This list of Buddhist Guru Master monks will auto-update each time we add a new Master. Click each link in the list to view the amulets and read about each Guru Monk
- Ajarn Nong Wat Sai Khaw
- Luang Phu Yim Wat Nong Bua
- Luang Por An Wat Prayat
- Luang Por Daeng Wat Khao Bandai It
- Luang Por Glan Wat Prayat
- Luang Por Guay Chudtintaro Wat Kositaram
- Por Tan Nam Puttasaro Wat Don Sala
- Luang Phu Phueak Wat Ging Gaew
- Luang Phu Doo Wat Sakae
- Luang Por Chaeng Wat Bang Pang
- Luang Por Phaew – Wat Tanode Luang
- Luang Pu Seng Sopano Wat Kanlayanamit
- Luang Por Doon – Wat Buraparam
- Ajahn Chah Subhatto – Wat Nong Pha Pong
- Luang Phor Derm Phutthasaro of Wat Nong Pho
External Pages
- Luang Por Chuea Sugawanno (Wat Mai Bampen Bun)
- Luang Phu Nai – Wat Ban Jaeng (Ayuttaya)
- Luang Phu Rod (Wat Bang Nam Won)
- Luang Phu Kroo Ba Ban
- Luang Por Daeng Wat Khao Bandai It
- Luang Phor Noi Wat Dhamma Sala
- Luang Por Phang Jidtakudto
- Luang Phu Toop
- Luang Phu Yen
- Luang Por Parn Sunanto
- Luang Por Guay
- Luang Phor Sodh
- Luang Phor Raks (Wat Sutawat Vipassana)
- Luang Phor Kasem Khemago
- Luang Phu Kambu
- Luang Phor Chor
- Luang Phor Supot
- Luang Phor Simplii
- Luang Por Suang Apayo (Wat Chee Ba Khaw)
- Phor Tan Jao Khun Juea
- Luang Por Nok (Wat Sangkasi)
- Luang Por Lae Tidtappo (Wat Khao Song)
- Luang Por Hyord (Wat Gaew Jaroen)
- Luang Por Pring – Wat Bang Bakork
Pra Pim Prasut - Extremely Rare 2 sided Clay Buddha Amulet + Solid Gold Frame - Luang Por Pina - Wat Sanom Lao
Pra Pim Prasut Jiw - Luang Por Pina Wat Sanom Lao - Miniature Sacred Clay Buddha Amulet with Pra Pang Maha Jakkapat, Pra Mae Toranee, Pra Mae Posop, and Pra Sangkajjai. Due to its Petite size and Graceful Design, this amulet is an Extremely Recommended Buddhanussati Amulet for Ladies and Children, or as a smaller amulet for men to wear as a lateral adornment to a neck-chain with multiple amulets.
The Pra Pim Prasut, was made in two different colored Sacred Powders; Black Bailan (only first edition made), and brown-red earthen clay Made from Wan Mongkol, Khaw Sarn Hin, Din Nam Pi, and Pong Wised Powders. The amulets were made in Pim Jiw, Klang, and Yai (miniature, medium and large). The miniature models are the rarest and most highly prized of all three sizes, with the first edition black model being the rarest and most highly prized of all.
The amulet represents a manifestation of the Buddha, representing the occasion when King Bhimpisara beseeched the Buddha to help to prevent the King Paya Maha Chompoobodee from attacking the Kingdom of Rajaghiri.
The Buddha then created a mirage, and appeared as a great King with a Great Kingdom, before Maha Chompoobodee, to teach the Dhamma and heal that King from Wrong Views and Maliciousness. The Buddha holds a Crystal Chakra Disk at the chest. This Manifestation brings Maha Amnaj, Serm Yos Status Imcrease, and instills respect in those arpund you. Below the Buddha, is the Dharani Earth Goddess, representing the victory over all Maras and Evils.The other figure is that of Pra Mae Posop, The goddess of the harvest and fertility. This goddess represents the horn of plenty, to always have enough sustenance for one's needs.
Above; Pra Sangkajjai is accompanied by the Kata Pra Sivali NA CHAA LII DTI on the rear face of the amulet, and the numbers 1 and 2 for the moon and sun. A Trishul trident is above Pra Sangkajjai.
The Buddha himself in this Manifestation (Pang), represents success and victory, and Greatness, which is represented by the way the Buddha shamed the most powerful King in India into feeling inferior, through appearing as a Mirage of an even greater King, with an even more impressive kingdom.
In addition, the Buddha also invited King Paya Maha Chompoobodee to throw all of his most powerful magic curses and enchantments at him, which he accepted.
But Maha Chompoobodee wasn't able to harm the Buddha in any way at all This left the king feeling completely inferior and powerless in comparison to this great King, who was in truth the Buddha. He then took off his crown, and luxurious robes and jewelry, and bowed down to the Buddha, and asked to become ordained as one of his Bhikkhus.
