This list of Buddhist Guru Master monks will auto-update each time we add a new Master. Click each link in the list to view the amulets and read about each Guru Monk
- Ajarn Nong Wat Sai Khaw
- Luang Phu Yim Wat Nong Bua
- Luang Por An Wat Prayat
- Luang Por Daeng Wat Khao Bandai It
- Luang Por Glan Wat Prayat
- Luang Por Guay Chudtintaro Wat Kositaram
- Por Tan Nam Puttasaro Wat Don Sala
- Luang Phu Phueak Wat Ging Gaew
- Luang Phu Doo Wat Sakae
- Luang Por Chaeng Wat Bang Pang
- Luang Por Phaew – Wat Tanode Luang
- Luang Pu Seng Sopano Wat Kanlayanamit
- Luang Por Doon – Wat Buraparam
- Ajahn Chah Subhatto – Wat Nong Pha Pong
- Luang Phor Derm Phutthasaro of Wat Nong Pho
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- Luang Por Chuea Sugawanno (Wat Mai Bampen Bun)
- Luang Phu Nai – Wat Ban Jaeng (Ayuttaya)
- Luang Phu Rod (Wat Bang Nam Won)
- Luang Phu Kroo Ba Ban
- Luang Por Daeng Wat Khao Bandai It
- Luang Phor Noi Wat Dhamma Sala
- Luang Por Phang Jidtakudto
- Luang Phu Toop
- Luang Phu Yen
- Luang Por Parn Sunanto
- Luang Por Guay
- Luang Phor Sodh
- Luang Phor Raks (Wat Sutawat Vipassana)
- Luang Phor Kasem Khemago
- Luang Phu Kambu
- Luang Phor Chor
- Luang Phor Supot
- Luang Phor Simplii
- Luang Por Suang Apayo (Wat Chee Ba Khaw)
- Phor Tan Jao Khun Juea
- Luang Por Nok (Wat Sangkasi)
- Luang Por Lae Tidtappo (Wat Khao Song)
- Luang Por Hyord (Wat Gaew Jaroen)
- Luang Por Pring – Wat Bang Bakork
Ruesi Por Gae Nuea Dam Pasom Pong Prai Kumarn Long Sai Rae Tong Kam Hlang Yant Ha Hand Inscribed Luang Phu Tim Free Express Shipping
A very rare Pim indeed, a Loi Ongk Roop Lor Sacred Powder Statuette of the Ruesi Por Gae Dta Fai in meditative posture, made from Nuea Dam Black Plai Dam Powders mixed with pure concentrated Pong Prai Kumarn Powders with the Yant Grabong Khwai on rear face, Code U on the Lap, and hand inscriptions on the base, from the Great Luang Phu Tim, of Wat Laharn Rai. The amulet has been pressed with Nam Man Pra Jao Thaksin and given a Sai Rae Tong Kam Gold Flake embedding. Por Gae Ruesi, is a highly revered Thai 'Lersi' Deity of Ancient Renown. There are many Legends about many different Lersi. One of the Lersi to be found so often mentioned in Thai Mythology, is Por Gae Lersi Thai Fai (Sometimes spelled “Pho Kae Ta Fai”).
This exhibit is absolutely packed full of Pong Prai Kumarn, with Sai Rae Tong Kam gold flakes visible embedded within the Muan Sarn Sacred Powder clay. Luang Phu Tim's Sacred Yant Ha (Yant Grabong Khwai 5 Dhyani Buddha Yantra), on the rear face provides Metta and Kong Grapan Chadtri, Klaew Klaad, and Serm Duang power to the wearer, and empowers the Ruesi with the Wicha Putttasart (Buddha Magic/White Magic).
The Muan Sarn Sacred Powders of the Pong Prai Kumarn of Luang Phu Tim Wat Laharn Rai, are also one and the same as the powders found in the extremely expensive Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn amulets of this Master. For this reason, Look Om, Loi Ongk Statuettes, and other smaller Pong Prai Kumarn amulets of this Master, are highly sought after, by those who are faithful devotees but whose budget does not allow the purchase of such an expensive amulet as the Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn Luang Phu Tim, and are hence considered a perfect and more affordable alternative to the Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn Luang Phu Tim, whilst enjoying the same Magical Power.
Luang Phu Tim Issarigō, was the most famous maker of Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn of all time, and will most probably hold this status of number one master of the Wicha of making and empowering Pong Prai Kumarn Child Hoeng Prai Ghost Bone Powder Magical Muan Sarn Substance, and invoking the Power of the Mother band Child Hoeng Prai Ghosts to iinhabit the amulets through his reanimation spells. Luang Phu Tim Isarago, is of course not only one of the most highly acclaimed and sought after Guru Monks for his amulets, he is the holder of the highest esteem in Thai Buddhist amulet history for Pong Prai Kumarn powders. Luang Phu Tim, is Internationally Acclaimed, for his famous Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn, and Look Om powder balls. As to the classic 'Rian Guru Monk Image amulets which have become all time favourites, and eternally, world famous classic amulets of the high end variety. Buddhist monk coins with his image and others with Buddha images and other deities and imagery are amongst the most highly collected amulets and most expensive of all of the great Luang Phu Tim. He has various direct lineage apprentices, Who are continuing to progress and spread his most powerful and world-famous Wicha.
