One of the rarest and most highly revered and sought after Palad Khik of all Time, the Palad Khik Gae Nuea Mai Paya Ngiw Dam Dong Jarn Mer, of Luang Por Fak, of Wat Nikom Prachasan. Hand carved from sacred Deva inhabited black Ngiw treewood. The Palad Khik of Luang Por Fak is considered amongst the top five Palad Khik of all time, and carries Supreme Eminence in the Thai Collector Scene of the Krueang Rang Category, and for all Devotees of Palad Khik amulets.

Palad Khik Mai Ngiw Dam Dong LP Fak with Hand Spell Inscriptions
Little is known of his Biography or Life before ordination, but it is known that he was the apprentice in Wicha to the great Luang Por Soke (also top 5 Palad Khik Master), and was the4 Kroo Ba Ajarn who taught the Wicha Palad Khik to the Great Luang Por Yid, of Wat Nong Jork. This Palad Khik from Luang Por Fak is in Pristine condition and exquisitely carved in the classic uniquitious curved shape which has come to be a trademark with the Palad Khik of Luang Por Fak.
A hole is drilled through the base of the Palad Khick for threading a cord through and attaching to a waistcord belt, or can alternatively be encased in waterproof casing with pendant hoop for wearing on a neckchain or belt as preferred.

Hole drilled in base of Palad Khik Mai Ngiw Dam Dong LP Fak, for threading a cord for attachment to a belt or neckchain – Hand spell inscriptions can be seen on the surface of the sacred black Paya Ngiw Dam Dong Treewood.
The back of the Palad Khik has three holes where special Muan Sarn is inserted. The body of the the Palad Khik is formed in the clasic curved shape which has become known to be ubiquitous with the Palad Khik of this Master. This exhibit is extremely rare for the hand inscription of the Yant Dan Dta (Yant Dto) on the head of the Palad Khik, which is said to be found on only very rarely.
The Palad Khik of Luang Por Fak are highly renowned for Kong Grapan Chadtri (Invincibility), Klaew Klaad (Evasion of Deadly Accidents), Metta Maha Niyom n(Mercy Charm), Kaa Khaay (Selling Power), and Lai Phuudt Phii Pisaj (Chase Demons and Ghosts Away).

3 Muan Sarn Inserts in the Palad Khik Mai Ngiw Dam Dong LP Fak
The Palad Khik is empowered with the Kata; NA HI HA HU JA CHA DAN DTA
And the Kata Hua Jai Taw Waes Suwan “WAE SA PU SA”, and the Kata Hua Jai Ittijae for Metta Maha Sanaeh “I TA KA MA”, as well as the Kata Hua Jai Metta Karaniya Sutta “AE DTANG SA DTING”, topped off with the Hua Jai Maha Ud “UT TANG AD TO”.
11 Kinds of Blessings are included within the Magic of the Palad Khik’s Wicha; 1. Sleep peacefully, 2. Awaken with Happiness, 3. Protection against all Deadly Weaponry, 4. Immunity to Poisons, 5. Mercy Charm, 6. Good Business and Wealth Increase, 7. Convincing Speech, 8. Ward off Evil Spirits and Ghosts, 9. Improve Karma, 10. Protect Household and Property, 11. Increase Popularity & Chances of Promotion.

Palad Khik Mai Ngiw Dam Dong LP Fak
The Palad Khik is an Ancient Wicha, whose development can be traced right back to the Vedic Brahman Occult practices of Thousands of Years ago. Palad Khik amulets must be empowered by the repetition of incantations, which Thais call ‘Kata Bucha’, derived from the Devanagari ‘ghata poojah’. The incantations depend on the creator’s lineage in each school of traditional non-Buddhist animist magic.
Kata Bucha Palad Khik
Ganha Neha Na Ma Pa Ta
Ja Pa Ga Sa Na Mo Put Taa Ya Gan Ha Nae Ha Na Ma Pa Ta
Om Siwaling Sabbha Metta Sabbha Pokaa Sabbha Laapo Sabbha Tanaa, Sabbha Yasa, Sabbha Pranee Sabbha Mangalaani Bhavantume.
Om Laluay Mahaa Laluay Samsip Sorng Hee Hae Hom Lorm Dtorm Kuay Khor Hai Guu Ram Ruay Pro Hua Kuay An Nii Da Daa Di Dii Duu Dii Hee Maa Kuay Maa Burut Maa Dii Sadtrii Mii Maa Swaa Home
chant any one, or all of the Kata 3 times holding the Palad Khik before wearing
Pra Pid Ta Pong Prai Kumarn Pim Jumbo Dtid Jiworn Fang Chin Aathan Hlang Yant with Authenticity Certificate Luang Phu Tim Wat Laharn Rai
Sacred Pra Pid Ta Pong Prai Kumarn Pim Jumbo,in Nuea Bailan Pasom Pong Prai Kumarn, Gesa Dtid Jiworn Fang Chin Aathan, with Sai Rae Tong Kam Gold Flakes and Gesa Hairs of the great Luang Phu Tim Issarigo of Wat Laharn Rai, with certificate of authenticity included, issued from the Samakom Luead Ban Kaay LP Tim amulet association. This exhibit is a very rare amulet of the pantheon to encounter in any situation, and one of the most highly prized amulets with devotees who seek not only the famous Metta Maha Niyom power of Luang Phu Tim's Pra Pong Prai Kumarn amulets, but also, the protection of Maha Ud, Klaew Klaad, and Kong Grapan Chadtri magic attributed to the Wicha Pra Pid Ta. The hand inscriptions of Luang Phu Tim is visible affixed to the surface of the front face of the amulet.
