This list of Buddhist Guru Master monks will auto-update each time we add a new Master. Click each link in the list to view the amulets and read about each Guru Monk
- Ajarn Nong Wat Sai Khaw
- Luang Phu Yim Wat Nong Bua
- Luang Por An Wat Prayat
- Luang Por Daeng Wat Khao Bandai It
- Luang Por Glan Wat Prayat
- Luang Por Guay Chudtintaro Wat Kositaram
- Por Tan Nam Puttasaro Wat Don Sala
- Luang Phu Phueak Wat Ging Gaew
- Luang Phu Doo Wat Sakae
- Luang Por Chaeng Wat Bang Pang
- Luang Por Phaew – Wat Tanode Luang
- Luang Pu Seng Sopano Wat Kanlayanamit
- Luang Por Doon – Wat Buraparam
- Ajahn Chah Subhatto – Wat Nong Pha Pong
- Luang Phor Derm Phutthasaro of Wat Nong Pho
External Pages
- Luang Por Chuea Sugawanno (Wat Mai Bampen Bun)
- Luang Phu Nai – Wat Ban Jaeng (Ayuttaya)
- Luang Phu Rod (Wat Bang Nam Won)
- Luang Phu Kroo Ba Ban
- Luang Por Daeng Wat Khao Bandai It
- Luang Phor Noi Wat Dhamma Sala
- Luang Por Phang Jidtakudto
- Luang Phu Toop
- Luang Phu Yen
- Luang Por Parn Sunanto
- Luang Por Guay
- Luang Phor Sodh
- Luang Phor Raks (Wat Sutawat Vipassana)
- Luang Phor Kasem Khemago
- Luang Phu Kambu
- Luang Phor Chor
- Luang Phor Supot
- Luang Phor Simplii
- Luang Por Suang Apayo (Wat Chee Ba Khaw)
- Phor Tan Jao Khun Juea
- Luang Por Nok (Wat Sangkasi)
- Luang Por Lae Tidtappo (Wat Khao Song)
- Luang Por Hyord (Wat Gaew Jaroen)
- Luang Por Pring – Wat Bang Bakork
Pha Yant Chern Mongkol 2541 BE Yant Grao Paetch Rachasri Koo 17 x 23 Inches - Luang Por Chern Wat Koke Tong
Pha Yant Grao Paetch Chern Mongkol Tee Raleuk Piti Chalong Sapan Tun Niti Jao Kun Chern Pra Kroo Woragij Witan Ubpathampa 2541 BE - Luang Por Chern, Wat Koke Tong
Pha Yant with Roop Muean Image, Yant Grao Paetch, Yant Paed Tidt Rachasri, 2 Sacred Na, and the Yant Rachasri Phone, with Invocations of Auspicious Blessings (Chern Mongkol), from the 2541 BE 'Tee Raleuk Piti Chalong Sapan Tun Niti Jao Khun Chern Pra Kroo Woragij Witan Ubpathampa' edition. The Yantra cloth in red linen and measures 17 x 23 Inches.
Luang Por Chern was a Gaeji Ajarn Guru Master Monk of the Ayuttaya Region, whose knowledge of Wicha Akom and certain specialised Wicha, was of great variety and who possessed some extremely rare abilities in the Wicha Saiyasart, which are most difficult to find in any Master of this Century.
The Pha Yant bears the image of the Great Ayuttaya Master Monk of Luang Por Parn Lineage Luang Por Chern, of Wat Koke Tong in the central section, with the Yant Grao paetch Diamond Armour Yantra raised above Luang Por's image. The Yant Rachasri Paed Tidt 8 directional Yantra, containing a Rachasri Himapant Lion in defensive Watchful Guardian Posture of Maha Amnaj, is seen residing to our left. To our right, there is a Four Sided Mandala Type Yantra containing the Rachasri Phone Himapant Lion King, raising one paw in readiness to pounce and also to snatch any prey which passes by.