The rear side of the Amulet, has Pra Sangkajjai Buddha, and the Kata Pra Chimplee (Pra Sivali) 'Na Chaa Lii Dti'. The numbers 1 and 2 are embossed, representing the moon amd the sun. To bring guiding light in the night amd the day. These amulets are highly regarded for their Metta Mahaniyom, Maha Lap Klaew Klaad and Maha Pokasap Powers as well as the obvious Power of Serm Duang ability to improve fate and destiny. They are filled with Puttakun Blessings of the Buddha, and offer Protection and Prosperity. Made from extremely rich admixture of sacred earths and magical Muan Sarn powders.
This amulet is 'Doo Ngaay' (easy to see it is real), for its clearly recognisable Muan Sarn. It is hence considered Ongk Kroo, as a reference model for further study to increase the powers of recognition of authenticity of the amulets of Luang Por Pina
This is for its easily recognisable features and Muan Sarn Powders allow one to easily distinguish the authenticity of any other exhibit when held side by side for comparison, making it a Master Key for teaching the eyes to recognise Luang Por's famous Sacred Powders, as well as the effects of aging over the years, as to how discoloration and surface mildews should appear in a true authentic example of the Pra Pim Prasut of Luang Por Pina
Those examples which possess visible surface mildew risen up through the inner Muan Sarn Sacred Powder content to stick to the surface, are more highly prized due to the ease of authentication. Some examples will have white mildew stains, and others may appear to have a herbal lacquer painted on to areas of the surface. Both effects are results of the Muan Sarn substances rising up from the inside to escape through the pores of the outer surface.
Above; Close up of the Muan Sarn and Mildew Stains on the surface of an authentic example of the Pra Pim Prasut Luang Por Pina.
Luang Por Pina is the deceased Abbot of Wat Sanom Lao in Sra Buri and was said to have possessed Abhinya Powers, and to have Mastered the 10 Kasina Powers of Elemental Magical Dominion. Below you can see another Sacred Amulet from this Master, the Famous Pra Pim Tao Wua Luang Por Pina.
It is said that Luang Por Pina was able to read the minds and intentions of other Humans, and bring amulets to life with is Empowerment Methods, and that his amulets were able to give signs and also can be beseeched and prayed to for wish fulfilment (Sarapat Neuk). There are many stories of Miraculous Events occurring through his amulets.
Luang Por Pina is known to have performed strange Magical feats in front of the eyes of his disciples many times, especially when devotees would ask him for an amulet. He would ask the devotee to lay down and open their eyes, and would take a handful of sand and pour it over their face, as they would hold the amulet in the hand.
But the sand would bounce back before it hit their eyes, and no matter how much was poured on the face, not a single grain of sand would be able to enter the eyes of the devotee, becoming repelled as if by a force field before it touched the eyes.
Above Pic; The corpse of Luang Por Pina which was found in meditation posture, dead since over 12 Hours, but was still warm, and not stiff, to the immense surprise of those who found him. The surprise was because a corpse that is dead for over 12 hours, should be stiff as a board and cold.. his body was not mummified or given any special treatment according to his wishes and placed in his mausoleum.
Kata Luang Por Pina
Light 5 sticks of Incense, and chant the Maha Namasakara 3 times before chanting the special Kata for Luang Por Pina Bpiyataro
Namo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa
Namo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa
Namo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa
Then chant the Kata for Luang Por Pina (3 times);
Ahang Sukhadto Pina Bpiyataro Naamadtae Aajaariyo Ma Pandtae Hohi
Kata Pluk Khong (Call the power within the amulet)
Puttang Gandtang Saranang Haa
Puttang Gandtang Saranang Hae
Puttaaa Namo Ya
Kata Pra Som Hwang (Fulfilment of Wishes)
Chant the following for as many repetitions as your age (for example, if you are 35 years old, then chant the Kata, repeatedly for 35 times)
Nadtae Sudtae
The last repetition, change the words to
Mahaa Sudtae Nachaa
As an example, let us pretend a four year old were to recite the mantra, which would result in four lines like this;
Nadtae Sudtae, Nadtae Sudtae, Nadtae Sudtae, Mahaa Sudtae Nachaa
If you wish to know more about another famous amulet of Luang Por Pina, then you can listen to the three quarter of an hour talk and explanation of the Sacred Daw Aathan along with a short Biography of Luang Por Pina, recounted and narrated by Amulet Expert Ajarn Spencer Littlewood in the below Podcast. In the podcast, You will be amazed to learn about the very deep meanings contained within the Daw Aathan Hnun Duang Lucky Star amulets of Luang Por Pina.
Please Enjoy the Biography, and Explanation of another very famous Amulet of Luang Por Pina, revealed; Perd Dtamnan Daw Athan Hnun Duang, and increase your knowledge of the amulets of Luang Por Pina.