The Legend of Pra Nang Paya Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Benjapakee Amulet
Pra Nang Paya, or ‘Pra Pim Nang Paya, is an amulet from the Ayuttaya Period, which was artistically influenced in its design factors by the Artisans of the Sukhothai Periodic Style. As to the composition of the design of the Pra Nang Paya amulet, it can be said that it contains the work of the Sukhothai Artisan as its heritage, and is a Mark of Preservation of the Eight Periodic Buddhist Art styles found in Thai Sacred Arts and Amulets.
The Pra Nang Paya amulet was first discovered within the Chedi Stupa at Wat Nang Paya in Pitsanuloke, in the year 2444 BE, as King Julalongkorn Rama 5 was visiting Pitsanuloke, to be present for the casting of the Chinarat Replica Buddha at Wat Pra Sri Radtana Sasadaram. The King was invited to come and receive a large number of them as gifts (the best selected), and his Majesty then distributed them to the Government Officials and other Courtiers and Devotees. The remaining amulets, he took back to Bangkok. Apart from the ‘Serm Duang’ Horoscope Improving effects of this Purely Buddhist Amulet, the amulet is Famous for its Metta Mahaniyom, Klaew Klaad, Kong Grapan Chadtri, and Maha Lap powers.
The Pra Nang Paya Benjapakee amulet has 7 different Pim in total.
Pra Nang Paya Pim Khao Koeng.

Pra Nang Paya Pitsanuloke Pim Khao Koeng Benjapakee Hiding Place Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Pim Khao Dtrong
(splits into two models; Khao Koeng Tammada, and Khao Koeng Mer Dtok Khaa).

Pra Nang Paya Pitsanuloke Pim Khao Dtrong Benjapakee Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Pim Ok Noon Yai

Pra Nang Paya Pim Ok Noon Yai Benjapakee Amulet – a Classic Pra Niyom Master Class Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Pim Ok Noon Lek.

Pra Nang Paya Pitsanuloke Pim Ok Noon Lek Benjapakee Amulet of Historical Fame and Legend
Pra Nang Paya Pim Sangkati.

Pra Nang Paya Pitsanuloke Pim Sangkati Benjapakee Amulet – a very rare model to encounter from the seven Pim discovered in the Pitsanuloke Find
Pra Nang Paya Pim Ok Faeb also called ‘Pim Taewada’.

Pra Nang Paya Pim Tewada – a Classic Benjapakee Pra Niyom Master Class Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Pim Pised
(includes various amulets which do not fit in the above categories, such as the Khao Buang, or the Pim Yai Pised).

Pra Nang Paya Pim Pised Rare Special Model
Takrut Hnaa Phaag Suea 4.5 Cm Tiger Forehead Hide with Spellbound Cord Luang Por Jong Wat Na Tang Nork
Dork Kroo Large size 4.5 Cm Long Master Class Version, of a most Sacred and Famously Powerful Tiger Forehead Skin Takrut Hnaa Bpaag Suea Maha Amnaj, from the Great Ayuttaya Master Monk of the World War II, and Indo-China War Era, Luang Por Jong of Wat Na Tang Nork. LP Jong, was a famous Gaeji Ajarn Guru Monk, highly revered for a vast pantheon of different amulets, but if there is one section of that Pantheon that stands out above others for its Kong Grapan Chadtri and Klaew Klaad Magic, it is his Takrut Amulets.
The forehead skin of the tiger, is seen to be the most powerful of all parts places to take the skin, and full of concentrated Kong Grapan Magic. It is believed to be much more powerful than body skin, and to have the best Anti Black Magick and Gunstopper Maha Ud Power. It is also preferred for its Maha Amnaj Commanding Dominion over others.
Luang Por Jong made a variety of different Takrut charms, ranging from Takrut Tone Dtakua (Leaden Yantra Foil), Tong Daeng (Copper Foil), Hnang Suea (Tiger Skin), and other combo-Takrut on waist cords or wrapped in cord with lacquer. There is a particular faction of collectors who specialise purely in the collection of Takrut of Luang Por Jong, and this is a category in itself, that is accepted for Competition in many Amulet Shows and Competitions.
His Takrut 'Hnaa Phaag Suea', are amongst the more difficult to find amulets, and are very jealously guarded by their owners. This is not strange, considering how so many tales of Miraculous Events arising from the amulets of Luang Por Jong during the Indo-China War have endowed his amulets with Immortal Fame, and the Unwavering Faith of the Devotees who worship them.
You can encase the amulet in waterproof, or stainless steel casing for free, or, Siolid Silver or Solid Gold if you prefer (at extra cost + 10 days waiting time for artisan).
Powerful Kong Grapan Chadtri Klaew Klaad Serm Yos Metta Mahaniyom and Maha Sanaeh Animist Occult Charm from one of the top Ten Master Monks of the Indo-China Wartime Era. Small and portable, this amulet is both Powerful, and of Historical Value and of Extremely High Status in the Amulet World.
One more classic and essential Rarity for the Devotee who needs true Protective Magick from the Olden days Masters, from a time before Buddhism became Commercial, and when special amulets like this, were still hand made one by one by the Masters
Luang Por Jong Puttasaro lived from 2415 BE to 2508 BE, and was one of the previous generation of attained Masters, of National and International Fame. Known for his Kong Grapan Chadtri Klaew Klaad protective amulets handed out to soldiers during the Indochina Wars, his Pla Tapian Maha Lap Kaa Khaay amulets are also renowned for their ability to instigate good commerce and prolific sales quotas with sales persons.
Luang Por Jong of Wat Na Tang Nork was one of the great Guru Masters of the Ayuttaya Province, in linewith the Great Luang Por Parn of Wat Bang Nom Kho, and is one of the Great Masters who assisted the Thai Military with powerful Kong Grapan Chadtri and Klaew Klaad amulets during the Indochina Wars.
Known for his Kong Grapan Chadtri Klaew Klaad protective amulets which were handed out to protect Thai soldiers during the Indochina Wars, his aring Amulets, Pra Somdej and other Sacred Powder Votive Tablets, and Powerful Takrut are famous as they are rare to find, and his Pla Tapian Maha Pokasap Lap Kaa Khaay Gold-Silver Fish amulets, are also renowned worldwide, for their ability to instigate good commerce and prolific sales quotas with sales persons.
Luang Por Jong was a Highly Attained Master in both Worldly Deeds of Goodness and Self Renunciation, as well as in the Dhamma Path. His Great Fame and Honorable Status has survived more than half a century, and who is remembered as one of the Greatest Masters of His Time, and as one of the Greatest Masters of the Ayuttaya Lineage.