Palad Khik of Luang Por Fak.
A hole is drilled through the base of the Palad Khick for threading a cord through and attaching to a waistcord belt, or can alternatively be encased in waterproof casing with pendant hoop for wearing on a neckchain or belt as preferred.

Hole drilled in base of Palad Khik Mai Ngiw Dam Dong LP Fak, for threading a cord for attachment to a belt or neckchain – Hand spell inscriptions can be seen on the surface of the sacred black Paya Ngiw Dam Dong Treewood.
The back of the Palad Khik has three holes where special Muan Sarn is inserted. The body of the the Palad Khik is formed in the clasic curved shape which has become known to be ubiquitous with the Palad Khik of this Master. This exhibit is extremely rare for the hand inscription of the Yant Dan Dta (Yant Dto) on the head of the Palad Khik, which is said to be found on only very rarely.
The Palad Khik of Luang Por Fak are highly renowned for Kong Grapan Chadtri (Invincibility), Klaew Klaad (Evasion of Deadly Accidents), Metta Maha Niyom n(Mercy Charm), Kaa Khaay (Selling Power), and Lai Phuudt Phii Pisaj (Chase Demons and Ghosts Away).

3 Muan Sarn Inserts in the Palad Khik Mai Ngiw Dam Dong LP Fak
The Palad Khik is empowered with the Kata; NA HI HA HU JA CHA DAN DTA
And the Kata Hua Jai Taw Waes Suwan “WAE SA PU SA”, and the Kata Hua Jai Ittijae for Metta Maha Sanaeh “I TA KA MA”, as well as the Kata Hua Jai Metta Karaniya Sutta “AE DTANG SA DTING”, topped off with the Hua Jai Maha Ud “UT TANG AD TO”.
11 Kinds of Blessings are included within the Magic of the Palad Khik’s Wicha; 1. Sleep peacefully, 2. Awaken with Happiness, 3. Protection against all Deadly Weaponry, 4. Immunity to Poisons, 5. Mercy Charm, 6. Good Business and Wealth Increase, 7. Convincing Speech, 8. Ward off Evil Spirits and Ghosts, 9. Improve Karma, 10. Protect Household and Property, 11. Increase Popularity & Chances of Promotion.

Palad Khik Mai Ngiw Dam Dong LP Fak
The Palad Khik is an Ancient Wicha, whose development can be traced right back to the Vedic Brahman Occult practices of Thousands of Years ago. Palad Khik amulets must be empowered by the repetition of incantations, which Thais call ‘Kata Bucha’, derived from the Devanagari ‘ghata poojah’. The incantations depend on the creator’s lineage in each school of traditional non-Buddhist animist magic.
Kata Bucha Palad Khik
Ganha Neha Na Ma Pa Ta
Ja Pa Ga Sa Na Mo Put Taa Ya Gan Ha Nae Ha Na Ma Pa Ta
Om Siwaling Sabbha Metta Sabbha Pokaa Sabbha Laapo Sabbha Tanaa, Sabbha Yasa, Sabbha Pranee Sabbha Mangalaani Bhavantume.
Om Laluay Mahaa Laluay Samsip Sorng Hee Hae Hom Lorm Dtorm Kuay Khor Hai Guu Ram Ruay Pro Hua Kuay An Nii Da Daa Di Dii Duu Dii Hee Maa Kuay Maa Burut Maa Dii Sadtrii Mii Maa Swaa Home
chant any one, or all of the Kata 3 times holding the Palad Khik before wearing
Takrut Maha Solos Mongkol Muan 9 Gammagarn 2430 BE Solid Gold 2.5 Inches Luang Phu Iam Wat Sapan Sung
The extremely rare special series Takrut Maha Solos Mongkol, in Nuea Tong Kam Gammagarn in 2.5 inch size. This is the Gammagarn Solid Gold Version of the world famous Takrut amulet of the great Luang Phu Iam. Even rarer than the already extremely rare silver versions, which, along with the gold versions, were only made when wealthy devotees and Important persons brought the Gold or Silver foils for Luang Phu to Make Takrut for them when they came to make Merit. This Takrut has been taken to Goldsmiths for testing, and has been confirmed to be pure solid gold Yantra foil, and well worth its weight in gold alone, without even considering the sacred aspects and the antique nature of this exhibit
Free EMS/Fed-Ex/UPS Shipping Worldwide is Included with this amulet (depending on which Express service is available for your country), The Takrut Solos Mongkol of Wat Sapan Sung, is known as a Takrut Koo Cheewit 'Lifetime Companion' type amulet, that will bring constant improvements throughout life, and never decrease in power. This version is 'Muan Gao Rorb Gon Maeng Sab' (9 times wound Yantra Foil with 'Cockroach Thorax' shape tips'
The Takrut Maha Solos Mongkol is an ancient and powerful Sacred Yantra Spell, and an eternal favorite of devotees from Luang Por Tong Sukh around the world. The Takrut Maha Solos Mongkol of Luang Phu Iam, which is of course immensely rare to find, and devotees of Wat Sapan Sung are often seen to wear the Takrut of Luang Por Tong Sukh, Ajarn Chuea, and Luang Phu Glin as more affordable alternatives to the Takrut of Luang Phu Iam, which are not only much rarer, but much more highly valued as ancient amulets on the collector scene.
