This list of Buddhist Guru Master monks will auto-update each time we add a new Master. Click each link in the list to view the amulets and read about each Guru Monk
- Ajarn Nong Wat Sai Khaw
- Luang Phu Yim Wat Nong Bua
- Luang Por An Wat Prayat
- Luang Por Daeng Wat Khao Bandai It
- Luang Por Glan Wat Prayat
- Luang Por Guay Chudtintaro Wat Kositaram
- Por Tan Nam Puttasaro Wat Don Sala
- Luang Phu Phueak Wat Ging Gaew
- Luang Phu Doo Wat Sakae
- Luang Por Chaeng Wat Bang Pang
- Luang Por Phaew – Wat Tanode Luang
- Luang Pu Seng Sopano Wat Kanlayanamit
- Luang Por Doon – Wat Buraparam
- Ajahn Chah Subhatto – Wat Nong Pha Pong
- Luang Phor Derm Phutthasaro of Wat Nong Pho
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- Luang Por Chuea Sugawanno (Wat Mai Bampen Bun)
- Luang Phu Nai – Wat Ban Jaeng (Ayuttaya)
- Luang Phu Rod (Wat Bang Nam Won)
- Luang Phu Kroo Ba Ban
- Luang Por Daeng Wat Khao Bandai It
- Luang Phor Noi Wat Dhamma Sala
- Luang Por Phang Jidtakudto
- Luang Phu Toop
- Luang Phu Yen
- Luang Por Parn Sunanto
- Luang Por Guay
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- Luang Phor Raks (Wat Sutawat Vipassana)
- Luang Phor Kasem Khemago
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- Luang Phor Simplii
- Luang Por Suang Apayo (Wat Chee Ba Khaw)
- Phor Tan Jao Khun Juea
- Luang Por Nok (Wat Sangkasi)
- Luang Por Lae Tidtappo (Wat Khao Song)
- Luang Por Hyord (Wat Gaew Jaroen)
- Luang Por Pring – Wat Bang Bakork
Pra Lor Nuea Chin Takua Pim Pra Sangkajjai Niyom Luang Por Niam Wat Noi Master-Class Centenary Amulet - Express shipping Free
A very rare model to encounter amongst the many models made by Luang Por Niam, of Wat Noi, is the Pra Pim Sangkajjai Nuea China Takua , especially preferred as being an original version made and empowered by LP Niam at Wat Noi, which holds a higher status with collectors to those of the Kru Wat Suwan Hiding PLace Find amulet blessing and series he made (which are in truth, one and the same and of equal value, and only differ academically, but otherwise, are equal to each other).
Luang Por Niam was the number one Kroo Ba Ajarn and Ordaining Officer of the great Master Monk Luang Por Parn of Wat Bang Nom Kho, who was witnessed to have died in complete happiness and relaxation, in meditative bliss, as an attained ascended Master. For this reason, Luang Por Noi has many faithfull devotees around the world, who worship him and his teachings, and revere his attainments, and wish to wear one of his blessed amulet.
Luang Por Parn is worshiped as one of the Top 10 Greatest Guru Monks of present-day in Thailand & many worshippers all around the world. He was the closest disciple of Luang Por Niam
Luang por Niam, was responsible for blessing the many amulets found in the Kru Wat Suwan in Ang Tong, and added his own amulets from Wat Noi,, which are despite being the same amulets, received a second blessing (making their slightly cheaper price hard to understand). The two different releases are easily and visibly different, due to the surface effects from being hidden within a Kru Chamber.. This exhibit of the Pra Sangkajjai is evidently a direct release from Wat Noi, due to the slightly greenish-black tone, with white Kraap mildew, whereas the exhibit which he buried at Wat Suwan.
The Pra Gru Wat Suwan Series
The natural appearance of an authentic Pra Kru Wat Suwan leaden amulets, is that they have a fine layer of Kraap Kru arising on portios ofthe surface, showing red rust from oxidisation. It is also important to note that the Pra Kru Wat Suwan amulets did not have their edges filed off into perfect frames, and have rough unfiled edges because of this factor. This is one of the first things to look for when collecting authentic Pra Kru Wat Suwan artifacts.
According to historical records, the great master Monk of Wat Noi in Supannburi, Luang Por Niam, was invited to assist in the making, casting, and empowerment of the additional amulets which were being made. This makes the ra Kru Wat Suwan enter into the Pantheon of aficionados of this Monk and his Amulets, and their popularity has become ever more legendary, to the point where the Pra Kru Wat Suwan is now a piece of National Historical Heritage.
The age of the ancient burial find models ranges up to 700 years to 1000 years old, and the edition added by Luang Por Noi is dated around the Mid-Ratanakkosin Era, making them past the Centenarian level (more than a Century Old).
