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Pra Pong Prai Kumarn Pim Siarn Lek 2515 Nuea Chompoo with Authenticity Certificate Free Shipping Luang Phu Tim Wat Laharn Rai
Presenting an all time Pra Niyom Master Class Amulet of the High End Category, even rarer than its counterpart, the Pim Siarn Dto, is this beautiful Pim Siarn Lek (small headed version), in Nuea Pong Pra Kumarn See Chompoo Long Sai Rae Tong Kam, with authenticity certificate, from the Samakom Anuraks Pra Krueang Luang Phu Tim Ban Khaay amulet society, the Pra Pong Roop Muean Pim Siarn Lek 2515 BE edition amulet of Luang Phu Tim (Wat Laharn Rai) is one of the rarer amulets to see these days. This exhibit is 'Ongk Kroo Doo Ngaay' (top class for ease of recognition and pristine features), and highly eligible for prize in further competition.
This model is in Nuea Chompoo Pasom Khaw Hniaw Sukh, with Pong Prai Kumarn Powders, and Sai Rae Tong Kam Gold Flake coating. Only 200 of each Pim in each type of Muan Sarn Sacred Powderswere made in this edition. The Pong Roop Muean Luang Phu Tim was made in two main models, the Pim Siarn Lek (small head) and Pim Siarn Dto (large head). This exhibit displays an extreme quantity of Pong Prai Kumarn Necromantic Powders, with Khaw Hniaw Sukh Sticky Rice noticeably present within the Sacred Clay, making this an extremely easy to recognize and confirm exhibit.
This amulet has been authenticated and given official certificate from the Luead Ban Kaay Luang Phu Tim amulet appreciation association of Rayong, and comes with official box and A4 size full colour certificate of authenticity included, as well as a Certificate and box from the Siam Amulet Original Society
Below; Certificate of Authenticity of the Siam Amulet Original Society, making this amnulet a double certificated exhibit, and deserving a pride of place position in any Luang Phu Tim amulet collector's showcase.
The all-time classic Original Wat Laharn Rai Release of the Sacred Pra Pong Roop Muean Pong Prai Kumarn of the Great Luang Phu Tim of Wat Laharn Rai was created within a pantheon of other amulets, which are classed together as the 'Pra Chud Nuea Pong Pasom Pong Prai Kumarn', which were made in 17 different Pim;
1.Pra Pid Ta Pim Jumbo (only 26 amulets made), 2. Pra Pid Ta Pasom Pong Prai Kumarn Pim Yai (96 amulets made) - this Pim was made in 2 different versions, Nuea Pong Roey Tabai Pra Kring Chinabanchorn (with metal powder filings from the Casting of the Pra Kring Chinabanchorn statuettes - 48 Made), and a further 48 made without Pra Kring filings powders.
3. Pra Pid Ta Hlang Yant Ha Pim Yai Fang Ploi - large version with a Yantra on rear face and Ploi Sek Gemstones (9000 amulets made) . 4 Pra Pid Ta Pim Lek small version - some models had the Yant Ha yantra on rear face, and some were 'Hlang Riab' smooth rear face (500 amulets made). 5 Pra Pid Ta Hlang Yant Nam Tao with Gourd Yantra on rear face - some had Ploi Sek Gems inserted, others without (2000 amulets made).
6. Pra Pim Bai Po Roop Muean Jao Khun Nor Wat Taep Sirin Hlang Yant Nam Tao (500 amulets made) 7. Pra Pim Somdej Hlang Yant Sam Buddha Image with Yant Bai Pad - three pointed Yantra on rear face (5000 amulets made) 7. Pra Pim Somdej Hlang Yant Ha (5000 amulets made) 8. Pra Nakprok Pong Dam Wat Sutat - Bodhi Tree Buddha in black powders (600 amulets made) 8. Pra Pid Ta Jumbo Pised (special series sponsored and designed by Kun Pracha Sri Palai (only 16 amulets ever made) 9. Pra Pang Lila Thung Sethee Hlang Fang Ploi walking Buddha with Gemstones in rear face (40 amulets made)......
10. Pra Pong Supan Hlang Fang Ploi Roey Tabai Pra Kring Chinabanchorn with Gems in rear face and filings from the Pra Kring Chinabanchorn statuettes 11. Pra Rod Roey Tabai Pra Kring Chinabanchorn (16 amulets made) 12, Pra Gampaeng Ploo Jeeb Hlang Fang Ploi with Gems in rear face (16 amulets made) 13. Pra Roop Muean Loi Ongk Sam Liam Hlang Yant Ha triangle shape with Yantra and Gems in rear face (30 amulets made).