The Pra Pid Ta Pong Prai Kumarn of Luang Phu Tim Issarigo, of Wat Laharn Rai is one of the rare and special amulets of the pantheon, highly revered by devotees of this Great Deceased Guru Monk of the Chonburi Province, and of course by those who are both devotees of Luang Phu Tim, as well as who have reverence for, and seek the inherent blessings within the Pra Pid ta amulet. The amulet was released to devotees during the time around the 2510 BE - 2515 BE period, from the Great Luang Phu Tim Issarigo, of Wat Laharn Rai, with certificate of Authenticity from the Luead Ban Kaay Luang Phu Tim amulet association, signed by its President Dr. Ajarn Pisek. The Pra Pong Prai Kumarn sacred powder amulets of Luang Phu Tim are considered by most people to be among the mopst powerful amulets, for their immense mercy charm.
This amulet is a wonderful opportunity for devotees who seek the true power of a world class amulet from a world class edition, and also a wonderful Ongk Kroo reference study exhibit to peruse under the eye loupe. The amulet is a perfect and authentic study material, to train the eyes as to the appearance of the textures of Pong Prai Kumarn and the idiosyncrasies of the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders of this Classic amulet of Luang Phu Tim Hence, the amulet is also a perfect 'Ongk Kroo' reference study material for students of the Pantheon, and will increase your chances of spotting an essential rarity, without danger of risking a fakery.
Below; Encyclopaedic Work of Luang Phu Tim Issarigo and his Amulets
It is Said that he who has faith in and prays to Luang Phu Tim, is bound to experience success and advancement in wealth, professional status and increase happiness in life. This legend has come from the vast number of devotees, who almost all say that since they owned an amulet of Luang Phu Tim, their lives changed for the better in rapid fashion, and then continued to improve on a constant basis.This has been the case since the days of Luang Phu Tim to the present day, that owners of his amulets tend to experience noticeable improvements in all areas of life, almost without exception.
The amulet comes with Free Express Shipping included, & with A4 plastified photograph certificate of authenticity. Luang Phu Tim Issarigo, was of course not only one of the most highly acclaimed and sought after Guru Monks for his amulets, he holds a title of the highest esteem in Thai Buddhist amulet history for his Pong Prai Kumarn powders, whose legendary power has become a worldwide phenomenon with devotees around the planet, who have experienced miraculous effects with the amulets of Luang Phu.
Luang Phu Tim, was, and remains posthumously Internationally Acclaimed, for his famous Pra Kring Chinabanchorn, his Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn, and Look Om powder balls. As to the classic 'Rian' Monk coin Image amulets which have become all time favorites, and eternally, world famous classic amulets of the high end variety. His Rian Jaroen Porn, and Rian Nakprok Paed Rorp, Rian Huang Chueam, Rian Mae Nam Koo, and Rian Sema are amongst the most highly sought after coin amulets of all.
His Choo Chok Carved amulets and Pae Maha Lap Lucky Goats, and other animist Charms such as the Hanuman statuette and Sacred Powder Hanuman, various kinds of Takrut, Prakhan Sceptre Knives, Mitmor Knives, Pra Somdej in a variety of forms, Pra Pid Ta in many forms, Pra Nakprok Bai Makham Miniature Naga Buddhas,, Pra Sivali, Bucha Statues, Blessed Photos, Pha Yant, Palad Khik and Luang Phu's Pong Roop Muean Sacred Powder Monk Image in Loi Ongk statuette form.
Other lesser known Sacred powder and hand carved amulets of LP Tim, include Ruesi (lersi), Suea (tigers), made from Walrus Tusk and Bone, Wood or Ivory, or Tooth, and Ling Gae carved Vanora Monkeys. The Pra Kring Chinabanchorn amulet of Luang Phu Tim is one of his most expensive of all amulets, and extremely rare to find. He has various direct lineage apprentices, Who are continuing to progress and spread his most powerful and world-famous Wicha. Of all of these masters, perhaps the most famous, preferred, is Luang Por Sakorn, of Wat Nong Grub (also now deceased).
Pra Pid Ta amulets, as well as Pra Pid Ta in form of Pha Yant, and Bucha statues, have been produced as objects of reverence and protection since very ancient times in Thailand. The artisans of that time created various styles and interpretations using the various periodic influences of Buddhist art and sculpture available at the time. Varios Deity forms were used to make the Pid ta posture (‘Pid Ta’ means ‘covering the eyes’) – various Buddhas or Bodhisattvas or Deities are fashioned into the posture of Pra Pid ta, or Pid Tawarn (meaning ‘closing the orifices). Pid Tawarn can close 7, or 9 orifices (seven being called ‘Pra Pid Sadtatawarn’ and nine being called ‘Pra Pid Navatawarn’).
