Presenting a tiny but powerful and rare classic amulet from one of the Great Khao Or Masters of the 20th Century, Rian Glom Lek Hlang Chedi 2505 BE Nuea Tong Daeng Miniature Guru Monk Coin Por Tan Klai Wajasit
This Sacred amulet of the Great Khao Or Master of Nakorn Sri Tammarat, Master of Wat San Khan and Wat Pratat Noi, is a very rare amulet from Por Tan Klai’s 2505 BE Blessing Ceremony Edition, and is considered a ‘Jaek mae Krua’ type amulet (meaning ‘give to the kitchen maids and temple helpers’), which is suitable not only for men, but due to its miniature size, a perfect amulet for ladies or children to wear.

Rian Glom Lek 2505 BE Por Tan Klai Wajasit Wat Suan Khan
The 2505 BE edition of amulets of Por Tan Klai, is a highly preferred edition, which saw his famous ‘Rian Glom’ round Monk coin amulet with Chakra released, The Rian Glom Lek Hlang Chedi, and the Roop Tai Por Tan Klai Guru Monk Blesséd Photographamulets such as look om chan hmak and ya sen tobacco balls, and sacred powder amulets of various models.
A very rare and highly prized amulet for the devotees of Por Tan Klai to associate with his image and pray to him with a blessed image of the Guru, and the Chedi Relic Stupa on rear face for Buddhanussati and Marananussati. A powerful and Sacred amulet which has passed through the hands of the Guru and been blessed by him.
Por Tan Klai was one of the Top Guru Master Monks of the Last Century, and is considered one of the Four Great Masters of the Previous Generation of Lineage Masters of the Khao Or Southern Sorcery Lineage.
Kata Bucha Por Tan Klai
In Koo Wicha Lanna Nuea Pong Jum Rak Circa 2460 BE Kroo Ba Nanta, Wat Tung Man Dtai
One of the rarest ancient talismanic amulets of this Great Lanna Master, the In Koo in Nuea Pong Kluk Rak, Sacred Powders Mixed with Herbal Lacquer, empowered by Kroo Ba Nanta with the Wicha In Koo Lanna Thai Hilltribe Maha Sanaeh Magic, by Olden days Lanna Master Guru Monk Kroo Ba Nanta Nanto Bhikku, of Wat Tung Man Dtai, in Lampang. Kroo Ba Nanta was the Abbot and Root Guru Kroo Ba Ajarn of Kroo Ba Lerd, of Wat Tung Man Dtai.
The surface mildews on the amulet, and the aging characteristics of the ancient herbal lackquer and Muan Sarn Sacred Powders of the In Koo, reveal the true aspects of natural aging of a centenarian+ amulet that shouts out the word 'ancient'.
Kroo Ba Nanta was probably most well known for his Pra Rahu Amulets, which are so highly regarded, especially those made as Ban Neng forehead bones with Necromancy, as well as Paya Khao Kam, Palad Khik Nang Lorm, and In Koo, but these amulets are much rarer to find, if not next to impossible.
The In Koo (also known in South East Asia as ‘Yin Tong’), is a symbiotic Deity in the form of a Man and a Woman embracing each other. It is a magical animist effigy which ancient people believed represents the first ever pair of Man and Woman (male and female) in the History of the World, and is a symbol of Love between a man and woman., or even same-gender gays, and Magic is hermaphroditic in Nature.
It is believed that the holder of an In Koo Talisman is endowed with Maha Sanaeh power over the other sex, and that they will feel attracted to the wearer of the In Koo, and wish to approach and get to know you. If they approach then they will be helpless against the attraction power of the Palad In Koo. This is the Love Charm Magic of Maha Sanaeh (Charm and Attraction).
If the In Koo is kept in the House, then all the family and people in the household will love each other and be happy together. If it is worn as a love charm or carried on ones person, then it will cause everyone the wearer meets to feel friendly and compassionate towards them, and even make others fall in love with the wearer if Bucha is made to the In Koo, and this request is asked for in exchange for Bucha. Business will flourish, money and gifts will flow in, good fortune will come, and life without disturbances. The In Koo is a sacred Love and Metta Maha Sanaeh Talisman which has been used by ancient folk for thousands of years, and shows no sign of disappearing soon, for its popularity as a love charm is still as evident as it ever was.
Free Registered Express Fed-Ex/DHL/EMS shipping Worldwide is included with this amulet. The amulets of Kroo Ba Nanta are a very rare thing to come by, and his Maha Sanaeh and Karma Improving amulets, are highly revered by Business Owners, Traders, Gamblers, and those who are in High Administrative Positions, as well as those who seek to turn their fate around. Kroo Ba Nanta was one of the Greatest Lanna Masters in Living memory, before whose time, little is known of the names of the Masters who lived, so long ago was his Era.
Because of this, and his constant absence on forest Tudong wandering,, it is not known when Kroo Ba Nanta began making Amulets, nor how many he made, except that old people who lived during his time, say that he had made them as long as they could remember. Many different shapes and forms of Thai Lanna amulets can be found in the pantheon of KB Nanta in documentations, (but not so easily found for sale/rent), as well as many undocumented forms, which do not exists in books. But the trained eye can recognize his inscriptions, and the natural ageing process of the coconut shell, ivory, wood or sacred powders used to make the amulets he empowered.