14 Pra Nuea Hlang Locket with gesa hairs of Luang Phu Tim Wai Kroo (only 2 amulets ever made) 15. Pra Pid Ta Hlang Yant Yung Nuea Pong Khaw Hlang Riab (only 2 amulets made) 16. Pra Pim Leb Mer Taay Talad (69 amulets made) 17 Pra Pid Ta Pim Lek Kanaen Nuea Pong Hlang Locket Wai Kroo Pasom Sen Gesa Luang Phu Tim (only 2 or 3 made)
The Pra Roop Muean Siarn Dto is one of the most rare and sought after amulets of Luang Phu Tim, and, like the famous Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn, highly renowned for its true power to bring prosperity and good business, power of attraction and mercy charm to the wearer. We guarantee authenticity with this item, as we do with all amulets in our showroom.
The reason the amulets of Luang Phu became so world famous and popular, even in the time when Luang PhuTim was still alive, is because everybody who owned one of his amulets, recounted that business and personal success and prosperity had increased constantly and steadily since wearing the amulet.
This particular exhibit has pristine features and is 'Ongk Kroo Doo Ngaay' - easily identifiable for its classic appearance, with no visual discrepancies, and the evident presence of authentic Pong Prai Kumarn within the Muan Sarn, which cover the surface of the amulet with their greeny-white substance which has risen to the surface through the Bronze Wanich coating. This exhibit is a particularly outstanding amulet.
Above and Below; some examples of the Pong Roop Muean Piim Siarn Dto and Pim Siarn Lek Nuea Pong Prai Kumarn amulets, in a Samakom Pra amulet appreciation society encyclopedia.
Pim Siarn Lek
The Muan Sarn Sacred Powders of the Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn Luang Phu Tim, are renowned for their power, made from the skullbone of a Hoeng Prai. Luang Phu Tim's amulets are amongst the rarest and most highly sought after amulets in Thailand, and are very difficult to encounter, due to having been made in small number editions, which is nowhere near enough to provide for the masses of devotees around the world who seek such an amulet as this.
One can see a very fluffy and rich texture to the Bronze Wanich coating on the surface of the amulet, in reaction with the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders. It is a part of the amulet appreciation society expert's method of authentication to examine and study the appearance of how bronze Wanich golden paint develops in surface texture, tonality and porosity of the surface, as well as the appearance of Luang Phu Tim's famous Pong Prai Kumarn which rises up and through the fine golden painted surface.
We ourselves feel that all of Luang Phu Tim's amulets are equally Sacred and Powerful in their own way, regardless of which edition or which temple he blessed them at, but we do, as do all Amulet Appreciation Fanatics, recognise the categories of preference within the heirarchies of different editions, which is for us one of the more subtle and fascinating parts of the study of high end amulets within the collector scene, and part of the fine art of learning how to recognise and value Sacred Amulets of High Preference and Rarity.
Luang Phu Tim's amulet, enjoy the honourable status of being amongst the most popular amulets in the whole Pantheon of Thai Buddhist Amulets of the last century, and of all time, and is now almost impossible to encounter commonly anywhere in any amulet emporium, except for the most elite showrooms, and at elevated prices.
The Sacredness of Luang Phu Tim's Pong Prai Kumarn powder is legendary and unquestioned in Thailand, and its magical power is commonly accepted by all. The Muan Sarn Sacred Powders of the Prai Kumarn are considered to be amongst the most powerful powders to empower amulets in existence.
This amulet is a wonderful opportunity for devotees who seek the true power of a world class amulet from a world class edition, and also a wonderful Ongk Kroo reference study exhibit to peruse under the eye loupe. The amulet is a perfect and authentic study material, to train the eyes as to the appearance of the Muan Sarn and Surface textures of the Classic amulets of Luang Phu Tim.
Hence, the amulet is also a perfect 'Ongk Kroo' reference study material for students of the Pantheon, and will increase your chances of spotting an essential rarity at the right price, and without danger of risking a fakery. We highly recommend this amulet as a sound investment and a last chance to obtain and be the proud owner of an authentic Wat Laharn Rai release model of such an Eternal Classic amulet of Luang Phu Tim.
A highly attractive and rare Sacred Amulet of which only 200 were ever made, that is truly Powerful and stands as a Master Class Amulet of its Category, and is considered a Most Highly Prized addition to any Master Class Collector's Showcase, and more importantly, is a most powerful amulet to possess for Bucha, and receive its Blessings, which History has proved time and time again to be one of the most powerful and famous amulets in Thai Amulet History.
The making of the Muan Sarn Sacred Pong Prai Kumarn powders Luang Phu Tim, came from the Wicha which Luang Phu had inherited through apprenticeship form one of his high Kroo Ba Ajarn, Kroo Ba Sangkh Tao, who was also his true Uncle. Part of the formula included Pong Prai Maha Phuudt, which was made from the Skull of a male Kumarn who died in the Womb, and who died on a Saturday and was cremated on a Tuesday. This is part of the ancient Khmer Necromantic Formula for Authentic Powerful Prai Occult Magic, as practiced in Ancient Times. It is said that Pra Kroo Sangkh Tao's Wicha Akom was so powerful that when he spat on the floor, the floor would crack where his spit would fall.