The Pha Yant celebrated the funding and completion of the Sapan Tun Niti Jao Kun Chern Bridge, which was constructed 22 Meters Wide and 99 Meters long across the Mae Nam Noi river, and which made a further extension of concrete road up to 555 Meters long in the vicinity of the bridge, which had a total cost of 12,508,000 Thai Baht (363,9824US). These funds were raised through donations of Devotees and the amulets of Luang Por Chern, which financed the bridge through the Niti Jao Kun Chern Foundation, which is a charitable fundraising foundation founded by Luang Por Chern.
Kata Yant Grao Paetch
Yant Grao Paetch Diamond Armour Yantra is a Wicha made Famous by the Great Luang Por Parn, of Wat Bang Nom Kho in Ayuttaya. Luang Por Chern is one of the elder Ayuttaya Masters who continue the Wicha of Luang Por Parn, perpetuating the existence of the Wicha in the Lineage of Ayuttaya Masters. The Diamond Armor Yantra spell is a piece of Purely Buddhist Sacred Geometry, containing the highest Psalms of Praise and Declaration of the Attainment of Arahantship of the Lord Buddha Sakyamuni.
The Kata is written in a magical Yantra square, which can be read in two directions, pronouncing the Kata (Incantation) in two differing ways;
1. Idtipiso Bhagava Arahang Sammaa Sam Buddho Vicha Jarana Sambpano Sugadto Logawituu Anudtaro Bpurisa Tamma Saaradti Sadthaa Taewa Manussanang Buddho Bhagavati.
2. I Ra Chaa Ka Dta Ra Saa Dti Hang Ja Dto Ro Thi Nang Bpi Sam Ra Lo Bpu Sa Pu So Maa Na Ga Ri Thaa To Pa Sam Sam Wi Sa Tae Pa, Ka Pu Ban Tuu Tam Wa Ka Waa To No A Ma Ma Waa A Vi Su Nu Saa Nu Dti
He who wears, carries or otherwise possesses the magic of the Diamond Armor Yantra, has a Crystral Wall of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Brahmas, Gods and Denigods, Dhakinis and Yidams, Devas and Buddha-Savaka protecting you. It protects against all forms of poisonous beasts and insects, snakes and other poisonous dangers, such as poisonous plants.
It protects from 'Dtaay Hoeng', meaning an unnatural or terrible death, which usually results in becoming a ghost or phantom. It protects against evil magic and sorcery, ghosts and demons, as well as physical dangers and deadly accidents or events.
It increases Wealth and Prosperity, and Improves the chancs of Promotion in the workplace and Succesful Advancements in Life. It inicreases Metta Mahaniyom, and popularity and believablility, and the bias of others will be gaiined in your favor. It transforms bad horoscope into good fortune and reduces bad Karma, increasing Good Karmic events and your chances of making merits.
Kata Chanting for Paya Rachasri (Singha) Lion - Maha Amnaj, Klaew Klaad, Kong Grapan Chadtri. Increase Power and Commanding Dominion, Induce Respect and Awe in others, and Conquer Your Foes;
Putta Saetho Mahaa Naathang Wan Nago Singha Naa Tagang Putta Sirasaa Dtaechaena Maara Saenaa Bparaa Cheuyyang Chayya Pakawandtu Mae
Use this Kata before entering for job interviews or to meet with powerful people or superiors at work, as well as when you will meet with enemies or opponents. A special Wai Kroo Master Day ceremony was given in Buddha Abhiseka, in Traimas Ceremony, with Master Monks present to Chant the Blessings and Blow the Wicha Yant Grao Paetch into the Pha Yant.
The Yant Grao Paetch has been passed down from Luang Por Parn, through his Great Looksit and fellow Noble Person on the path to Enlightenment, Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam (Wat Ta Sung, Utai Thani), and is continued by various Ayuttaya masters in varous temples, of whom Luang Por Chern is a Looksit and an adherent to the methods used by the Yant's originator, Luang Por Parn, of Wat Bang Nom Kho.
Below; The lower section of the Pha Yant has some paragraphs of text explaining the duning of the bridge, and the dimensions of the bridge and its installation date. The bridge was opened on the 18th July 2541 BE
A most complete Wicha in this double set for protection and prosperity, commanding power and invincibility, promotion and wealth, from a monk of great purity and true adherence to the Wicha of Luang Por Parn. Recommended for Buddhists who prefer white magic and who wish only the psalms of the Buddha to be uttered upon their spiritual planes, in the realms of the heart.