Luang Phu Iam, was of course the Originator of the Dtamra Pra Pid Ta, and the Wicha Takrut Maha Solos Mongkol of Wat Sapan Sung, which was then continued by Ajarn Chuea, Luang Phu Glin, Luang Por Tong Sukh, and in the present day by Luang Phu Waas, the current Abbot. Now, the Wicha continues onward to Luang Por Waas, who is the present day surviving holder of the Wicha of amulet making and empowerment of Wat Sapan Sung, whose legendary fame for powerful amulets began along with Luang Phu Glin, with LP Tong Sukh's Kroo Ba Ajarn; Luang Phu Iam.
The amulet is highly preferred as an alternative to the highly expensive amulets of Luang Phu Iam of Wat Sapan Sung, for the Takrut were made with the invocations of all generations of the Great Master LP Iam, and empowered with the Mastery of the Wicha Maha Solos Mongkol, which was transmitted by Luang Phu Iam to LP Tong Sukh and LP Glin, to LP Chuea.
Below : The natural aging signs of the cord and lacquer of the Takrut reveal the authenticity and true age which reaches the Era of Luang Phu Iam, as well as the visual characteristics fitting the part to a tee.
Below : The tell tale sign of an expert testing the Takrut to see if the gold foil passes through the entire length by cutting a snmall hole in the surface. This is because fakes only have the tips inserted with two small gold scrolls, and not a consistent gold foil that passes through the entire length. Hence, this is one of the ways in which some students and aficionados test this takrut for authenticity.
Luang Phu Iam Pathomanam, was born in 2359 BE, and ordained at age 22 in 2381 BE, and passed away in 2439 BE after 59 Years of Ordained Life. He is considered the greatest Kroo Ba Ajarn of the Magical Lineage of Wat Sapan Sung Temple, who created the world famous Pra Pid Ta of Immortal Legend we know to this very day. The amulets of Luang Phu Iam, are among the Eminent Members of top Pra Niyom Class Status Amulets, with his Pra Pid Ta being one of the Top 5 Benjapakee of Pra Pid Ta (Top Five Pra Pid Ta Amulets) of all time.
The Pra Pid Ta Luang Phu Iam Wat Sapan Sung is considered to be a ‘diamond in the world of Pra Pid Ta’, and is the fervently sought after amulet of the serious devotee and collector. Luang Phu Iam was the original root Guru (Kroo Ba Ajarn Yai) of the great Luang Phu Glin of Wat Sapan Sung, and of the Highly revered Luang Por Tong Sukh (Wat Sapan Sung), who learned, mastered, inherited, and continued his lineage Wicha.
Luang Phu Glin and Luang Por Tong Sukh carried the Wicha Wat Sapan Sung further, taking it beyond the lifetime of one single Master, and maintaining the Power and Popularity which Luang Phu Iam had brought to the amulets of Wat Sapan Sung.
The Takrut are coated in Muan Sarn Sacred Powders from the repositories of Wat Sapan Sung, and are hence seen to be equally powerful to the Pra Pid Ta and Look Om of Wat Sapan Sung, being made with a coating of the same Sacred Powder admixture mixed into the herbal lacquer.
Extremely famed for Kong Grapan Klaew Klaad and Maha Lap Powers. The Takrut measuring about 2.5 Inches long ad is slim at 1 Cm diameter and is encased in old silver casing. The surface of the lacquer and ageing characteristics, and tone of the Cord Threads, and Muan Sarn Sacred Powders within the lacquer visible through the areas where lacquer surface has dis-attached, is highly evident of being a Takrut of the Era of Luang Phu Iam.
The Pra Pid Ta , Rian, Takrut and Look Om, and other amulets of Wat of Sapan Sung Temple, are a Dtamra (legendary series) in themselves, that spans over various generations of abbots, all of whom have managed to gain equal fame and high repute, especially for their Pra Pid Ta, and other lineage Wicha amulets, all of which preserve the style and methods of the original Wicha made so famous by Luang Phu Iam. All editions of amulets from Wat Sapan Sung are highly sought after. and seen as preferred Master Class category amulets (Pra Niyom), regardless from which Master they came from.