The Lersi, or also known as 'Ruesi', are the holders of the Great Kampira Grimoires, and Magical Wicha of the Dtamra Saiywaet, and are the Root Guru Masters of the Magical Tradition in Buddhist Thailand. Lersi Deva Hermit Gods are Revered in Thailand under the Name 'Por Gae'. Por Gae defends these 'Wicha' etheral knowledges from both the ignorant who wish to destroy them, as well as the ignorant not ready to learn them. This Lersi commands respect and gives knowledge to those ready to accept the power that comes with the Lersi Path. Worshipping the Ruesi brings a full range of blessings and protective magic of the Boroma Kroo and the Immense Power and Protection of the 108 Ruesi Hermit Sages. Kong Grapan, Klaew Kaad, Gae Aathan, Gan Kun Sai, Choke Lap, Kaa Khaay, Metta Mahaniyom, Serm Duang, Maha Sanaeh.
All of these blessings are given with the practice of revering and following the Ruesi Devas. It requires somewhat more effort to practice revering the Ruesi, than to wear an amulet, because the practice of Revering Ruesi is a regular applied practice and you must think that the Ruesi are always with you, and that one lives and behaves as a Looksit of the Ruesi Boroma Kroo Por Gae. To Bucha the Ruesi brings Protection from physical and magical dangers (black magic) had Kong Grapan, Maha Ud and Klaew Klaad Properties. Gae Aathan (remove Black Magic), Gan Phii (scare Ghosts away), Metta Mahaniyom (great preference and popularity), Maha Sanaeh (charm and hypnotic effect, attraction to the opposite sex). Serm Duang (invoke an auspicious fate and destiny, horoscope).
Made from precisely the same Muan Sarn Sacred Powders concentrate as the Look Om Pong Prai Kumarn of Luang Phu Tim, and hence as powerful in its physical composition of magical substance, and empowered with not only the invocations of the 108 Ruesi Sages, but also the Prai Hian Power of the Hoeng Prai and Kumarn Tong Ghosts imbued within the powders. The making of the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders of Pong Prai Kumarn created by Luang Phu Tim, came from the Wicha which Luang Phu had inherited through apprenticeship form one of his high Kroo Ba Ajarn, Kroo Ba Sangkh Tao, who was also his true Uncle.
Part of the formula included Pong Prai Maha Phuudt, which was made from the Skull of a male Kumarn who died in the Womb, and who died on a Saturday and was cremated on a Tuesday. This is part of the ancient Khmer Necromantic Formula for Authentic Powerful Prai Occult Magic, as practiced in Ancient Times.
Due to the fact that Monks are not allowed to seek and find this Sacred and Extremely Powerful Necromantic Substance, Luang Phu would perform Korb Kroo Initiation for protection against Black Magic and the Phūdtā Spirit Phantoms, so they could go forth, to seek and find the substances to donate to him for the making of the Pong Prai Kumarn.
Closeup macro images of the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders and surface textures reveal the presence of authentic Pong Prai Kumarn within the Muan Sarn Clay, rising to the surface.
The Initiated Lay Devotees and Apprentices to his sorcery, would then wait for the news of the right circumstances of death of Kumarn Ghosts, and go out to collect the substances and prepare them as instructed with the Wicha. They would seek the permission of the relatives of the dead, to obtain the substances to enable the ghosts of the deceased to receive merits to free them from their Karmic residues by donation of their mortal remains to be made into amulets.
They would receive the ceremonial ritual liberation of their souls from Luang Phu Tim, who would speak with the spirits of the dead to receive their acknowledgement for the process of transformation through the Nibbana Sutra, and the Muan Sarn would then be prepared according to the Dtamra Saiyasart of Necromancy, to make the Pong Prai Kumarn. Since his passing, his devotees and apprenticed monks, have now become the world's top living masters for the making of Pra Khun Phaen Pong Pra Kumarn, and literally dozens of encyclopaedic books, have been printed, documenting both this great master monk, and his classic amulets of high esteem.
Luang Phu instructed his apprentices and the relatives of the Funerals to take care not to incinerate the whole skeleton, but to keep the skulls to bring to Luang Phu to use them for the making of the Pong Prai Kumarn. This is one of the reasons why his Pong Prai Kumarn is so powerful, because it does not contain the skeleton bone powders, rather, only those of the skulls.