Luang Por Chern studied as an apprentice in Saiyasart and Buddha Sastra (Buddha Magic) under the Great Luang Phu Suk the famed Master of Wat Pak Klong Makham Tao, as well as undergoing apprenticeships in Magic to the Great Luang Por Jong (Wat na Tang Nork), Luang Por Glan of Wat Prayat, and of course, the Great Luang Por Parn, of Wat Bang Nom Ko, who was the master from whom he inherited the most secret and Sacred Wicha of making the Buddha riding Animals amulets (Pra Putta Jao Pratap Sadtw).
The amulets of Luang Por Chern are known to possess extremely high Puttakun (Buddhakun) power, and his empowerments were known to be of equal power and effectiveness as those of his mentors. Luang Por Chern was born into the Kutee Sukh family lineage in the village of Dong Dtan in Pong Peng Municipality in Pha Moke district, Ang Tong Province on a friday, in the first Lunar Phase of the 6th Astrological Month, in the year of the Goat.
In Modern terms this means the the 12th April 2450 BE. His Father was called Mr. Klueab, and his Mother bore the name of Mrs. Lo. Luang Por Chern was the older of three Siblings, with his two younger Siblings being Twin Sisters, called Miss Jiam, and Miss Jom Luang Por Chern's Mother passed away as he was aged 5 years old, and so as his Father would go to farm the fields, Luang Por Chern would have to assist in watching over his two younger Siblings, and this was a very hard time for his family, and for Luang Por Chern, as he was still himself only a small boy of 5-6 years old.
As he reached the age of 8 years old, his Father brought him to be looked after at the temple of Wat Ler Chai under Luang Por Kharp, who was at the time the Bishop of Kutee Municipality in Pak Hai District. Luang Por Chern recieved an education there under Luang Por Kharp for a period of 2 years, until he became able to read and write. After this, Luang Por Kharp took Luang Por Chern and put him in the care of Luang Por Perm (Pra Kroo Borvorn Sangkagij) of Wat Koke Tong Temple, in the Sena Municipality District.
Luang Por Chern was ordained as a Samanera Novice Monk, at the age of 16, on the fifth of June, in the year 2466 Buddhist Era. Luang Por Perm was his Upachaya Ordaining Officer. Luang Por Perm was a grand Master of Pariyatti Theoretical Dhamma, and of Samatha Meditation and Vipassana Kammathana practice. He was also very diligent practitioner of the Moral Code of Vinaya Precept keeping, and and expert in Traditional Buddhist Medicine, as well as the Wicha Saiyasart (Sorcery).
He had inherited the Wicha from Luang Por Glan of Wat Prayat, Luang Por Sukh of Wat Pak Klong Makham Tao, and Luang Por Parn of Wat Bang Nom Kho. Luang Por Perm was famous for his ability to banish ghosts, demons and remove black magic curses and spells, and for his ability to perform spiritual healing. His fame was almost equal to that of his colleague and companion Luang Por Parn of Wat Bang Nom Kho at the time, who was his elder by 5 years. In those days Luang Por Parn would often come to stay and visit at Wat Koke Tong.
Luang Por Parn was even present to assist in the raising of the central foundation pillar of the Sala Bprian study hall at Wat Koke Tong in 2467 BE, and helped to lift the pillar. But what is sadly strange is that Luang Por Perm himself never made amulets, which resulted in his fame being specific to the time he was alive, and that due to the fact that he made no amulets, the later generations did not have something to study his trajectory with. However, the fact that he renounced such activities, also shows his practice as being already beyond material activities, and that he was already approaching the path to Nibbana.
The only sacred material object he has to mark his passing, is a pair of memorial stones, which he inscribed with Wicha, which are placed at the prayer water well at the temple. A third memorial stone is also placed there which came from Luang Por Parn, of Wat Bang Nom Kho. The 'Nam Montr' (holy prayer water) from this well, is said to be extremely sacred and powerful. Luang Por Chern would always use it to spray holy water blessings on his Devotees.