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The Legendary Pra Pid Ta of Wat Sapan Sung (from LP Tong Sukh)
Luang Phu Iam was responsible for making the Pra Pid Ta of Wat Sapan Sung world famous and remain so for four successive generations of Masters. Luang Phu Iam's Pid Ta is known in two major Pim (models), namely the Pim Chalud (Blind Man model), and the Pim Dtapap (Terrapin model). Mostly the amulets would be covered in Lacquer, with some very few exhibits in pure powders.
It is known that Luang Phu Glin, first apprentice to Luang Phu Iam, and one of the Great Masters of the Wicha Pra Pid Ta Wat Sapan Sung, was allergic to Lacquer, and so his amulets never had lacquer covering made by his own hand, but that his devotees and Novice Monks would assist in lacquering them for him. Luang Phu Iam however, would more often than not dip the amulets in lacquer with their own hand, as a protective layer, as would LP Glin's apprentice, LP Tong Sukh.
All masters have followed the more or less the same design and method of lacquering, resulting in the amulets of each master being very similar in design, and mostly can only be differentiated by estimation of the age of the lacquer and Muan Sarn Sacred Powders in order to determine which Generation of Master the amulet came from.
Below : Lineage Masters of Wat Sapan Sung
Luang Phu Iam was the first Lineage master to bring fame to the temple through his amulets made according to the Dtamra Saiyawaet Grimoire of Buddha Magic and Occult Sorcery, and the various Kata which were pertinent to the Wicha of the Temple and Masters of Wat Sapan Sung, such as the Inscriptions for Takrut, the methods of making Pong Lob Yantra Powders, the Wicha of making Pra Pid Ta amulets, and Holy Water. Luang Phu Iam then passed down all of these Wicha and Ritual methods to Luang Phu Glin, who later became Abbot and Guardian Sentinel of the Wicha, and who then passed the Wicha down to Luang Por Tong Sukh, in continuation from Luang Phu Iam.
The most important ingredient which makes the sacred powder and lacquered cord coating of the Takrut of LP Iam so powerful, is of course his Inscription of the Yant Maha Solos Mongkol, and coating of the Pong Yant Maha Solos Mongkol Yantra Powders, and the Pong Yant Trai Saranakom Triple Gem Yantra Powders. This Yantra was a special spell which Luang Phu iam would embed within the powders and within his Takrut, and is said to have incomparably powerful powers of protection and of lucky fortunes attraction.
Below; the Uposatha Shrineroom of Wat Sapan Sung
Luang Phu Iam's amulets are manyfold, ranging from his famous Pra Pid Ta, to Rian Kanajarn Monk Coins, and many talismanic charms such as Takrut, Look Om, and Pha Yant. Amongst his most preferred amulets are of course the Pra Pid Ta, and the Roop Lor Luang Phu Iam, and Roop Lor Luang Phu Glin Loi Ongk Statuettes (released in 2500 BE). Other preferred amulets are the Rian Sema Block Ueam, the Rian Luang Phu Glin, and Rian Khaw Hlam Dtad, as well as various other Rian Sema type coins. Some of his amulets can fetch thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars for rare preferred block presses.
The Pra Pid Ta, Takrut Maha Solos Mongkol, Rian, and other amulets of Luang Phu Iam are very preferred and popular amulets, for their undisputed powers, which have been repeatedly confirmed over the years with so many stories in the newspapers about miraculous events happening to devotees who wore the amulets of this Master. The Temple of Wat Sapan Sung in Nontaburi, is a temple with 4 generations of famous master monks of Pra Pid Ta amulets (written iin 2018), all of whom have become extremely revered each in their own time, for the continuance of the Wicha of Pra Pid Ta, Takrut, Rian, and other amulets of this Magical Temple Lineage. Wat Sapan Sung and the Pid Ta amulets for which the temple is world famous for, began its rise to fame with the appearance of the great Luang Phu Iam.
Below : Luang Phu Iam
The amulets of all three Masters are collected with almost equal fervency and preference by devotees, the only difference between the amulets of these three masters, being the age, and the the much higher price of those from the original Kroo Ba Ajarn of the lineage; Luang Pu Iam himself. For indeed, his amulets are believed to be the most powerful, despite the eminent trajectory of the amulets of his successors.
The Amulets of the Lineage Masters of Wat Sapan Sung, are highly renowned for their powers of Maha Pokasap Metta Maha Niyom Klaew Klaad Kong Grapan Chadtri, to protect, increase status, and bring great wealth and prosperity to the wearer. In this Gammagarn Solid Gold foil version, the amulet is a most desirable acquisition, and rarest version of all, of the classic eternally famous Takrut Maha Solos Mongkol of Luang Phu Iam.