Below; hand inscriptions visible on the base of the Loi Ongk Statuette
As a result, Luang Phu Tim's Pong Prai Kumarn has been recorded by experience of devotees to posses the highest Maha Pokasap Power of all Pong Prai Kumarn ever made, with Immense Metta Maha Niyom and Klaew Klaad Power, to induce Mercy Charm, Attract Lucky Fortunes (e.g. Lottery Winnings), and to Protect from Deadly Accidents and Disasters.
For students who wish to begin serious collectorship of amulets of Luang Phu, we recommend to begin with the lower priced items, as the most affordable way to obtain an authentic study material, and to train the eyes, as to the appearance of the Muan Sarn, and Surface textures of his other Classics. Studying a lesser priced amulet of same age and substance, is a perfect and affordable way, to train oneself in recognizing the authentic amulet, before risking thousands and tens of thousands of dollars on a Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn Luang Phu Tim.
The amulet is also therefore, a perfect 'Ongk Kroo' reference study material, for students of the Pantheon, and will increase your chances of spotting an essential rarity at the right price, and without danger of risking a fakery. A highly attractive and rare Sacred Amulet, that is truly Powerful and stands as the Master Class Amulet of its Category, and is considered a Most Highly Prized addition to any Luang Phu Tim amulet Collector's Showcase, and more importantly, The Ruesi Pong Prai Kumarn Loi Ongk Statuette amulet, is a most powerful amulet to possess for Bucha, and receive its Blessings, which History has proved time and time again to be one of the most powerful and famous amulets in Thai Amulet History.
Always chant the Praise to Buddha first three times; Na Mō Dtassa Pakawadtō Arahadtō Sammā Samputtassa ( X3 on your knees and bowing each time)
Kata to the 108 Ruesi;
Om Surawepoya Ruesi Poya Na Ma Ha
Kata Bucha Ruesi;
1. Om Imasaming Pra Bprakone Tap Pra Muneetewaa Hidtaa Dtumhe Bparipunchandtu
2. Tudtiyambpi – Imasaming Pra Bprakone Tap Pra Muneetewaa Hidtaa Dtumhe Bparipunchandtu
3. Dtadtiyambpi – Imasaming Pra Bprakone Tap Pra Muneetewaa Hidtaa Dtumhe Bparipunchandtu
Kata to ask for the blessings of the Ruesi;
Om dtwa mewamaadtaa ja bpidtaa dtwa mewa dtwa mewa pantusaja sakhaa dtwa mewa dtwa mewa witayaa tarawinam dtwa mewa dtwa mewa sarawam ma ma tewa tewa
Kata Bucha Por Gae Ruesi Dta Fai
1. Ugaasa imang akkee paahoo buppang Ahang wantaa aajaariyang sappasayang winaassandti sittigaariya abparabpachaa imasaming pawandtume
2. tudtiyambi – imang akkee paahoo buppang Ahang wantaa aajaariyang sappasayang winaassandti sittigaariya abparabpachaa imasaming pawandtume
3. Dtadtiyambpi – imang akkee paahoo buppang Ahang wantaa aajaariyang sappasayang winaassandti sittigaariya abparabpachaa imasaming pawandtume
Katas for Revering the Ruesi
Various Kata (general and specialized) for praying to the Ruesi, and empowering your Ruesi amulets, Por Gae Masks and Statues
General Kata (Good for all Ruesi)
Namasa Dtisadtawaa Isisitti Lokanaatathang
Anudt Dtarang Isee Ja Pantanang
Saadtraa Ahang Wantaami Dtang Isisittiwesa
How to Pray to the Ruesi Narot
Offer Hmak Plu (Betel nut and Areca leaf), tobacco and grapefruit. Also offer flower garlands which have jasmine flowers in them.
Kata for Bucha Ruesi Narot
Ugaasa Wantami Bhante Sappatang Abparaatang Kha Ma Dta Mae Bhante Mayaa Gadtang Bpunyang Saaminaa Anumotittappang Saaminaa Gadtang Mayhang Naadtappang Saatu Saatu Anumotaami Wantaami Narata Burapaajaariyang Sappa Maetosang Khamadta Mae Bhante
It should be noted that to correctly Bucha Ruesi Deities, one should also have Korb Kroo ceremony performed on you in order to receive protection and lineage of the Ruesi Masters.
Kata Bucha Phu Ruesi Nakarach
Om Mahaa Swaahome Na Leu ler Asisidti Tanuu Jaewa Sappae Aawutaanija Pakka Pakadtaa Wijuninaani Lomang Maamae Na Pussandti
โอมมะหา สวาโหม นะ ฦา ฤา อสิสิติ ธะนูเจวะ สัพเพ อาวุธทานิจะ ภัคคะภัคตา วิจุนินานิ โลมังมาเม นะผุสสันติ