Many different Pim (models) of amulets were found in lesser and greater numbers, all differing slightly, due to the ancient casting methods used during olden days, making it impossible to make thousands of identical amulets as seen in the modern era, with modern block press engineering technology. The amulets were cast from ancient mercurial leaden sacred alloy, & also were found in reddish baked Eearthen sacred clay. The amulets exist in many forms;
Such as the Pra Upakut, Pra Sangkajjai, Pra Rod Lampun, Pra Ruang Rang Pern, Pra Lila Laweng, Pra Lila Kampaeng Gaew walking Buddha votive tablets, Pra Pratummaas, Pra Supann Hlang Pra,Pra Mahesworn Nuea Chin Ngern silver leaden amulets, Pra Pong Supan Benjapakee amulets, identical to those found at the Kru Wat Pra Sri Mahatat find, Pra Lor Pim Pra Pratan Buddha Immages (in small and large sizes), and Pra Paruhnang Loi Ongk Buddha statuette amulets, Pra Pim Mokkhala Saribut (Maugdalyayana and Saributra) Buddha amulet, the Pra Tham Suea Ruesi Amulet in both Pim Hnaa Gae and Pim Hnaa Ruesi, Pra Kum Nakorn Khosa, Pra Pim Wat Rachadesa, Pra Put Pim Siarn Hlaem pointed head Buddha votive tablet in leaden alloy, The Pra Kong Lampun Benjapakee amulet, all versions of the Khun Phaen Ban Krang earthen amulets in all models, such as the Pim Khaen Orn, Pim Bai Mayom, Pim Pra Pratan, Pim Lueay, Pim Song Pon Yai, Pim Plai Dtat Diaw, Pim Plai Koo, Khun Phaen Pim Pha Seek, and so on.
Pra Sangkajjai
He has a golden tinted skin complexion, and was originally so similar in appearance and stature to the Lord Buddha, that sometimes people would mistake him for the Buddha if seen from a distance. For this reason, he used his mind powers to force his body to grow fatter and not so handsome as before, in order to not confuse others if he was the Buddha or not. The ancient masters would often use the visual symbolism of Pra Sangkajjai’s features to create statues in this image, which has served as an important preserver of the Faith over the Centuries, and a very old form of Buddha image dating back to the early times of Buddhism.
Pra Maha Sangkajjai was originally called ‘Ganjana’, which means ‘Gold’ in Pali. He was the son of a Brahman called Bpurohidtgajjayana Kodtra in the City of Usenni He studied and completed the Traiwaet (Tri Veda). After his father passed away, he inherited the title of Bpurohidt (advisor to the King). This happened in the time of the King Jantabajjodti Pra Sangkajjai had 7 close companions who cam,e with himn to attend the Buddhas teachings at Wat Weluwanaram, and after listening to the Dhamma, becamse Arahants instantly and asked to ordain. In the Turasutra it is mentioned that Pra Sangkajjai lived to the age of 120 years old.
Pra Sangkajjai Amulets.
The making of amulets in the image of Pra Sangkajjai have been made since ancient times by many different Temples and Samnak. The Sangkajjai amulet has always been a very preferred amulet and believed ot have great power, for the insertion of the ‘Puttakun’ qualities of the Sangkajjai Buddha of Metta Mahaniyom and Maha Sanaeh and forcing these powers to become a Sacred Na spell within the image of the amulet. Sangkajjai amulets are also sometimes made as Pid Ta amulet posture too, as a mix of wealth increase, and protection from harm amulet..The Na Sangkajjai Spell can be made as a Takrut and inserted into the image of the Sangkajjai Buddha, which awakens the Metta Mahaniyom power within, The amulet can be worn, placed on an altar for Bucha, or even kept in your money purse.
Pra Sangkajjai represents one of the Pra Sidtisawok Aedtakka (One of the Buddha’s the most admired and praised practitioners). The Buddha praised him for his ability to put long complex teachings into short understandable formulas.
Kata Hua Jai Bucha Pra Sangkajjai
Arahandti Gajjaayana Thaero Mahaa Poko Pawandtumae.
This Kata calls luck and fortune and brings wealth, and other great treasures.
Full Version of Kata Bucha Pra Sangkajjai
Gajjaiyana Ja Mahaa Thaero Putto Puttaanang Puttadtang Puttanja Putta Sapaa Sidtang Puttadtang Samanubpadt-dto Puttachodtang Namaa Mihang Bpiyo Taewa Manussaanang Bpiyo Prahma Namudtamo Bpiyo Naaka Subannaanang Bpiyinsiyang Namaa Mihang Sappae Chanaa Pahuu Chanaa Bpuriso Chanaa Idthii Chanaa Raachaa Paakinii Jidt-dtang Aakajchaahi Bpiyang Ma Ma.
Chanting this Kata is Good for increasing popularity, business sales and promoted status. In addition, Sangkajjai amulets have the special abstract magical quality of increasing your common sense, mindfulness and wisdom is also present within this amulet. This particular aspect of the Sangkajjai magic is what is called a ‘Prisnatam’ (mysterious phenomenon).. The confusion between images of Pra Sri Arya Maedtrai and Pra Sangkajjai Buddhas.
There is sometimes a little confusion between these two Buddhas, because some artistic interpretations of Maitreya (called ‘Pra Sri Arya Maedtrai’ in Thai) depict this Buddha as a plump sitting buddha with Bald head. This causes people to think it is the Sangkajjai Buddha. The way to tell the difference is that the Sangkajjai Buddha will have curly balls on his head (representing the curly hairs), and the plump image of Maitreya has a shaved head.
Origins of the name Sangkajjai
Pra Sangkajjai was not called this from the beginning, but came from Thailand, when in the Radtanakosin Era, whilsst digging to place the central pillar of a temple shrineroom that was being built for a temple in Tonburi, and they found a Gajjaiyana Buddha and a Conch shell (Conches are called ‘Sangkh’ in Thai). This temple was then called afterwards ‘Wat Sangkh Grajay’ (temple of scattered conch). It is assumed then, that the namke of this amulet came from the name of the temple, and that a double word play or ‘Chinese Whispers’ style distortion of the name occured and Gave the Ganjana Buddha the name of the temple it was found in.
Extra Goodie for enjoyment! - Amulet school. Maybe you may find an amulet you own in this video!