When Luang Por Chern had been a Samanera for 4 years, and then came of age (20), he was then promoted to the status of a fully fledged Bhikkhu Buddhist Monk, and did not disrobe beforehand as often happens when a child ordains as a Novice Monk. He was Ordained as a Bhikkhu at the Putta Sima Monastic Border Monument at the entrance to the Temple of Wat Koke Tong, on the 1st June 2470 BE , with Luang Por Kharp his first Mentor as his Upachaya Ordaining Officer, and Luang Por Perm as hi Pra Kamma Wajaajaarn (Prompting Officer).
Pra Ajarn Jaem was his Pra Anusasanaajarn witness. He received the official ordained Pali sanskrit name of 'Bunya Siri", meaning 'Majestic Merit'. After his ordination, Luang Por Chern assisted Luang Por Perm with the temple activities constantly, and learned from him all that he could know, he became first a batchelor of arts in Dhamma study, then a Doctor of Dhamma, and eventually a Masters degree in Dhamma.
He was elected as a 'Pra Palad' which is equivalent to a commanding officer of the temple, and had to perform all the administrative duties for Luang Por Perm, right up to the passing of Luang Por perm in 2491 BE. In 2492 BE, Luang Por Chern was elected to be Abbot of Wat Koke Tong and shortly after was awarded the academic status of 'Pra Kroo Sanya Badtr Chan Aek' and was presented with the official Monks Fan of this status by the Prime Minister, who happened to also be the founder of the Wat Koke Tong school.
Pra Somdej Prayan Sangworn Sangkaracha, the head Monk of the Thai Buddhist Religion from Wat Bovornives in Bangkok, was also present to award Luang Por Chern with the official presentaiton of the Pat Pattana ritual fan for Luang Por Chern's great attainments. Luang Por Chern had many Kroo Ba Ajarn who loved him highly because of his diligence and loving kindness and helpfulness, and for this reason he received so many Secret and Powerful Wicha from them all.
He became an Adept at Incantations, Khom Agkhara Magical Spell Inscription and the Sacred Geometry Wicha of Yantra design, and of Traditional Medicine and Spiritual Healing methods. He knew how to make medicine that would banish and remove curses and spells, and banish ghosts and demons. He would spend much time sitting in Samatha meditation and Vipassana Kammathana practice and had been practicing this since the age of 10 years old already, resulting in his highly Adept ability to empower amulets through his Jhanic Meditative Prowess.
As he was just 10 years old he had already followed Luang Por Perm on Tudong to the province of Chainat and was able to meet Luang Phu Sukh of Wat Pak Klong Makham Tao. Even in his first ever year of ordination, he was lucky to go and sit and practice Kammathana Meditation together with the Great Luang Por Jong at Wat Na Tang Nork, after which he would often travel there to learn more Wicha with Luang Por Jong, for many years.Luang Por Chern was also given the chance to be a Looksit Apprentice to Luang Por Glan at Wat Prayat as Luang Por Perm was still alive.
Luang Por Perm took him there in 2473 BE as Luang Por Glan was already a very aged Master Monk, and complete in his Wicha. Because Luang Por Parn of Wat Bang Nom Kho would often stop by at Wat Koke Tong to rest and stay for a while, Luang Por Chern also begged to become an apprentice in Wicha, and so would often use the rowing boat at the riverside of the temple to row Luang Por Parn back downstream to the temple of Wat Bang Nom Kho and take him home, and learn Wicha with him at Wat Bang Nom Kho.
This is of course how he inherited the Wicha for making the famous 'Pra Putta Jao Pratap Sadtw' Buddha riding on animal steeds amulets, with Luang Por Parn's Great yantra, the 'Yant Grao paetch' on the rear face, for which these amulets of Luang Por Chern are a perfectly recommendable alternative to the much more expensive classics from Luang Por Parn himself, and there is no reason to believe that their power is less than that of those from his Mentor.
Luang Por Chern passed away on the first of January in the year 2543 Buddhist era at the age of 93 after 73 years of ordained life leaving devotees in extreme sadness at his passing. His great ability to empower and bless amulets has made him yet another of the Great Masters of Immortal Fame in the Pantheon of Thai Buddhist Masters of Old - A true Gaeji Ajarn of Highly respectable Trajectory, and Legendary fame.