The Pra Pid Ta is considered to be an amulet with ‘Maha Ud’ and ‘Kong Grapan’ power (invincibility and gunstopping power), but is also made as a wealth bringer, in which case, the amulet will be called ‘Pra Pid ta Maha Lap’. In order to inflect a greater resonance for wealth attraction and auspicious blessings, in addition to the Maha Ud and Kong Grapan magic, ancient artisans sometimes would use the image of the Sangkajjaiyana Buddha of riches and happiness, and carve it in the Pid Ta posture.
The making of the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders for Pra Pong Prai Kumarn Luang Phu Tim, came from the Wicha which Luang Phu had inherited through apprenticeship form one of his high Kroo Ba Ajarn, Kroo Ba Sangkh Tao, who was also his true Uncle. Part of the formula included Pong Prai Maha Phuudt, which was made from the Skull of a male Kumarn who died in the Womb, and who died on a Saturday and was cremated on a Tuesday. This is part of the ancient Khmer Necromantic Formula for Authentic Powerful Prai Occult Magic, as practiced in Ancient Times.
Below; Jivara Monk's robe and Chin Aathan Necromantic Substance inserted into the front face of the amulet
Due to the fact that Monks are not allowed to seek and find this Sacred and Extremely Powerful Necromantic Substance, Luang Phu would perform Korb Kroo Initiation for protection against Black Magic and the Phuudtaa Spirit Phantoms, so they could go forth to seek and find the substances to donate to him for the making of the Pong Prai Kumarn. The Initiated Lay Devotees and Apprentices to his sorcery, would then wait for the news of the right circumstances of death of Kumarn Ghosts, and go out to collect the substances and prepare them as instructed with the Wicha. They would seek the permission of the relatives of the dead, to obtain the substances to enable the ghosts of the deceased to receive merits to free them from their Karmic residues by donation of their mortal remains to be made into amulets.
They would receive the ceremonial ritual liberation of their souls from Luang Phu Tim, who would speak with the spirits of the dead to receive their acknowledgement for the process of transformation through the Nibbana Sutra, and the Muan Sarn would then be prepared according to the Dtamra Saiyasart of Necromancy, to make the Pong Prai Kumarn. Luang Phu instructed his apprentices and the relatives of the Funerals to take care not to incinerate the whole skeleton, but to keep the skulls to bring to Luang Phu to use them for the making of the Pong Prai Kumarn. This is one of the reasons why his Pong Prai Kumarn is so powerful, because it does not contain the skeleton bone powders, rather, only those of the skulls.
As a result, Luang Phu Tim's Pong Prai Kumarn has been recorded by experience of devotees to posses the highest Maha Pokasap Power of all Pong Prai Kumarn ever made, with Immense Metta Maha Niyom and Klaew Klaad Power, to induce Mercy Charm, Attract Lucky Fortunes (e.g. Lottery Winnings), and to Protect from Deadly Accidents and Disasters.
Luang Phu Tim Issarigo, is of course not only one of the most highly acclaimed and sought after Guru Monks for his amulets, he is the holder of the highest esteem in Thai Buddhist amulet history for Pong Prai Kumarn powders. Luang Phu Tim, is Internationally Acclaimed, for his famous Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn, and Look Om powder balls. As to the classic 'Rian monk image amulets which have become all time favorites, and eternally, world famous classic amulets of the high end variety. Since his passing, his devotees and apprenticed monks, have now become the world's top living masters for the making of Pra Khun Phaen Pong Pra Kumarn, and literally dozens of encyclopedic books, have been printed, documenting both this great master monk, and his classic amulets of high esteem.
Buddhist monk coins with his image and others with Buddha images and other deities and imagery are amongst the most highly collected amulets and most expensive of all of the great Luang Phu Tim. He has various direct lineage apprentices, Who are continuing to progress and spread his most powerful and world-famous Wicha. Of all of these masters, perhaps the most famous, preferred, was Luang Por Sakorn, of Wat Nong Grub, who is also now deceased, and whose amulets are fast becoming just as highly sought after. In second place one could possibly estimate the great Luang Phu Sin, of Wat Laharn Yai, and in third place, possibly, Pra Ajarn Somkid, of Wat Beung Tata (Rayong).
Kata Bucha Luang Phu Tim Issarigo
(chant to the Triple Gem first (Namo Tassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa) 3 times), then chant;
Idti Sukadto Arahang Putto Namo Puttaaya -- Ma A U Tugkhang Anijjang Anadtaa Putto Putto
Luang Phu Tim is perhaps most famous for his Khun Phaen Prai Kumarn Amulets, which are currently experiencing a massive resurgence in popularity worldwide after recent news and discoveries, uncovering new truths which were previously hidden from the public, and are revealed in the below video with english subtitles.