The earliest actual evidence of his making amulets was found inscribed on a Kala Ta Diaw Rahu Image with the year 2456 BE, which is considered to be one of his earlier one eyed coconut shell carvings.However, it is evident that if such a quality powerful master-class amulet was found from that year from this Guru, then it can be assumed he was making and distributing Talismans long before this. Kroo Ba Nanta Nanto Bhikkhu was considered the older of the 2 Greatest Masters of the Wicha Pra Rahu, Wua Tanu In Koo, Ma Saep Nang, and other Thai Lanna Sorcery Wicha of that particular Era, along with Kroo Ba Noi of Wat Srisa Tong who became almost equally famed for Wicha Pra Rahu of Laoatian Hilltribe Lanna Tradition.
Kroo Ba Nanta was born in 2415 BE, and was indeed the older of these two Great Guru masters of Wicha, both of whom were famous for the Pra Rahu, In Koo, Takrut, Ban Neng, and also the Wua Tanu Sacred Arrow Bull animist charm. Many people believe that Kroo Ba Nanta was the Kroo Ba Ajarn of Luang Por Noi, because of the similarity in their Wicha Pra Rahu Kala Ta Diaw amulets, but this is in fact a myth. Each of these Masters had their own personal Trajectories and their amulets differ in style and empowerment methods.
It would be more accurate to not compare the two, and to see that Kroo Ba Nanta and Luang Por Noi are equally Meritorious in their Mastery, and were perhaps the greatest Adepts of Wicha Pra Rahu in living memory.
Kroo Ba Nanta was an Upachaya Monk (entitled to ordain people as monks, which is one of the highest statuses), and was responsible for having built many important Buddhist Edifices in Lampang, Chiang Rai, Payao, and surrounding provinces, including Uposatha Shrine Rooms for temples, Chedi Stupas (22 in all), Kuti Huts, and 26 Vihara Shrines.
It is said that during the times of great difficulty of the Monk Kroo ba Srivichai, as Kroo ba Srivichai was placed under house arrest, that Kroo Ba Nanta made a Pra Rahu Kala Ta Diaw Amulet to pray to for the release of Kroo Ba Srivichai, and that he was released shortly after this.
The In Koo Symbiotic Deva of Love, is carved in traditional style of the Northern Lanna Wicha, and has been treated with gold leaf, almost certainly appplied with the aid of Prai Oils to affix to the Sacred Mai Payung Wood.
The Magical Properties and attributes of the In Koo;
Maha Laluay – powerful charm and attraction magic causes those nearby to applaud, admire and feel friendliness towards the wearer of the In Ko Maha Sanaeh – powerful enchantment magic causes those who are targeted to fall helplessly in love with the wearer of the In Koo.
Kong Grapan – protective magic prevents ballistic weapons and sharp objects from piercing or penetrating the skin.
Gan Kun Sai – protects against black magic and evil spirits, defends against Hun Payont, magic spells and the like.
Metta Mahaniyom – Discussions, Debates and Business talks or Diplomacy matters will be discussed easily and you will be able to get your point across and be convincing.
The In Koo Plord Rak, is just one of a number of different Animist Deva Spirits found within the Pantheon of Amulets which are catalogued as 'In Koo'. The In Plord Rak is a ‘Krueang Rang’ (Occult charm/talisman), that the Ancient Masters used to symbolize the Power of Love, and that this amulet endows the wearer, with the power over the minds of those of the other Sex (or same Sex if that is the Inclination). For those who already have a Lover, but who seems to be a little distanced, and not too close, the In Koo Plord Rak, is said by many, to be the best kind of charm to improve and increase the persons love towards you, and increase intimacy.
Is the In Koo for Men Only?
The In Koo can be worn and used by both Men and Women. For Choke Lap wealth increase, place the In Koo inside a money bowl or savings box. Before you put or remove any money from the box, you must tap or knock on the side of the container with the same hand you shall be using to remove or place money in the box with.
Kata In Koo (Perm Sap/Increase Wealth)
Om Raachaa Taewaa Swaahome Om Taewee Maama Jidt-Dtang Arahang Swaahome a Rampeung Mo Kid Terng Put Norn Midtem Dtaa Taa Rong Hai Turon Turay Ya Hai Ma Haa Goo Putto Laluay Tammo Laluay Sangko Laluay Jid-ti Nimid-ti Aehi Jidtang Biyang Ma Ma
Chant the Kata 7 times, before putting your hand inside the container. It is said that if you do this regularly, that money will never cease to flow. Those who perform this well, will find time to sit and meditate, and chant the Kata whilst tapping on the container. About 5 minutes each time is enough.
Kata for the In Koo (From the Great Kroo Ba Nanta)
Om Laluay Maha Laluay Nguay Ngong Jong Jai Rak Goo Hmuean Dang Chang Rak Ngaa Hmuean Pla Rak Nam Hmuean Khaw Orn Hai Hmuean Fai Orn Maw – then say; “Ai + Name of person you wish to charm” (Ai for Man, or Ee for a woman) – Then continue with; Rak Goo Yaa La Om Sitti Swaaha Swaahome Na Ma Pa Ta
(Chant 3 to 9 times and then blow on the In Koo amulet)