Presenting a tiny but powerful and rare classic amulet from one of the Great Khao Or Masters of the 20th Century, Rian Glom Lek Hlang Chedi 2505 BE Nuea Tong Daeng Miniature Guru Monk Coin Por Tan Klai Wajasit
This Sacred amulet of the Great Khao Or Master of Nakorn Sri Tammarat, Master of Wat San Khan and Wat Pratat Noi, is a very rare amulet from Por Tan Klai’s 2505 BE Blessing Ceremony Edition, and is considered a ‘Jaek mae Krua’ type amulet (meaning ‘give to the kitchen maids and temple helpers’), which is suitable not only for men, but due to its miniature size, a perfect amulet for ladies or children to wear.

Rian Glom Lek 2505 BE Por Tan Klai Wajasit Wat Suan Khan
The 2505 BE edition of amulets of Por Tan Klai, is a highly preferred edition, which saw his famous ‘Rian Glom’ round Monk coin amulet with Chakra released, The Rian Glom Lek Hlang Chedi, and the Roop Tai Por Tan Klai Guru Monk Blesséd Photographamulets such as look om chan hmak and ya sen tobacco balls, and sacred powder amulets of various models.
A very rare and highly prized amulet for the devotees of Por Tan Klai to associate with his image and pray to him with a blessed image of the Guru, and the Chedi Relic Stupa on rear face for Buddhanussati and Marananussati. A powerful and Sacred amulet which has passed through the hands of the Guru and been blessed by him.
Por Tan Klai was one of the Top Guru Master Monks of the Last Century, and is considered one of the Four Great Masters of the Previous Generation of Lineage Masters of the Khao Or Southern Sorcery Lineage.
Kata Bucha Por Tan Klai
Pra Kru Ta Gradan See Sawad Pim Gaes Yaw Nuea Chin Dtakua Sanim Daeng - Ancient Trai Pakee Leaden Amulet for Status + Protection
Pra Ta Gradan Nuea Chin Dtakua Pim Gaes Yaw - Classic member of the 'Trai Pakee' (Top 3) Category of Leaden Hiding Place Amulets.
The Pra Ta Gradan is a Pra Kru hiding place archeological dig amulet from Wat Klang, Wat Nuea and Wat Tai temples of the Kanjanaburi Region. Made from Nuea Chin (leaden alloys). It is assumed to have been created in the U-Tong Era, and not thought to have been created by Buddhist Monks, rather is believed to be created by the Ruesi (Lersi).
This belief arose, because of 2 gold and silver bound Bai Lan parchment scriptures, from Kampaeng Paetch and Supannburi Provinces, which tell of these amulets being created by the 11 Ruesi Sages. Of these 3 Sages, three of them were renowned for their great power and wisdom; Ruesi Ta Fai, Ruesi Ta Wua and Ruesi Pilaalai
The Pra Kru Ta Gradan Sri Sawad amulet was discovered when the Kru hiding place broke open at the enpty delapidated temple in Sri Sawad district in the year 2460 BE. The first amulet was found at Wat Klang, then more turned up at Wat Nuea, and at Wat Tai.
The Pra Kru Ta Gradan is honed in the image of a Lersi hermit sitting in Meditation, with a bound topknot. found in two different 'Pim' (models); Pim Gaes Yaw (long topknot), and Pim Gaes Dtum (short stumpy topknot). Both models have a flat rear face. On the 'Pim Gaes Yaw' longer haired model, the topknot of the bound hair of the hermit will bend to one side in one direction or the other. On the Pim Gaes Dtum, there is only a small stump pointing upwards.
The Pra Kru Tha Gradan is one of the 'Trai Pakee' set of 'Top Three Regions' amulets made from Leaden Alchemical alloy, which are the Pra Ruang Rang Phern, the Pra Hoo Yan, and the Pra Kru Ta Gradan. The Pra Ta Gradan Kru Sri Sawad was said to have been only one of a large number of different amulets found in the hiding chamber by those olden days folk who were alive to witness the opening of the hiding place. There were also some Pra Mahaesuan, Pra Ruang Yern, Pra Paruhnang, Pra Pim U-Tong, and the Pra Yord Tong
It is believed that it was Ruesi Ta Fai who made the Pra Ta Gradan amulet which he invited the Lord and Ruler of Ta Gradan City. Once they had made the amulets, they were buried in Gru hiding place chambers in various important sacred places around Kanjanaburi, Ta Gradan and Sri Sawat areas.
It is also called Pra Gaes Pid Ta Daeng (meaning ' with topknot and closed red eyes - as in 'Ngang Ta Daeng'), meaning 'red eyes', for the red rust on the leaden surface which gives a reddish glint to the amulets face. the topknot of the image, which is in meditation posture, is long and wound up in a high bundle, like that of a Lersi. The face is typically that of a Lersi. The Lersi would never cut their heair, which is why the image has a long bound topknot rising up from the head.The Ta Gradan amulet is one of the Ancient members of the Traipakee family of amulets, and a powerful wielder of Kong Grapan, Maha Amnaj, Maha Ud, and Klaew Klaad magic for invincibility and safety, evasion of dangers and obstacles.
A Yorn Yuk Nostalgia Piece of an Ancient Masterpiece of Historical Sacred Art, in addition to being a truly Powerful Authentic Amulet of Importance in its own right, for it has reached the respectable age of one Century. The 'Khai Khaw' white 'froth' and 'Sanim Daeng' red 'rust', are clearly visible to appear as 'Roi Raberd' (explosion marks). This is most visible when perusing the surface of the rear face of the amulet. However, they are not as deep and thickly coated as we see in the case of the first hiding place find, which reveals at least another couple of centuries of burial.
This is most probably a later edition made sometime during the last Century,Truly Aged 'Nuea Chin Dtakua' (silver-leaden alchemical alloy), does not have 'Kraap Gru' (residue) pasted onto the surface. Really Ancient 'Kraap Gru' (residue stains) of 'Pra Nuea Chin Dtakua (leaden amulets), appears through the process of the residues rising up from within the amulet, and breaking through the surface. The thicker the residue (Kraap Gru), the more likely the amulet is much older. Thin layers of Kraap Gru Khai Khaw (white froth residue) as opposed to thick layers, mean less aged. Areas of reddish rusty residue are visible called 'Sanim Daeng', meaning 'red rust'. This reddish stain is in some areas to be perceived as having a maroon/brownish tint to it.
The Pra Kru Ta Gradan is one of the red rust category of 'Pra Nuea Chin' (leaden amulets), and is through this classification and its Trai Pakee status, worthy of the title 'Pra Yord Niyom Nuea Chin Sanim Daeng' (Buddha Amulet of the Highest Preferred Class of the red rust leaden amulet category).
There are various categories of 'Pra Nuea Chin' (leaden amulets), including 'Khai Khaw' (white froth), 'Sanim daeng' (red rust) and 'Sanim Khiaw' (green rust). One of the recognition factors which elevate the Pra Ta Gradan Nuea Chin Dtakua Sanim Daeng from the first hiding place find at Wat Klang, is the fact that those amulets were placed into their burial place with gold leaf pasting, which then flaked into dust and mixed itself into the Khai Khaw froth of the Kraap residue which rose up through the interior of the amulets to form a covering over the amulets. In the finest and most highly prized models, this gold dust is visible within the white froth lending a brown sugar kind of look to the surface residue, with a golden brown yellowy color, interspersed by the snowy white fine powdery Khai Khaw residue.
This amulet is therefore a Classic Ancient Amulet, of Authenticity and High Esteem, with true Kong Grapan Chadtri Klaew Klaad Maha Ud Maha Amnaj Powers, but for reasons of it coming from a later Era than the first find at Wat Klang, is a much more affordable alternative to the Pra Kru Ta Gradan from the Wat Klang Find.
With amulets of this age and classification, it is mostly never known who made them, or exactly when the amulets were made by. But what we do know about Ancient Amulets of this kind, is that all amulets of those Eras were given the most Sacred and Highly Powerful Blessings and Empowerments, and were made from Truly Sacred Artifacts and Sorcerous Substances, in a time when Buddhist Amulets were not yet commercialised in any fashion, and where their only purpose of creation, was to serve humans and lessen sufferings, protect and increase happiness.
In those days, hundreds of Monks and Lersi would attend the empowerment of amulets, which were made in truly ancient and sacred methods. This amulet is an excellent amulet for those who seek a lower priced entry stage into collecting Great Classics, without breaking the bank to do so. If competing in competitions and prize winning is not your aim, rather, you seek a truly Sacred Amulet of decent age, for protection, then this amulet is a highly recommendable choice.
If what you seek is a competition grade model, then one wold have to enter into a much higher price entry level to begin competing, and this amulet would not be the recommendable choice. In short, this amulet is an Authentic Sacred Amulet Highly Worthy of Bucha, but not necessarily a Recommendable Showpiece to Hope to Brag with in National Competitions, which is the only reason why this amulet is still highly affordable. Leaden amulets are amongst the rarest amulets to find, and are mostly highly priced. This sacred Leaden Amulet is of a much Higher sacred Value than its price tag reveals, and is a most recomendable choice for those Devotees who seek an Ancient Sacred Amulet of High Buddhakhun power, for protection, increased status, and auspicious blessings.