The Legend of Pra Nang Paya Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Benjapakee Amulet
Pra Nang Paya, or ‘Pra Pim Nang Paya, is an amulet from the Ayuttaya Period, which was artistically influenced in its design factors by the Artisans of the Sukhothai Periodic Style. As to the composition of the design of the Pra Nang Paya amulet, it can be said that it contains the work of the Sukhothai Artisan as its heritage, and is a Mark of Preservation of the Eight Periodic Buddhist Art styles found in Thai Sacred Arts and Amulets.
The Pra Nang Paya amulet was first discovered within the Chedi Stupa at Wat Nang Paya in Pitsanuloke, in the year 2444 BE, as King Julalongkorn Rama 5 was visiting Pitsanuloke, to be present for the casting of the Chinarat Replica Buddha at Wat Pra Sri Radtana Sasadaram. The King was invited to come and receive a large number of them as gifts (the best selected), and his Majesty then distributed them to the Government Officials and other Courtiers and Devotees. The remaining amulets, he took back to Bangkok. Apart from the ‘Serm Duang’ Horoscope Improving effects of this Purely Buddhist Amulet, the amulet is Famous for its Metta Mahaniyom, Klaew Klaad, Kong Grapan Chadtri, and Maha Lap powers.
The Pra Nang Paya Benjapakee amulet has 7 different Pim in total.
Pra Nang Paya Pim Khao Koeng.

Pra Nang Paya Pitsanuloke Pim Khao Koeng Benjapakee Hiding Place Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Pim Khao Dtrong
(splits into two models; Khao Koeng Tammada, and Khao Koeng Mer Dtok Khaa).

Pra Nang Paya Pitsanuloke Pim Khao Dtrong Benjapakee Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Pim Ok Noon Yai

Pra Nang Paya Pim Ok Noon Yai Benjapakee Amulet – a Classic Pra Niyom Master Class Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Pim Ok Noon Lek.

Pra Nang Paya Pitsanuloke Pim Ok Noon Lek Benjapakee Amulet of Historical Fame and Legend
Pra Nang Paya Pim Sangkati.

Pra Nang Paya Pitsanuloke Pim Sangkati Benjapakee Amulet – a very rare model to encounter from the seven Pim discovered in the Pitsanuloke Find
Pra Nang Paya Pim Ok Faeb also called ‘Pim Taewada’.

Pra Nang Paya Pim Tewada – a Classic Benjapakee Pra Niyom Master Class Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Pim Pised
(includes various amulets which do not fit in the above categories, such as the Khao Buang, or the Pim Yai Pised).

Pra Nang Paya Pim Pised Rare Special Model
Rian Mangorn Koo Nuea Tong Daeng Rom Man Pu Code Ma 2543 BE Luang Phu Hmun Wat Ban Jan
The Master Class classic guru monk coin, Rian Mangorn Koo; double Dragons Guru Monk amulet, in Nuea Tong Daeng Rom Man Pu, Dtok Code Ma, Wat Pha Nong Lom release 'Run Sao Ha Maha Sethee', 5th Lunar Saturday Blessing Ceremony Edition Guru Monk Coin, released in 2543 BE, to raise funds for the Kuti Songk Monks Huts and improve the facilities at the temple of Wat Pha Nong Lom.
Free Express Shipping Worldwide is Included with this amulet. Blessed with 3 months of solo empowerment by Luang Phu Hmun and then reblessed in 5 seperate Buddha Abhiseka Ceremonies in the 'Sao Ha Maha Sethee' Edition (5th Lunar Saturday Blessing Millionaire Edition). 1st ceremony at Wat Pha Nong Lom, 2nd ceremony at Wat Sutat, 3rd Ceremony at Wat Pha Nong Lom, 4th Ceremony performed at Wat ban Jan by Luang Phu Hmun in solo, 5th Ceremony was made at Wat Pha Nong Lom.
The Rian Mangorn Koo. This model is Pim Code Ma Wat Pha Nong Lom (Niyom preferred) and differs from the majority of Rian Mangorn Koo Edition coins, because of the code MA stamp.
Most coins of the Nava Loha series made for Wat Pha Nong Lom have only a single code Ma Stamp (on the Sangkati chest sash of the robe of Luang Phu), and a few Pim Pised special models received double code stamps, in Nava Loha which are extremely rare and very highly priced.The Tong Daeng Model has the Code Ma on our right to the side of Luang Phu's shoulder.
The Rian Mangorn Koo of Luang Phu Hmun is, as are all of his amulets, known for the power of Jaroen Lap Wealth Increasement, and Lucky Fortunes, as well as for their Miraculous Protective Powers. Those born in the year of the dragon love to Bucha this amulet especially, for the obvious reason of the double dragon guardians. The amulet was blessed in the Run Prajao Ha Pra Ongk edition and given 5 Blessing Ceremonies.
The Rian Mangorn Koo was released in the following versions;
1. Nuea Tong Kam (solid gold) 19 coins made, with code next to Luang Phu's shoulder and no 'huang' pendant ring
2. Nuea Ngern (solid silver) 500 coins made with code stamp on the Sangkati sash of Luang Phu.
3. Nuea Tong Daeng (copper) 10,000 coins made with Code stamp next to Luang Phu's shoulder.
4. Nuea Nava Loha (unknown numbers made), with code stamp on the Sangkati sash of Luang Phu, and a very few Gammagarn versions were also made with double code stamp (one on the Sangkati one next to Luang Phu's shoulder).
Luang Phu Hmun blessed these, and the other amulets of this series, in solo during the Traimas 3 Month Rainy retreat of 2542 BE, and then blessed them again in 5 Major Putta Pisek (Buddha Abhiseka) Ceremonies.
Above; Code MA is also found hidden within the center of the Dhamma Chakra Dharma Wheel
Luang Phu Hmun is one of the Great Popular Monks of the late 20th Century and has attained a status that is equal to that of other Masters who have been long since deceased since olden days. Rare is it that a modern era monk becomes as respected and worshiped as the olden days masters, in times where there were many more truly pure and enlightened monks as this day and age.
Below; A thin line of extra metal raised up like a ridge flows from the mouth of the dragon towards the image of Luang Phu, one of the points of recognition for authenticity
The Rian magorn Koo is very popular for indeed its design is incredibly beautiful, with the double dragon guardians framing the edges of the coin, protecting and listening to the Dhamma of Luang Phu Hmun, who is featured in 'Kreung Ongk' Semi-Torso Cameo, with the 8 spoked Dhamma Chakra Wheel of Dhamma above his head, which points to the Buddha's first sermon of the turning of the Dhamma Wheel, and to the 8 Fold Path itself, which is the Path to Enlightenment which the Buddha taught.
Below; The sharp and highly defined tips of the tail flares of the dragons are a mark of authenticity, and one of the reference points of authentication for experts to peruse
Below; the Rian Mangorn Koo Code Ma Wat Pha Nong Lom Nuea Tong Daeng (right side page), and Nuea Nava (left page) versions in Ecyclopaedic Pantheon Publication
Below; Encyclopaedic Pantheon Book of the amulets of Luang Phu Hmun (Book 2) explaining how most Nava Loha versions were made with a code MA on the Sangkati Robe of Luang Phu's chest, whereas a very few 'Pim Pised' special models for Gammagarn distribution were made with double code MA stamps in the Wat Pha Nong Lom edition, making this exhibit an extreme rarity and top class Pra Niyom Rian Kanajarn Monk Coin amulet of the highest desirability factor to any serious collector or devotee whose budget allows ownership of such a rare model.
The Rian Mangorn Koo was made in various sacred metals including solid gold (48 coins made), solid silver (500 made), Nava Loha (Unknown Numbers made - very few), and sacred copper (10,000 amulets made ). Apart from these, a very small number of sacred leaden versions were made in very small numbers (exact number unknown)
Luang Phu Hmun was a Maha Thaera Guru Monk of great age and who received Great reverence and Respect from the people of Tambon Jan for his Diligence and Purity in practicing the Vinaya as a Buddhist Monk.
His predictions and instructions for ceremonial empowerment of amulets after his physical death, have been followed to the letter since his passing, for he gave special instructions to inform as to when and how he would return with his spiritual presence to empower amulets posthumously. His Miracle Powers are Legendary, with so many stories of Miraculous events related to this Monk, who has seen the Reign of Five Kings in his Lifetime
Luang Phu Hmun's amulets are now very hard to come across.His amulets are becoming very rare, and prices have risen constantly since his passing, snapped up by the inner circle of devotees and collectors, who know about the attainments of this Monk, and that there are severe reasons to believe that he may have been an Arahant. His amulets are eminent members in the annals of the Classics.
Kam Ārātanā Buchā Luang Phu Hmun Tidtasīlō
Namō Dtassa Pakawadtō Arahadtō Sammā Samputtassa Namō Dtassa Pakawadtō Arahadtō Sammā Samputtassa Namō Dtassa Pakawadtō Arahadtō Sammā Samputtassa
Luang Phu Hmun Tidtasīlō Ma A U Luang Phu Hmun Tidtasīlō U A Ma
Kata Bucha Luang Phu Hmun
Dtua Gū Lūk Pra Putta Ongk Krū Sit Tudong Ong Āj Mai Bpramāt Krū Pob Roi Gom Dū Jer Krū Grāb Hwai
The Kata is available as a download MP4 after purchase from the files section of your account
The word 'Hmun' means to turn and increase (revolve). Luang Phu Hmun always foretold that those who Bucha his amulets, would turn their luck and fortunes around, and increase their Business Success. He also foretold that those who Bucha his amulets will be protected from 'Dtaay Hoeng (premature deadly accidents), and that the Devas will Protect the wearer of his amulets.
Bucha to Luang Phu Hmun should be performed on a Thursday, and should include offerings of; 16 Incense stick, 2 candles (lit), white flowers, or one puang malai garland. Hmak Plū Betel-Areca Nut with chewing paste (5 or 16 portions), a glass of sweet drink such as fizzy drinks, one roasted catfish, some rice or sticky rice, or fermented rice, or even steamed rice pudding.