Due to the fact that Monks are not allowed to seek and find this Sacred and Extremely Powerful Necromantic Substance, Luang Phu would perform Korb Kroo Initiation for protection against Black Magic and the Phuudtaa Spirit Phantoms, so they could go forth to seek and find the substances to donate to him for the making of the Pong Prai Kumarn.
The Initiated Lay Devotees and Apprentices to his sorcery, would then wait for the news of the right circumstances of death of Kumarn Ghosts, and go out to collect the substances and prepare them as instructed with the Wicha. They would seek the permission of the relatives of the dead, to obtain the substances to enable the ghosts of the deceased to receive merits to free them from their Karmic residues by donation of their mortal remains to be made into amulets.
They would receive the ceremonial ritual liberation of their souls from Luang Phu Tim, who would speak with the spirits of the dead to receive their acknowledgement for the process of transformation through the Nibbana Sutra, and the Muan Sarn would then be prepared according to the Dtamra Saiyasart of Necromancy, to make the Pong Prai Kumarn.
Luang Phu instructed his apprentices and the relatives of the Funerals to take care not to incinerate the whole skeleton, but to keep the skulls to bring to Luang Phu to use them for the making of the Pong Prai Kumarn. This is one of the reasons why his Pong Prai Kumarn is so powerful, because it does not contain the skeleton bone powders, rather, only those of the skulls.
As a result, Luang Phu Tim's Pong Prai Kumarn has been recorded by experience of devotees to posses the highest Maha Pokasap Power of all Pong Prai Kumarn ever made, with Immense Metta Maha Niyom and Klaew Klaad Power, to induce Mercy Charm, Attract Lucky Fortunes (e.g. Lottery Winnings), and to Protect from Deadly Accidents and Disasters.
The Pra Pong Roop Muean Siarn Lek Nuea Pong Prai Kumarn is a preferred choice of both the wise investor and devotee, as well as the perfect choice for those Devotees who seek the immense power of Luang Phu Tim's Legendary Pong Prai Kumarn amulets. The fact that it carries his image is also a factor of Gurunussati remembrance of the Guru, and to connect with Luang Phu for his protection, and meditate on him when praying.
Luang Phu Tim Isarago, was, and remains posthumouslys of course, not only one of the most highly acclaimed and sought after Guru Monks for his amulets, he is the holder of the highest esteem in Thai Buddhist amulet history, for his legendary Pong Prai Kumarn powders. Luang Phu Tim, is Internationally Acclaimed, for his famous Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn, and Look Om powder balls, the Pra Kring Chinabanchorn metallic Buddha statuette, Roop Lor statuettes, and many other Sacred Powder Amulets. As to the classic 'Rian' type coin image amulets which have become all time favourites, and eternally, world famous classic amulets of the high end variety. His Rian Jaroen Porn, and Rian Nakprok Paed Rorp are amongst the most highly sought after coin amulets of all.
Since his passing, his devotees and apprenticed monks, have now become the world's top living masters for the making of Pra Khun Phaen Pong Pra Kumarn, and literally dozens of encyclopaedic books, have been printed, documenting both this great master monk, and his classic amulets of high esteem.
Buddhist monk coins with his image and others with Buddha images and other deities and imagery are amongst the most highly collected amulets and most expensive of all of the great Luang Phu Tim. He has various direct lineage apprentices, Who are continuing to progress and spread his most powerful and world-famous Wicha.
Of all of these masters, perhaps the most famous, preferred, was Luang Por Sakorn, of Wat Nong Grub, who is also now deceased, and whose amulets are fast becoming just as highly sought after. In second place one could possibly estimate the great Luang Phu Sin, of Wat Laharn Yai, and in third place, possibly, Pra Ajarn Somkid, of Wat Beung Tata (Rayong).
Kata Pra Khun Phaen Prai Kumarn Luang Por Tim
Puttang Ārātanānang Tammang Ārātanānang Sangkang Ārātanānang
Na Maedtaa Ja Mahaa Raachaa Taewiraacha Budtra Dtraa Budtra Dtrii Sa Ma Na Praahm Chiitaasaa Taasii Grasadtrii Paab Raacha Idthii Naarii Sappa Aehi Much-Chi Sappang Sappa Grotang Winaasandti Bpiyo Taewa Manussaanang Bpiyo Prahmma Namudt-dtamo Bpiyo Naaka Subannaanang Bpinintriyang Namaa Mihang Wikring Karae
Below you can see an authentic exhibit of one of Luang Phu Tim's Look om Pong Prai Kumarn (small pim lek) fropm the 2517 BE Wat Po Sampant edition, in HD video, for comparison of the features and aspects of the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders.