The Legend of Pra Nang Paya Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Benjapakee Amulet
Pra Nang Paya, or ‘Pra Pim Nang Paya, is an amulet from the Ayuttaya Period, which was artistically influenced in its design factors by the Artisans of the Sukhothai Periodic Style. As to the composition of the design of the Pra Nang Paya amulet, it can be said that it contains the work of the Sukhothai Artisan as its heritage, and is a Mark of Preservation of the Eight Periodic Buddhist Art styles found in Thai Sacred Arts and Amulets.
The Pra Nang Paya amulet was first discovered within the Chedi Stupa at Wat Nang Paya in Pitsanuloke, in the year 2444 BE, as King Julalongkorn Rama 5 was visiting Pitsanuloke, to be present for the casting of the Chinarat Replica Buddha at Wat Pra Sri Radtana Sasadaram. The King was invited to come and receive a large number of them as gifts (the best selected), and his Majesty then distributed them to the Government Officials and other Courtiers and Devotees. The remaining amulets, he took back to Bangkok. Apart from the ‘Serm Duang’ Horoscope Improving effects of this Purely Buddhist Amulet, the amulet is Famous for its Metta Mahaniyom, Klaew Klaad, Kong Grapan Chadtri, and Maha Lap powers.
The Pra Nang Paya Benjapakee amulet has 7 different Pim in total.
Pra Nang Paya Pim Khao Koeng.

Pra Nang Paya Pitsanuloke Pim Khao Koeng Benjapakee Hiding Place Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Pim Khao Dtrong
(splits into two models; Khao Koeng Tammada, and Khao Koeng Mer Dtok Khaa).

Pra Nang Paya Pitsanuloke Pim Khao Dtrong Benjapakee Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Pim Ok Noon Yai

Pra Nang Paya Pim Ok Noon Yai Benjapakee Amulet – a Classic Pra Niyom Master Class Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Pim Ok Noon Lek.

Pra Nang Paya Pitsanuloke Pim Ok Noon Lek Benjapakee Amulet of Historical Fame and Legend
Pra Nang Paya Pim Sangkati.

Pra Nang Paya Pitsanuloke Pim Sangkati Benjapakee Amulet – a very rare model to encounter from the seven Pim discovered in the Pitsanuloke Find
Pra Nang Paya Pim Ok Faeb also called ‘Pim Taewada’.

Pra Nang Paya Pim Tewada – a Classic Benjapakee Pra Niyom Master Class Amulet
Pra Nang Paya Pim Pised
(includes various amulets which do not fit in the above categories, such as the Khao Buang, or the Pim Yai Pised).

Pra Nang Paya Pim Pised Rare Special Model
Khun Phaen Prai Kumarn Jiw 2514 BE Nuea Wan Dork Tong Sai Rae Tong Kam Luang Phu Gaew Gesaro & Luang Por Tim Wat Laharn Rai
A all time classic power amulet of small size but gigantic fame, the Miniature Pra Khun Phaen amulet, made in Nuea Wan Dork Tong Golden Forest Flower Herb powders with pure Pong Prai Kumarn of Luang Phu Tim, with Sai Rae Tong Kam Gold Powders applied with Nam Man Prajao Thaksin.
Blessed by Luang Phu Tim's close accomplice Luang Phu Gaew Gesaro, and also additionally blessed by the Great Luang Phu Tim Issarigo himself. The amulets were only privately distributed, between the close Looksit, and the Sian (Amulet Appreciation Society Members), and are very rare to find amulets, of the highest esteem.
The amulet was for a long time a completely unknown to the general public, but has been a closely guarded prized possession of the inner circles of collectors of amulets of Luang Phu Tim, and the devotees of Luang Phu Gaew Gesaro. This amulet is an absolute essential rarity that only few can have the pleasure to possess, for they are immensely difficult to find under any circumstance. Miniature in size, packed with truly powerful magic of two great Masters.
Some circles call this amulet a Pra Khun Phaen Jiw Luang Phu Tim, and others call it Pra Khun Phaen Jiw Luang Phu Gaew. In truth, the amulet has passed through blessings by both Masters.
This Pra Khun Phaen can be considered a perfect alternative to the Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn of Luang Phu Tim Wat Laharn Rai.
The Khun Phaen Jiw were made with Luang Phu Tim's powders, and the empowerment of Luang Phu Tim for his close accomplice Luang Phu Gaew, who has been recognised for miraculous powers, and who was empowered to make the Pra Khun Phaen with the same formula as Luang Phu Tim. Luang Phu Gaew Gesaro.
Luang Phu Gaew Gesaro was a Great Master Monk and close accomplice of Luang Phu Tim Issarigo of Wat Laharn Rai , and highly famed for the miracle of multiple recorded photos from different photographers of light energy coming out of his nose, as he empowered his famous Pra Kring Gao Gaew amulets.
The miraculous photos which were taken during the famous blessing ceremony of the Pra Kring Gao Gaew, were taken during Luang Phu's traditional performance of the evocation of the 4 Elements.
Luang Phu Gaew was accomplished in Sunyatta Citta (the realisation of emptiness) which is the highest realization that empowers the Miraculous Control over the 4 elements. Indeed, all things in this Universe, including all the elements in the table of elements. The three states of Matter; Solid (earth), Liquid (Water), Vaporous (Air) and the temperature which inhabits those three states (Fire), It is Temperature, which changes the vibratory energy of the three states of matter, to cause solids to melt into liquids, and liquids to melt into vapors.
And so, even those states of matter are not stable, and are impermanent. Beyond that, lies the fact that all things are truly empty of any permanent inherent quality that is unchangeable. Luang Phu Gaew had received true insight into this higher truth, and the realisation of this truth, empowered him to turn the elements and their energies within material objects.
This allowed him to empower amulets in a very special way, by casing the powerful quantum energies within their subatomic structure to vibrate and emanate powers which lie beyond the perception of normal humans. The features of this Miniature Pra Khun Phaen amulet when scrutinized can be seen to possess identical properties with the Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn Wat Laharn Rai of Luang Phu Tim's own official editions.
Luang Phu Gaew is said to be the only monk who was repeatedly lauded by Luang Phu Tim for his attainment of the Mastery of the Elements. Luang Phu Gaew was given the honor of performing Sak Yant and also to empower the amulets of Luang Phu Tim in his stead. But this is not such a well known fact to the public, because Luang Phu Gaew did not boast about it, nor did he do it in public sight, rather, hid Himself away to perform these duties for Luang Phu Tim.
Below : Luang Phu Gaew
The Wicha of Luang Phu Gaew included Metta Maha Niyom, Klaew Klaad and Kong Grapan Chadtri , and the ability to evade and escape Police. The powers of the Pra Khun Phaen Pong Prai Kumarn of Luang Phu Tim, are the most highly reputed of all Pra Khun Phaen amulets in living memory.
Towards the end of his life, Luang Phu Gaew moved from Wat Laharn Rai to stay at Wat Nong Pawa, and it was here where Luang Phu Gaew first took the stage as the main protagonist, with the creaiton of his Pra Kring Gao Gaew (Nine Crystals Medicine Buddha). This was his first official edition, after having been responsible for secretly assiting in empowering the amulets of Luang Phu Tim for so many years without revealing the fact.